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Has your child had swine flu? If so, what age and what was their experience?

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If you don't mind sharing.


My youngest son was FINE this morning. On the way to a field trip, he sneezed really big (read: snot everywhere). My thougt was, "where did THAT come from?" Weird, but okay. We went on about our day and about an hour or so later, I felt his head and he felt warm to me. I bought a thermometer and took his temp and it was 98.6 - which is fine, but he runs 97.6 or so most of the time, so that was a touch warm for him. Now he is running 99.1 - 99.5 and the nasal congestion has gotten progressively worse through the day. Of course, my first thought is swine flu and I am sitting here waiting on it to get worse. My older son was with his dad this week and he is actually NOT sick. He has a strong immune system (which actually worries me a bit, but I gave him a good dose of tumeric and will continue to do so over the next days). Little fella has the average kid immune system. He is not sick often, but does get sick 1-2 times a year and ALWAYS runs a fever - even with a cold.


He seems to feel fine, other than the stuffy nose and the fever has not been terribly high yet. I am just afraid for what the night may hold. :(


To make it worse, we were with friends when he started getting sick and we were an hour from home! He sneezed (actual mucous) ON the little girl! I kind of want to hide in a hole right now! I am one of THOOOOSE mothers! :(

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I don't have any idea if one of mine had it. She had a fever and sore throat. That is it and she didn't have strep. No one else here got anything and the NP didn't think she had it for two reasons- she didn't seem very sick and had no stomach issues 2) at that time, there was no H1N1 going around our area. She thought she had a viral pharyngitis and so do I. But I don't really know. She did have a fever for about three days.

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9 year old, 7 1/2 year old and 6 1/2 year old all dx'd with swine flu. (and us grownups too)


Not a big deal really. Seems like it was a normal flu. Not to minimize the flu-- the FLU isn't FUN!!! But the media really made it seem soooo bad, and deadly.


We did alot of speciatly vitamins proven to combat the flu, which I think really really helped. I could personally tell a difference within an hour of taking them. And if I missed a dose, I could FEEL it!


Note that the middle son has cystic fibrosis (lung disease) and is prone to pneumonias. Thanks to alot of prayers and careful with his meds, he did not develop any secondary infections or pneumonias. WOOHOO!!!

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9 year old, 7 1/2 year old and 6 1/2 year old all dx'd with swine flu. (and us grownups too)


Not a big deal really. Seems like it was a normal flu. Not to minimize the flu-- the FLU isn't FUN!!! But the media really made it seem soooo bad, and deadly.


We did alot of speciatly vitamins proven to combat the flu, which I think really really helped. I could personally tell a difference within an hour of taking them. And if I missed a dose, I could FEEL it!


Note that the middle son has cystic fibrosis (lung disease) and is prone to pneumonias. Thanks to alot of prayers and careful with his meds, he did not develop any secondary infections or pneumonias. WOOHOO!!!



May I ask what vitamins you were taking and giving to the kids? My son's are about the same age as your kids, so I am definitely curious to know.

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Yes, 8yos was the first to get it, then 14yod, 5yod, 4yod and myself.

8yo had it worse than the rest of us, but he ended up with Strep Throat also.

It started as a cough and runny/stuffy nose for The Littles, on a weekend. Then Wednesday Night 8yos was feeling bad. He had a headache, his temp was 98.9, but he really didn't feel well. The school says not to send them if their temp is higher than 100.4, so I checked the next morning and his temp was 98.9, then right before time for the bus it was 99.9. I decided to keep him and 5yod home from school- good thing because later his temp was 102 and 5yo's temp was 98.9. They pretty much watched movies and played games and slept Thursday and Friday (mild fevers, not above 102 and usually lower than that even without fever reducer, aches, tired, cough, stuffy/runny nose, sneezing). They were feeling better Friday morning (not as achey or tired, but still tired a bit, temp was staying around 100.9, still congested and coughing and sneezing with runny noses) but I made an appt. because they needed a Dr.'s note for school. They only had one appt available so I took ds because he had it worse than the others. They did the rapid flu test which came out positive. But he felt good and was improving. Dr. said to just watch them all to make sure they didnt' get any worse, and if they did get worse bring them back immediately to prevent any complications, etc.


