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Let's play "Shortest Engagement!"

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DH & I met in the airport in Chicago on Jan. 3.


Got engaged March 6.


Got married August 8.


All in 1992 -- & still married!


Plus, he got sent to the Persian Gulf from March 'til July that year. So we were only together about 3 months. :lol:

Wow! I think you beat me. We met in late August. Engaged around Nov. 1st married the following June in '94. Still married.
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Went out on our first date on July 31st, broke up right before Christmas and got back together in the middle of February. He asked me to marry him on a Wednesday night, and we got married at his parent's house by a pastor on the following Friday, which was on May 28th. So we were officially engaged for two days, although it had been a given that we would get married almost since the beginning. We have now been married for ten years.

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Met in July, married in Dec. I would not reccommend moving that quickly to anyone though. There were many years of hard times, really hard times, b/c we were not prepared to be married. It's worked out in the long run and we're happily married now, but it was touch and go for a while. We'll celebrate our 16th anniversary this Dec.

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Dh and I MET for the FIRST TIME:


Feb 11, 1982


Decided between the two of us to get married (unofficial engagement):


Feb 28, 1982


Formally announced our engagement: (and our parent's had fits about it being 'so soon')


April 11, 1982


Got married: (would have been sooner if we had our way, but my mom wanted everyone to know I was NOT preggers at my wedding, lol)


Oct. 16, 1982


Still married. It will be 27 years next month. When you know; you know. :001_smile:

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I think I lose in terms of time shortness between engagement & marriage or meeting and marriage, but not in terms of meeting & knowing I would spend the rest of my life and beyond with this person.


DH & I met in high school he was 17 & I was 16. I wasn't allowed to date until I was 16 and he was my first official date. Neither of us ever dated anyone else after that. We went together to homecoming, my jr prom & his sr prom. After he graduated & moved away for school we did the long distance thing and went to all of my senior stuff. (those are some hillarious pictures) It isn't that we didn't have other opportunities to date other people. We even told each other the year we were apart that if one of us wanted to date someone else they could, but neither of us ever looked at another person as dating material. I decided to go to college where he was, so off I went and we were married at 19 & 20. We graduated from college 3 years later and had our first baby the year after that. We kinda grew up together. We have grown and changed together. 19 years and 4 children later and I am more in love than I ever thought possible when I was 16. Of course my 15 1/2 yo dd is completely squicked-out that I was only a little older than she is right now when I met Daddy. It also means that I get extra eye rolls when I tell her that the boy she has a crush on now is not the man she is going to marry.


Amber in SJ

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I met my husband when he was on leave - so we had about 3 weeks of together time.


Three months later, I flew overseas to visit him for a week. I got back to the States on Saturday, excited to know that he'd be returning Stateside in abut six more months. On Monday he showed up on my doorstep, totally surprising me. Tuesday we applied for our license. Wednesday we went to the wedding chapel, but it was closed for "an emergency" - should have been our first sign LOL. Thursday we eloped. We had known each other for about four months, but only 4 weeks of that was in-person. Our pseudo-engagement lasted less than a workweek.

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Another thing that is common here is that many of us knew right away that this was the person we were going to marry. I never really wanted to get married, but after our first date, I called both of my best friends and said, "I'm pretty sure I'm going to marry him." Dh told me on our first date that he knew something was going to happen between us on the first day he met me at work- 5 years previously! I told him he could have saved me a lot of trouble if he had just brought that up sooner!:tongue_smilie:


When I first saw DH, I had this overwhelming feeling of peace and felt something like, "There you are!" DH felt the same way (he told me later!)

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Well, technically, we got engaged two days before our wedding.


Reality....he never proposed to me....we kinda just moved from dating to knowing that we would be marrying. Not sure where/when it happened, but I can't recall either of us saying "hey let's get married", we just kinda decided that since someone important to both of us was coming to visit that we'd go ahead and get married while they were here. Then when they arrived and we told them we wanted them to be witness at our wedding in two days they said "I didn't even realize you guys were engaged"...and I teased that I'd never been proposed to, and of course, he dropped down on one knee and did it right there.


So....dating for about a year, engaged for 2 days. Married now coming up on 14 years.

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We didn't have a formal engagement either, and not exactly a short one after ready some of these stories. :) We met on Halloween, and by Christmas I knew he was the one. We spoke out loud of getting married the next Halloween and were married that New Year's Day. So we had known each other a little over a year and still married after 16 years.

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We met in September. We started dating the next May. 10 days later he proposed. 5 days later we made it official with a ring and got married 12 weeks later on August 15, and we just celebrated 12 years together! The engagement was a good length, although I never thought I'd get engaged after dating for only 10 days, but when it's right, it's right, and why wait?!

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I don't qualify for a short engagement. But, my DH and I dated long distance from the time we met until we were married. (3 years) This was before e-mails and cell phones.


My parents met, were engaged and married all within 8 weeks! In fact, the first time my dad took my mom home to meet his parents, he started to introduce her and realized that he didn't know her last name. They have been married for over 50 years now.

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My sister said on morning while me and my boyfriend were visiting, "Why don't you two get married? Today!"

My husband/boyfriend says from behind his newspaper. "Okay, whatever."

That was about 11:30 A.M.


Thanks to my sister's resourcefulness, Baker's Jewelers in the mall in Rapid City (who were able to size two wedding rings while we waited) and the helpful folks in Deadwood SD, we were married at about 7pm that night. A woman saying she was a deputy magistrate opened the courthouse in Deadwood for us and in the lobby said a few words and BOOM! we were hitched!


So, the length of my engagment from when my sister proposed to me for my husband and he said "Okay, whatever?" to the actual "I do."


About 6.5 hours.



Over 16 years ago.

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I'd be terrified!!!


But his parents seemed fine & mine were dead, so there wasn't much opposition. I think that if my mom (and dad) were alive & told me to slow down, I would have listened. We probably would have extended our engagement if anyone important would have spoke up. I think. :lol:


Dh & I agreed that we'd slow ours down, too. His parents told us later that they thought the pastor would tell us to slow down. The pastor thought our parents would. My mom thought the whole thing was great. :lol:


Anyway, dh & I had known ea other a couple of yrs in church, but had never dated ea other at all. He proposed the Wed before Valentine's Day, & we were married June 12. From the posts I've read, we don't win the prize for shortest engagement. Maybe if we included the lack of dating beforehand? But we'd known ea other long enough that...well, I don't know what.


I can't imagine marrying someone I'd only *known* a few mos, lol, but...I still have a hard time believing that I'm married at all. It still (mostly) seems too good to be true. :lol:

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