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How can I assign a grade for non-formal P.E.?

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My ds does a lot of cycling including several races per year. I want to be able to give him a grade for his transcript but I don't know how. Some weeks, he doesn't ride at all but most weeks he gets in several miles of riding for fun or he may have a race. We don't have any sort of requirement for him and it wouldn't be realistic to try to set requirements for each week because our family just isn't always able to ride of the weather isn't always cooperative. I can document what he does and print out copies of all his race results, but that doesn't help me come up with some kind of grade. Surely some of you creative types out there have got some ideas. I've racked my brain! Thanks.

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We treat PE (and art, music) as Pass or Fail and it is not calculated into the GPA.







And if you CAN'T put it on the transcript as pass/fail for some reason, then just set up a very general description of what was done for the credit, and if you've got enough hours and they were done with a relatively cooperative attitude -- sounds like an "A" to me!


(Ex: "Completed ____ hours of individual cycling; competed in ____ races; participated in a ______-mile group tour to earn an A for _____ credit(s) of PE.)

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And if you CAN'T put it on the transcript as pass/fail for some reason, then just set up a very general description of what was done for the credit, and if you've got enough hours and they were done with a relatively cooperative attitude -- sounds like an "A" to me!


(Ex: "Completed ____ hours of individual cycling; competed in ____ races; participated in a ______-mile group tour to earn an A for _____ credit(s) of PE.)


:iagree: That's what we do.

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FWIW, we track hours and do it by Carnegie credits. Ds has fencing twice weekly; we track those hours. He does a tournament when he feels like it; I print out the results for the portfolio. He'll easily earn half a Carnegie credit over the school year.


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If my kid is doing sports without grumbling and doing enough hours, he/she gets an A. I also included CPR and First Aid so that they have to pass too. When I recently went into the high school to sign my daughter up for the PSAT, there were two girls in the guidance office hanging around since they had a class there called office aide. If people are getting a credit for that, doing actual sports and fitness certainly counts as PE. I know my kids did more athletics than I ever did in my two years of formal PE in high school. We mainly stood around waiting.

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