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NaNoWriMo 2009 social group

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I am pleased to announce that the Nanowrimo 2009 social group is now in place. Thanks for the reminder to dust off the desks, clean out last years notes, and redecorate with 2009 decor. You can find the group here.


If you are not sure what NaNoWriMo is all about you can read the official information at their site. http://www.nanowrimo.org/eng/node


Basically you create a 50k word novel during the month of November. The goal is not to finish the next Great Book, but to challenge yourself by committing to finish the word count. It's great fun. I've participated in Nano in 2007 & 2008 and other challenges spun off from Nano.


The social group is open to anyone interested. It is not a commitment to complete the Nano so don't feel pressured.


NaNoWriMo also has a Young Writer's Program designed for students. It's a great way for your budding novelist to compete as well.


I look forward to having a great time again this year. Here's to writing! :cheers2:

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I've thought this sounded fun, but I have been so overwhelmed already in the past that it just seemed like one more dang thing! This year I'm feeling a bit more in control of my life (which, from past experience, means the other shoe is just about to fall) and have been considering giving this a try--not to actually try to publish anything, but to chip some of the rust of my writing skilzzzz and have a little fun. Only I don't know where to start and I don't know that I have time to dig in and research the process. Is this social group the sort of thing where someone will hold my hand and crack the whip for me a little and tell me what it is I'm supposed to be working on next? How would I get started? What kind of preliminary work do I do before November smacks me upside the head? Do I need an outline or something before then? How does one go about this sort of thing?

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I've thought this sounded fun, but I have been so overwhelmed already in the past that it just seemed like one more dang thing! This year I'm feeling a bit more in control of my life (which, from past experience, means the other shoe is just about to fall) and have been considering giving this a try--not to actually try to publish anything, but to chip some of the rust of my writing skilzzzz and have a little fun. Only I don't know where to start and I don't know that I have time to dig in and research the process. Is this social group the sort of thing where someone will hold my hand and crack the whip for me a little and tell me what it is I'm supposed to be working on next? How would I get started? What kind of preliminary work do I do before November smacks me upside the head? Do I need an outline or something before then? How does one go about this sort of thing?


It is really fun, even when you don't finish. I've done it three years, and finally "won" last year. Even when I didn't get much written, I had at least written something. You don't technically need to do any preliminary work before November. I know some people start without having any idea, and just write. I do better with at least an idea of my plot, and a (very) rough outline, and even some rough character sketches.


Oh, the book No Plot, No Problem is helpful and a quick read.

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I've thought this sounded fun, but I have been so overwhelmed already in the past that it just seemed like one more dang thing! This year I'm feeling a bit more in control of my life (which, from past experience, means the other shoe is just about to fall) and have been considering giving this a try--not to actually try to publish anything, but to chip some of the rust of my writing skilzzzz and have a little fun. Only I don't know where to start and I don't know that I have time to dig in and research the process. Is this social group the sort of thing where someone will hold my hand and crack the whip for me a little and tell me what it is I'm supposed to be working on next? How would I get started? What kind of preliminary work do I do before November smacks me upside the head? Do I need an outline or something before then? How does one go about this sort of thing?


It is really fun, even when you don't finish. I've done it three years, and finally "won" last year. Even when I didn't get much written, I had at least written something. You don't technically need to do any preliminary work before November. I know some people start without having any idea, and just write. I do better with at least an idea of my plot, and a (very) rough outline, and even some rough character sketches.


Oh, the book No Plot, No Problem is helpful and a quick read.


:iagree: I truly had no clue if I could write 50k in one month when I started. I have very vivid dreams and use those to build plot and character. :D It really is fun and even if you don't achieve 50k you learn a lot about yourself and your writing. I'd encourage you to poke around at the nanowrimo.org site. the social is all in fun, we're not uber competitive. If you need encouragement or a kick we'll provide.


The one thing that helped me was getting my family behind me. They agreed to let me "disappear" for certain hours during the month. They were my biggest cheerleaders.

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Thanks, EL!


Since last year's challenge I've read Chris Baty's book, No Plot, No Problem, a terrific guide to speed-novel-writing. It was entertaining and will be helpful for this coming year. It was in my local library's collection. recommend it for hopeful NaNoWriMo novelists.


I don't know where I am going to find the time, but I will strive to carve it out.


Now I just need to come up with a fresh idea!

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Oh, Mamasheep, don't be a chicken. (I crack myself up sometimes!)


I started last year's NaNo feeling overwhelmed and without a character or plot in mind. Literally on Nov. 1, I started typing. When I hit a wall or a block, I wrote in a new character, caused an accident, or made my characters travel somewhere. It was the MOST FUN I've had writing ever in my life. My 50,000 words were accomplished in 25 days because I needed time off for Thanksgiving and family stuff. You do NOT edit, you do NOT erase, you wrie FORWARD. If you change your mind about something just begin writing that way. Someday you'll go back and fix it all. That's FREEING.


Whatever you write is way more than you would have written otherwise. Go to the website and register so you get the weekly pep talk emails. They are awesome.


I have read a copy of "No Plot, No Problem" and loved it. I read it week by week to keep myself pumped up. In the book they recommend that you only spend a little time prepping. The key is to write.


Several things I learned about my writing last year...


I can write every day.

I can write a lot of words (Some days 2-4 thousand words)

I can write in lots of different places...Starbucks, the backseat of a car, a corner of the church building, etc.

I can start and finish a book length story.



It's a blast! Please join us, if you can. We promise to make it fun!

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When I hit a wall or a block, I wrote in a new character, caused an accident, or made my characters travel somewhere. It was the MOST FUN I've had writing ever in my life.






Here, here!


The first (and only) time I did Nano I wrote an entire novel, which ended up being the worst drivel EVER. My characters were AWFUL, and the only one I halfway like I killed off in the middle of the book. HAHA!! But it WAS freeing and it taught me that I can, in fact, complete a project. (Have since written 5 "real" novels.)


And you're right, it's just fun!!!

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