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How long do 11yo girls normally sleep?

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My dd will be 12 in July. She used to only need 10 hours, but now she sleeps 12 to 13 hours a night! This has been going on for months. Is this a hormone thing (she hasn't started menstruating yet)? Or a growing thing (she does seem to grow about an inch a night)? How long will it last, through her teen years (I've heard teenagers sleep a lot)?

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And she never used to need that much either. Growing bodies, changing hormones, etc. Dd11 goes down about 9, is usually asleep by 9:30 (after reading) and if left to wake up on her own will usually get up by 8:00 - 8:30. BUT, her younger siblings (who are all early risers and quite LOUD in the am) usually succeed in waking the poor sleeping beauty long before "her time" (around 7:30). Her mornings are NEVER the same if she doesn't get enough sleep. We're talking tantrums, meltdowns of silly things, brain not functioning, attitude problems. You name it. It is on those days I calmly tell her to go back to bed...pronto!

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If I were you I'd make sure I had some supplies around the house. When they sleep and grow like that at this age, you are most likely going to need girlie supplies pretty soon!


How long it will last is a whole 'nuther question. One of my 13 yo only added a tiny amount of extra sleep. The other one has been sleeping for long stretches for about 4 mths now. My 15 yo has been wanting to sleep for up to 16 hours a day for, ummm, about 3 years. It is not constant and definantly in a cyclical pattern. I'm actually considering taking her to the doctor to see about the pill just to help control her hormones, sleepiness, and cramps. Hers is really awful. I really don't want to, but this is pretty extreme!

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My 11 yo ds, who didn't even sleep as an infant. Mr "stay up til midnight, up by 7 a.m. no matter what" has started sleeping. He is now the first to sleep, and is starting to sleep later in the mornings, it is really, really, creepy! :001_huh:


The start of puberty I suppose. I won't complain though, at least the boy is sleeping!

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My 11yodd is my early bird. She usually goes to bed around 9:30 or 10 and has been getting up around 4:00 to work on a little school work. She usually works on school work for an hour or two and then goes back to sleep for about an hour. So, right now she is getting about 7-8 hours of sleep, and she seems to have a lot of energy. She does get a lot of exercise (20 hours a week in gymnastics) and fresh air and has been very faithful in taking her vitamins lately. She goes through periods of needing more sleep or having less energy, but that's usually when she's coming down with something, not taking her vitamins and eating right, feeling stressed, or going through a growth spurt.


My 15yodd seemed to need more sleep at that age and still does. She is not quite as active as her sister and does not take care to eat properly or take her vitamins as she should. We've noticed a difference in 13yods since he began working out and watching his diet more during the wrestling season, too. He has much more energy and needs less sleep when he is exercising and taking care of his nutritional needs.


Pre-teens and teens may need more sleep, but I think exercise and nutrition are also very important keys, especially at this age. Also, I believe some pre-teen and teen girls tend to be slightly anemic and this can affect their energy levels. I know it was true for me from about 11 to 25. That was also the period that I had a lot of problems with low blood sugar. I did NOT take good care of myself and my diet was cr@p.

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