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The Jim Weiss Fan Club

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We are listening to our first Jim Weiss, SOTW 1. I will say that we thought his voice very strange at first. This surprised me since I had heard so much about him. He is starting to grow on us, but we still laugh aloud when he does a woman's voice. It sounds like something my son would do to mock his sisters!


So, no, not a big fan ... yet. What am I missing?

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BIG BIG fans here. We've seen him "live" probably a dozen times....and after a few times he actually recognizes us! He's such a wonderful person and an excellent storyteller.


Way back when Susan was just considering doing audio CDs and the old board was giving suggestions for narrators, we nominated Jim. Alas, they went with Barbara Caruso for the first two volumes. She was good, we bought both volumes with her, but when Jim came out with Vol 3 and 4, we gobbled those up, and eventually purchased Jim's Vol 1 and 2. I figure I'll eventually have grandkids to do SOTW with, so it's an investment, lol. (Hey, that reminds me, I should sell the Caruso ones, lol).


His website is http://www.greathall.com But you can also find his CDs in most libraries (maybe not the whole collections, but hopefully a couple to try out). Our library has about 20 or 25 of them, and we keep requesting more!

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At the Cincinnati conference in April, I asked him to autograph my boys' new CD. I thought they would get a kick out of it. In the middle of the busy convention atmosphere, he sat down and wrote my sons a short note! My boys have it in a treasured place on their bulletin board.


He's a very nice man in person.:)




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You need to get some of the collections he has created himself to really understand the brilliance of the man. It isn't just a voice that makes a story teller, it is the gift of bringing a story to life. He can capture you in his story telling spell with even old standards like Cinderella. SOTW was not written by him, and there is only so much you can do when reading it aloud to bring it to life.


Favorites here include the Greek myths, Egyptian myths, the science collection that includes the stories of Gallileo, the animal stories, Sherlock Holmes, Shakespeare...well the list goes on. My boys went to sleep for many years listening to his bedtime vignettes and still want to hear them when they are ill. "Get comfortable, we're going someplace wonderful..." Jim Weiss originally recorded them for his dd when she was away at college!

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You need to get some of the collections he has created himself to really understand the brilliance of the man. It isn't just a voice that makes a story teller, it is the gift of bringing a story to life. He can capture you in his story telling spell with even old standards like Cinderella. SOTW was not written by him, and there is only so much you can do when reading it aloud to bring it to life.


Favorites here include the Greek myths, Egyptian myths, the science collection that includes the stories of Gallileo, the animal stories, Sherlock Holmes, Shakespeare...well the list goes on. My boys went to sleep for many years listening to his bedtime vignettes and still want to hear them when they are ill. "Get comfortable, we're going someplace wonderful..." Jim Weiss originally recorded them for his dd when she was away at college!


Yes, it is much more than his voice....but that voice does a LOT towards drawing you into the story and making you listen closely and even hold your breath waiting for his next sentence. And while he did not write SOTW, his reading brought it to life much more so than Barbara Caruso's did (though she is a fine narrator and we enjoy her reading other audiobooks). We'd already finished our second round for SOTW 1 and 2 when Jim's version was released.....I knew I wanted to own it for future use (grandkids, lol)....and one day the kids found it sitting on the shelf, unopened and asked to listen to it on a long long drive we were taking not long after......and even though they'd heard and studied about these time periods twice already, they were capitvated by HIS telling of it. Same words, same story...but it was the voice and the craft of storytelling that was so well done that we could listen to a story for the third time and still be interested....even adults.

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Oh how do I love thee, let me count the ways....


Anybody with me? :tongue_smilie:


Definitely. We're still listening to tapes that I bought about seven years ago. I actually have a big collection of his cds that I'm probably not getting enough use our of because of where I have them stored. I need to pull them out remind the kids we have them.


I also have a few works by Odds Bodkin. His story telling style is very different. More wildcat storyteller than bard like. But we really like his Paul Bunyan and Odysseus.

Edited by Sebastian (a lady)
spelling error
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We are listening to our first Jim Weiss, SOTW 1. I will say that we thought his voice very strange at first. This surprised me since I had heard so much about him. He is starting to grow on us, but we still laugh aloud when he does a woman's voice. It sounds like something my son would do to mock his sisters!


I felt that way about him at first, too, when listening to SOTW 1. But, his voice has grown on me, and I would say that I'm a fan.

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