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How teacher friendly is CLE math?


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Math is not my strong suit. I can admit that. My oldest is in 3rd grade and we're using Singapore Math (almost done with 2a). He's getting on with it ok. I just don't feel like it's very teacher friendly for someone who is weak in math. I've been eyeing up CLE Math and was wondering how it compares in this specific deptment?


Thanks for any insight!

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We've done 3 Light Units from Level 300 and are now in Math 402. It is extremely user friendly. Have you checked out their online samples? If you switch to CLE, be sure to give the placement test so you know where to begin. It's not unusual for a student to start "below" their current grade level.

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We started in Singapore 2A when I pulled my dd mid-3rd grade. She flew through most of 2A but started to struggle with 2B. I wasn't "getting it" and neither was she. I wanted her to be mathy so bad and thought Singapore would turn her into a math whiz, but it didn't and that's fine. So I dropped it for CLE 300. She just started 4th grade and so far all of 301 is review, as was expected, and hopefully a lot of the 300 LU's will be too. I'm fine with that. While speeding though we are diligently doing the flash cards and timed drills which I never seemed to get to with Singapore. I am hoping to get into 400 before the year is out, but if all we wind up doing is staying in 300 but getting really strong in math facts...well then GREAT!


And my dd said "Mom, I like this math a lot better!" *said with a sigh of relief* :D


So far I am sold on CLE. (We even picked up the LA too!):tongue_smilie:

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Yes, this program really requires very little from the teacher. It is all written to the student and very self-explanatory. I spend maybe 10 minutes, but often less, doing the drill at the beginning with my daughter and making sure she understands the new concepts. Then, she is able to complete the rest of the lesson indpendently. I have been very happy with CLE for my daughter.



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Thanks for the responses. My oldest ds is doing well with Singapore, I'm just afraid that once we get "higher up" that I will have a difficult time teaching him math. I'm of the mind, "if it ain't broke..." but this is a toughy for me.


I have my oldest in CLE grade 4. I love it! I did buy the teacher's manual just in case, but really have had no need for it. If dd gets stuck, I go over the topic with her. Usually the explanation in the book is good enough.


Now, my ds is in Singapore 2A. So far we are doing fine, but if we get into a problem, he will be switched to CLE.


I wouldn't consider myself "mathy". I just get math. However, I cannot seem to explain it to others very well. CLE is perfect for me in that aspect.

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