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I despise having PMDD

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I despise the sore throat. I despise the migraine. I despise the irritability. I despise the depression/anxiety. I despise the weight gain. I despise the cravings. I despise the fact that even though I am on a birth control pill that is specially formulated to lessen PMDD, I still experience all of these symptoms.


That is all. I'll be back to my regularly scheduled self by Monday. Thank you :001_smile:

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ROFL! Wine and vodka are both bad for me, anyway. I get nasty headaches from all kinds of wine, and let's not get into the effects of vodka! They're even worse! I may have bribed (read: threatened) DH into purchasing me chocolate this evening.


MamaBear, thanks for the info. I'll take a peek into it. I'm not averse to supplements (I'm on several already), but I'm not giving up by BCP. If I go without that, I actually go clinically insane. It gets really ugly.


Did I mention the insomnia that goes along with it as well?


Night, all :)

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ROFL! Wine and vodka are both bad for me, anyway. I get nasty headaches from all kinds of wine, and let's not get into the effects of vodka! They're even worse! I may have bribed (read: threatened) DH into purchasing me chocolate this evening.


MamaBear, thanks for the info. I'll take a peek into it. I'm not averse to supplements (I'm on several already), but I'm not giving up by BCP. If I go without that, I actually go clinically insane. It gets really ugly.


Did I mention the insomnia that goes along with it as well?


Night, all :)


:grouphug: I would not consider my symptoms severe enough to be considered PMDD, but they stink nonetheless. I hope you seek out the help you need. Sometimes we (ahem, me) refuse to seek help because of what others would think. Seriously, if it is so bad that it is truly affecting your life, seek help!

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I have too much experience with PMDD - (binging on carbs, weight gain, 4 hours of wanting to die every month - even to the point of planning my exit and my kids being the only thing on earth to keep me from acting - then being all better 3 days later.) I found that natural progesterone cream, vitex and calcium/magnesium supplements very helpful in regulating this. Now I am down to just PMS - still craving carbs (down to 2 bowls of cereal rather than a whole bag of chips in one sitting) and weight gain, and a little more irritable that time. The anguish is gone. I don't have much experience with BCP - used them in my 20's to regulate my cycle, but I didn't like who I was on them.

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Snort. I wouldn't necessarily suggest pain meds and vodka, but, ya know, um, whatever gets ya through? ;)


I would never take away a woman's bcp if she's happy with them, especially not for PMDD. I had a space of time wherein I would have gladly taken *anything* somebody could have earnestly argued would have any kind of impact for me. This probably would have included the above combo. Since then I've read a bit about neurotransmitters and the way things ebb and flow (pardon the very bad pun), and there's a good reason bcp play a big role where they do. For a lot of people, supplementing gives that effect a boost. Hope you find something to make it better than it is. (Though by now, everything's probably hunky-dory, right? :D )



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I have found the perfect solution to PMDD. The pill. With no breaks. Therefore, no PMDD. I do break 2X year. And I arrange it so that there is NOTHING going on that week. It. Is. Fabulous. They have come al long way with the pill in the past 20 years. And it is fabulous. I feel human ALL the time, don't lose 1-2 wks month, and have to try to re-boot my life just for it to stall again.... I love my OBGYN.

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My dd had severe PMDD. I am talking about very bad mood swings, completely muddleheaded, panic attacks, insomnia, and bad migraines. SHe has been on Lexapro 20mg. in the two weeks prior and there has been a remarkable change. Yes, she still has some anxiety and a bit of insomnia and migraines. However, she is human again at this time and while she still is not as clear thinking as in the latter half, she is much much better. Her insomnia is reduced from maybe two hours of sleep to at least 6.


We didn't try bc pills since she is migraneous and I had basilar artery migraines develop with bc pills years ago.

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