Saturday afternoon ds was suddenly much worse- he was just sitting on the couch under a blanket, his temp was 103 when I checked, he had a mild rash on his chest/shoulders/upper back, and he was miserable. He had pneumonia last year (which presented the same way- sudden higher fever than previous illness, rash on upper body, very tired, fell asleep suddenly in the floor), and I was worried that he was going to have it again (because of all the chest congestion) so I took him to the ER. They did a Strep test which came back positive, and considered giving him an I.V. but he drank a whole bottle of water while we were waiting for some paperwork so they said as long as he keeps drinking and doesn't start vomitting or having diarrhea then he'd be fine. They gave him antibiotics for the Strep. 8yo and 5yo went back to school Tuesday, ds felt much better Monday after one full day of antibiotics and he had no fever. dd had no fever after Saturday.

We're all still a bit congested and have coughs, but we feel much better now.

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4 and 6 year olds. Fever, nasal congestion, vomiting and diarrhea, overall feeling pretty miserable for a few days. Fever lasted for about two weeks. Complete loss of appetite for 2-3 weeks, which was probably the biggest problem, as they lost a bit of weight. They stayed hydrated, though, which is more important. They tried to eat, but just couldn't. Their fever finally ended about two weeks ago, and they slowly gained their appetite back, and now they are eating a ton, to make up for it. :tongue_smilie:

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I'll tell ya, but keep in mind I AM NOT A DOCTOR!


However, I did contact a licensed physician for doseage for kids and to make sure they could combine with current meds the kids were on. (and these were safe to combine)


Lomatium drops -- zero flu deaths with this, do a google search on it. (hint-- put it in gatorade, soda, or other flavored food/drink. It tastes BAD!)

Curcumin -- protects lungs, helps iwth pain and inflamation

Quercitin -- helps with absorbtion of the curcumin AND has antihistamine (non-drowsy too!)

Elderberry Extract --(we ran out of this after the first day, OOPS) -- believed to be better than tamiflu

Umoka-- lessens flu symptoms (we ran out of ths on the first day too!)


Mucinex -- take as directed on bottle (not a vitamin, but we did use it)

Advil/motrin/tylenol == take as ordered by doc for fever/pain.


Vitamin D (the flu tends to hit people harder that are low on Vitamin D)


LOTS and LOTS of fluids!


and little to NO CARBS! According to the two doctors I spoke with, the flu is worse on people who eat alot of carbs. They explained it, but I am not good at explaining it... So while they're sick, minimize the carbs! (we ate eggs, soups,etc...)



We did NOT do the tamiflu-- two reasons-- 1-- side effects are bad, and 2-- the pediatrician says this verious does not respond well to tamiflu. oh and 3-- IT"S EXPENSIVE! LOL



I bought mine online at luckyvitamin, but my dad bought his at the local vitamin shop. (online is cheaper if you have the time to wait for it to arrive)


It's ALOT to take each day, but we had NO nasty side effects and we were only sick 4-6 days (depending on the kid). I felt good enough while sick to still be able to fetch drinks, feed everyone, medicate everyone, take temps, and even do the dishes once in a while.

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My youngest dd is a freshman at a private Christian University in the Northwest about 9 hours away from us. She went to college at the end of August. The university had a 2 night retreat in the mountains planned for the freshman class the weekend of Labor Day. It was a 3 hour drive in buses. The retreat center housed them in large dorm like rooms with about 50 girls per room...Lots of close counter with germs. On Sunday she came down with a sore throat and by Monday when she got back on campus she was running a temp of 102. It lasted until Wednesday when the fever broke and she was able to go back to class on Thursday. Now she has the remains of a cough. 40 of 150 girls were sick in her dorm and about the same in the freshman boys dorm. She didn't go to the doctor but was instructed to stay in her room and her RA made sure that she had meals. Our dd told us that most of the kids who were sick weren't being tested for swine flu because the blood test is very expensive.


Yesterday we talked to our friend who is a doctor and he said that she could have very well had swine flu because often people get a mild case rather than what we hear on the news.


I have been concerned about her because she is on thyroid replacement and along with that she has Vitamin D deficiency which she is taking a very expensive suppliment. I read somewhere that people with vitamin D have a greater chance of getting NIH1. Plus, I think homeschooling for so many years kept my kids from picking up all the flu and colds that went around so when they did go to high school they picked up everything.


So, whether she has had it or not, I am not sure but I suspect she has.

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My whole family had it last week, my 21 year old daughter, my 11 year old son, my 8 year old daughter, my 6 year old son and my 4 year old son.


As soon as I saw signs of it, first was sore throat and runny nose, I immediatley stopped all dairy in their diets, gave them tons of clear liquids and reved up on the fruits and veggies in their diets.


