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I Do NOT Believe This!!

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Ok. I'm on Workers Comp. My case manager is a complete Hag. I would use stronger words, but this is a message board. She is so bad that my union rep has 7 or 8 cases other than mine open dealing with her.


I got a letter today. She's demanding that my pain specialist prove that I'm worthy of paying the narcotic Rxs for.


I have RSD. On the McGill Pain Scale, that rates as more painful than amputation of a digit. I spent the first six months resisting narcotic treatment for fear of addiction, etc.


She's now wanting to quit paying for it, have him fill out forms proving I deserve the meds, and that I'm not addicted. And she wants this done by Oct 13.


I CAN'T GET AN APPOINTMENT UNTIL NOV 3RD. :banghead::banghead::cursing::cursing:


I swear she pulls this crap on purpose. Before, she cut off ALL medication coverage while my file was under medical review (something simply NOT allowed). She's told me TWICE (on the phone of course, not in writing) that I either didn't have RSD according to my specialist (he then wrote her a letter explaining the difference btwn 'left arm' and 'right arm') or I was 'in remission'. A letter showing up a day later from her stated I was in 'chronic stage RSD'.


And as my stress levels rise, so do my pain levels. Peachy.

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This is so lame, but I am SO sorry. I say we fix her up with the Industrial Hygienist who was here last night --


I know how frustrating (not a strong enough word) this is --


Praying for you -- :grouphug: - gentle hug (we have to be careful with my dd29 when we hug, too) -- honestly, my heart hurts for you -- this goes on so much!

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Thanks for the hug. Heaven knows I need it :grouphug:


I say we get whatever contractors come out to fix your house to seal her up in a chimney somewhere. :glare: Not yours of course! :lol:


The letter states the forms are to be filled out by both of us in an appointment. This isn't something my specialist could just do...if that were the case, I wouldn't be freaking.


Kills me. The letter repeatedly states 'any narcotics over 12 weeks'. I've been Rx'd narcs for a flipping YEAR. More than. And now, conveniently when she's had her butt kicked by my union, her boss, and her boss' boss, NOW this form comes into play?


I don't freaking think so, Tim.

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So sorry you're having to deal with such a bitter, witchy woman.


But now I show my ignorance: what is RSD?


You are SO not showing ignorance -- but rather a desire to be informed!:001_smile:


Reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD), also called complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), is a chronic, painful, and progressive neurological condition that affects the skin, muscles, joints, and bones. The syndrome usually develops in an injured limb, such as a broken leg, or following surgery. However, many cases of RSD involve only a minor injury, such as a sprain. And in some cases, no precipitating event can be identified.

RSD/CRPS is characterized by various degrees of burning pain, excessive sweating, swelling, and sensitivity to touch. Pain may begin in one area or limb and then spread to other limbs. In some cases, symptoms of RSD/CRPS diminish for a period of time and then reappear with a new injury.



Two types of RSD/CRPS have been defined:


  • Type 1—without nerve injury

  • Type 2 (formerly called causalgia)—with nerve injury


Both types of RSD/CRPS share the same signs and symptoms.

Incidence and Prevalence

Millions of people in the United States may suffer from RSD/CRPS. This chronic pain syndrome affects both men and women, and also occurs in children. It can occur at any age, but usually affects people between the ages of 40 and 60 years.

The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Strokes (NINDS) reports that 2–5% of peripheral nerve injury patients and 12–21% of patients with paralysis on one side of the body (hemiplegia) develop reflex sympathetic dystrophy as a complication. The Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome Association of America (RSDSA) reports that the condition develops after 1–2% of bone fractures.


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Big hugs. Wish I could do more but I used to work for services and I know how horrible some of those workers can be. I used to be amazed at how heartless and lazy too many were. It isn't right. My only advice is that the squeaky wheel gets the grease. Don't be afraid to pester and get all your questions or issues addressed and go up the ladder if need be. :(

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Isn't there any way your doctor can work you in before Nov? that also seems unreasonable.


Do they have a nurse or physician's assistant or someone who can do the actual consult and then have the doctor sign off on the paperwork?


It seems like they could do something!

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Danestress, my specialist is the best in the province, and has people referred in from all over it. He's literally crammed to the gills.


He did call me back, unfortunately, I was at my GPs at the time...and of COURSE it wasn't my GP, but a fill in. I thought he was back from holidays.


And of COURSE the new guy has the pressing need to yank my arm around until I literally yell. I understand the need to examine, but it was over the line imo. He kept pushing until I yelled. Jerkface.

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