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I am not allowed at my own yard sale:)

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I priced the stuff yesterday and put it out this morning. Now I must stay inside. I am a creampuff when it comes to selling. I want to give everything away for nothing. Dh and kids are running the sale. We have tons of nice stuff. But I just want to say "Here, just take it." Anyone else a horrible yard sale seller or am I the only wimp?

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am I the only wimp?


That's a wimp?

My goal is not to put it back into the garage


The buyers are the wimps here ;) I'd have given it away just to keep in from going back into the garage





Edited by Moni
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We made about $300 today. We will continue tomorrow and then put everything else in the van and take it to Goodwill. I have 3 kids-the oldest is 12. I had NEVER gotten rid of any of their Halloween costumes. So we had about 2 dozen of them to sell. I was surprised that I only kept one. I kept the baby costume from ds10. That was the Halloween before we knew that he had any medical problems. He was just my happy baby then:crying:

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We made about $300 today. We will continue tomorrow and then put everything else in the van and take it to Goodwill. I have 3 kids-the oldest is 12. I had NEVER gotten rid of any of their Halloween costumes. So we had about 2 dozen of them to sell. I was surprised that I only kept one. I kept the baby costume from ds10. That was the Halloween before we knew that he had any medical problems. He was just my happy baby then:crying:




See, your family did you well. I am like you. I just want to give the stuff away. I am a terrible salesperson. That's why we never have yard sales at our house.

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