The flu really did not impact them badly at all, I know it was the flu because my oldest daughter age 21 had it this past summer at camp and was really sick with it, but barely got anything this go round (just a mild cough and runny nose) because she had built immunities to it from having it over the summer months at camp. Her camp had huge amount of campers and couselors who were diagnosed with the swine flu.


My little ones were sick for only 3 days tops, all had some sore throat, some worse then others. All had congestion, cough, some nausua and mild fevers. All had runny nose, clear and thin. I read alot of Dr. William Sears over the years and I knew from reading his books that when nasal discharge gets thick or ropey and turns green or yellowish, that infection is brewing. So as per his suggestions I keep the discharge thin and clear by taking them off all dairy products, keeping them well hydrated, giving them flax seed oil (something we take daily anyway) and most of all, taking them into a steamy bathroom for 20 minutes at a time every two hours round the clock as needed to unclog their noses and keep that nasal discharge clear and thin. I have been using the steamy bathroom trick since I had newborns and babies that when sick, didn't want to nurse because they couldn't breathe well and nurse at same time. So I spent hours with my babies going into a steamy bathroom every two hours to nurse them while they were sick and our nursing sessions were never impacted or had any problems. They also got well much faster and quicker with the steamy bathroom trick.


Keeping the nasal discharge clear and thin keeps infection from brewing and cuts down on the flu side effects like respiratory problems (bronchitis and puemonia) and ear infections. So steamy showers are my biggest defense to getting them over sickness fast. That and lots of water, fresh fruits and veggies.


Don't fret this flu, it was really one of the more milder flu's I've been through with my six children that I have been raising over the last 25 years. The media hype is incredible, but the actual flu is really not even a blip on my "momma radar" for worry.


Remember, keep the nasal discharge clear and thin, use the steamy bathroom trick, remove all dairy from diet (dairy adds to congestion), rev up the fluids (especially water, tons of water). Let the kids drink from a straw if they don't like water, whenever I give my little one's a straw, I can get them to drink anything. There is something about a straw that makes anything otherwise boring become really fun to drink. Get some Dole fresh fruit frozen popsicles for them to eat, keeps them hydrated and helps ease the sore throats. Give orange juice for added vitamin C, feed them lots of fresh veggies and fruits. If it is warm in your area, get them outside in the fresh air and sunshine as much as you can for vitamin D. Let them sleep as much as they want, we took a break from homeschooling during this time and I let everyone sleep to their hearts content. Sleep aids in healing the body quicker. The whole sickness was gone and out of the house within 5 to 7 days from our entire family. My little ones had it for maybe only 3 days at most, after that they were back to their usual rambunctious selves again and back to schooling.


And remember, this too shall pass.

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Secular mom...might I just say that that seems horrific. :( I am so glad you are all on the mend now. If you don't mind my asking...what was YOUR experience? Were you sicker than normal or not really?


Thank you. I was just so exhausted, and was worried that I was going to get pneumonia again too (that was one of my main symptoms of pneumonia- exhaustion). I had a cough, chest congestion, stuffy nose. I spent two days in bed (I was SO glad that DH had Monday off) watching movies, sleeping a LOT, and reading. Monday night I had more energy, but then I had body aches Monday night and Tuesday Night. It took me the rest of the week to be back to full capacity energy wise. I still have a cough at night, and some chest congestion- but I NEVER had a fever. I stayed hot the whole time, never got chills and constantly monitored my temp. It never even reached 99, and most of the time it was 97.9-98.7. My normal waking temp is 97.2, and normal daytime temp is around 98.2. I'm just glad it's over, and I hope we are now immune to it for a while at least.

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Ok, I will try to remember and recount this in the appropriate order. I am consulting my calendar because I wrote it all down.


The first week of Sept. the 12 yr. old developed a cough. She was out of school on Thursday, Sept. 3rd but felt better and went to school the next day. She seemed ok over the weekend but was too sick for school again by Tuesday, Sept. 8th. She missed the 8th and 9th and was back to school on the 10th. She still has a cough but otherwise seems fine. I believe she had an upset stomach and headache as well but never got a fever.


The 10 yr. old came home from school early on the 8th. She didn't have a fever and she just felt bad. I was going to keep her home on Wed., the 9th but she snuck off to school anyhow (see seperate and somewhat amusing post for details). She was sick enough to stay home on the 10th but nothing horrible. She woke up crying the morning of the 11th and got progressively worse from there. By the end of the day she had a high fever, chills, very bad headache, stomach ache and was crying that she was going to die! She was the same on Saturday and spent all day laying around. Sunday she felt better and she went to school today and it currently doing cheers in my bedroom right now.


