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Bread Bakers: Loaf Pans

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I mainly make free form loaves on a hot stone. I'd like to start making whole wheat loaves from fresh ground wheat. I need to get new pans - my old ones seem to have disappeared. At any rate I haven't used them in so long I don't know where they are.


Is there any benefit to buying pans that are better quality than what Wal Mart will have?

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I use stoneware loaf pans from pampered chef, and I do think I get a higher loaf and nicer crust. You can sometimes find them for cheap on eBay.



That sounds really good! I've never used those but i'll bet they're great! :)


I don't use metal pans for bread because I can always taste a metal in the bread no matter how good the quality of the pan. I always use pyrex glass loaf pans for baking breads, but I'm sure those stoneware loaf ones are even better since they're probably more porous. :)

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I don't use metal pans for bread because I can always taste a metal in the bread no matter how good the quality of the pan.

Not knowing all the different shapes of bread you make, I was going to suggest a perforated french bread pan. But it's made of metal. :glare: I like mine, though. I don't know what brand it is. I bought it for $20.

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I've made lots of loaves using fresh ground whole wheat. The ones I finally got nice and big but not heavy were using this recipe




all the way down, look for the yellow box. Her video is very helpful and youll see she also uses the small pans.

I don't use the vit crystals but sub that and the other ingredient in that section for dough enhancer. Tough to find but makes a light soft loaf. I also use water in a pan in the oven for steam. Those are my best tips, enjoy!


I use the smaller metal pans at Bed Bath and Beyond. There are two sizes of loaf pans. Though the bigger ones seem good, it's hard to make a not so dense loaf using that whole wheat flour. Just my two cents but I wish I'd been told not to buy the bigger pans when I was just getting started.

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I use stoneware loaf pans from pampered chef, and I do think I get a higher loaf and nicer crust. You can sometimes find them for cheap on eBay.




Also they're not hard to clean provided you oil them each time. I don't flour them, just oil.


One thing to watch for is the stone loaf pans are bigger than my metal pans were. I had to adjust the rise time and really watch the bread. Most recipes will say "let proof until it's 1/2 inch- 1 inch above the pan." The recipe I originally used never rose above the pan. However, I have a new recipe I like better and it ALWAYS turns out perfect. It's easy peasy so I thought I'd share:


Brown Bread


3 1/2 tsp dry yeast (I use 1 1/2 packet for 1 loaf)

1 3/4 cups warm water

1 tsp molasses

3 1/2 cups whole wheat flour

2 tsp salt


Grease loaf pan and warm in a preheated oven 250 degrees for 10 min

Sprinkle yeast into 2/3 cup of the water in a bowl.

Leave for 5 min; stir to dissolve.

Add molasses. leave for 10 min until frothy.

Add remaining water and stir.

Mix flour and salt in large bowl.

make well in the center and pour in dissolved yeast.

Stir in flour to form a thick batter.

I use my mixer to mix until it's a soft, sticky dough but you can knead in the bowl with your hands if you'd like.

Place dough in the prepared pan and cover with a dish towel.

Proof until dough is 1/2 in above the top of the pan about 25-30 min.

Bake in preheated oven at 425 degrees for 30 min.

lower the oven to 400 degrees and bake for 15 min.


I like this recipe because you only have to do 1 total rise. I have to make bread for my soy-allergic daughter and I needed a quick and easy recipe.




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