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Anyone hear from Heather?

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Yes, all is well ...at least for me. We felt some tremors, buildings swayed a little when they happened and the weather has been really weird but we are very lucky. We have been praying all day for the families in Indonesia (and Vietnam with all the flooding). Many of our students have family and friends in these areas that are hardest hit so it has been an emotionally difficult week. But physically we are fine. Thank you for asking! :grouphug:

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As a side note, how is Kyle doing with school? What was the final decision on accommodations? How is that working out?


Well, for now they are doing certain things for Kyle like allowing him to use a computer to type his work rather than having to write it out (dysgraphia makes this so hard for him), his teacher (reluctantly) is cutting his homework load down, they are letting Kyle "doodle" in class since he feels the urge to move most of the time (they had taken away his doodle pad twice before but now they are letting him), he can chew gum in class which helps him concentrate, and if he gets really overloaded sensory-wise he can take a break, go outside for a short, quiet walk, go to the library for a while to recharge, etc.


I appreciate the concessions they are making for him. And I think, in a small way, they are opening their eyes a little more to kids with special needs.

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Well, for now they are doing certain things for Kyle like allowing him to use a computer to type his work rather than having to write it out (dysgraphia makes this so hard for him), his teacher (reluctantly) is cutting his homework load down, they are letting Kyle "doodle" in class since he feels the urge to move most of the time (they had taken away his doodle pad twice before but now they are letting him), he can chew gum in class which helps him concentrate, and if he gets really overloaded sensory-wise he can take a break, go outside for a short, quiet walk, go to the library for a while to recharge, etc.


I appreciate the concessions they are making for him. And I think, in a small way, they are opening their eyes a little more to kids with special needs.


I'm glad to hear it. Their willingness to work with you on this just increases your options.

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