16 yr. old came to me on Friday and said, "Mom, I have strep and need to go to the clinic." This child has never been wrong and she was going to go visit the grandbaby the next day so into the clinic we went and sure enough she had strep. A couple of doses of anti-biotic and she feels better.


I had some flu symptoms and still have a sore throat but I seriously doubt it is the flu as it is pretty mild. So of all of the people who were sick, only one had the flu and she didn't feel good for a few days before she crashed hard. However, she got over it very fast. All in all, I'd have to say this is the easiest bout of flu I have ever seen. I have seen and heard of a lot of very mild virus kind of symptoms like our family had but no serious, bad cases of flu like I have seen in the past. Two different doctors have told me that they are seeing the same thing.

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I just saw on the news a local 11 year old girl died yesterday (Sunday) from the swine flu after being sent home from school on Thursday and seeing a doctor on Friday... everyone is in shock at how quickly things happened. Apparently she was diagnosed by her doctor as having swine flu, a bacterial infection, and pneumonia.

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I am pretty sure I had it. I felt worse than the kids, but I am pretty sure dd had it and our son might have, too. Our dd started blowing her nose at almost the exact same time I did. She also had a sore throat, which I didn't have. Other than that she felt pretty good. It was very mild for her, but her sickness was at the same time as mine, so I think she just had a really light case. Our son also had a runny nose and some sneezing, but never acted sick other than taking a 3 hour nap one day and taking more naps period. He is NOT a big sleeper. So I am hoping he had it, but I don't know. My dh and our student never got sick at all, even with me sneezing all over the place. I did try to be careful and I washed my hands, but I still think that I wasn't careful enough that they were not exposed. I have a 2.5yob and he keeps me on the run. It is hard to be as careful as I might have been with no little guy. AND if he had it, then all bets are off as far as keeping others in the house from being exposed.


The onset of symptoms for dd and me was very rapid. I had the chilling as though I had a fever and then definite fatigue. It lasted just shy of a week.

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I just saw on the news a local 11 year old girl died yesterday (Sunday) from the swine flu after being sent home from school on Thursday and seeing a doctor on Friday... everyone is in shock at how quickly things happened. Apparently she was diagnosed by her doctor as having swine flu, a bacterial infection, and pneumonia.



This child took tamiflu. Unfortunately, this seems to be something that has happened over and over, yet the media has still not started going with it yet. 9 out of 10 times, when you read about a child that died from H1N1, you will find buried in the news story, that they "went to the doctor and got a prescription" or "were taken to the doctor." An article on this child says specifically, "she was taken to the doctor on Friday, but even with prescription medication she continued to worsen." To me, that says that it very well could have been the tamiflu. She developed pnuemonia and a bacterial infection that fast which can be a side effect of tamiflu. I am not saying that it definitely WAS the cause (I am not a doctor), but it makes me very suspicious.

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Well, according to the symptoms listed here and on the CDC, I think my youngest has it. I also think I am getting it too. I called the doctor but they are not testing here and not giving out Tamiflu unless you are in the high risk category. They said just stay home and call if things get worse.


I really hope this is as mild as some of the people here have mentioned.

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Well, according to the symptoms listed here and on the CDC, I think my youngest has it. I also think I am getting it too. I called the doctor but they are not testing here and not giving out Tamiflu unless you are in the high risk category. They said just stay home and call if things get worse.


I really hope this is as mild as some of the people here have mentioned.


It is probably no coincidence that you are in NC - just over the state line from TN either. Up until recently, it was not really rampant here. Now, it is. :(


I am SO GLAD your dr is not giving tamiflu all willy nilly like some others. Sounds like a great dr to me!


Hope you all recover quickly and that neither your family or mine has to experience anything serious. :grouphug:

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I understand that the concern about Tamiflu, but there are those of us who have very medically fragile children also. I wanted Tamiflu prescribed to my child just as much as my pediatrician wanted to prescribe - but only for my medically fragile child. Everyone has different circumstances on the boards....

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I understand that the concern (however anecdotal) about Tamiflu, but there are those of us who have very medically fragile children also. I wanted Tamiflu prescribed to my child just as much as my pediatrician wanted to prescribe - but only for my medically fragile child. Everyone has different circumstances on the boards....



If I had a child who was medically fragile, I assume the *possible* side effects of tamiflu would outweigh the *almost inevitable* side effects from the flu itself.


My concerns are for the "healthy" kids that have died after taking tamiflu. And I am no doctor, but this is just something that I have noticed in the reports (because they scared me and I wanted to find out more) and thought odd. Enough to make me wonder...but I definitely wasn't referring to anyone with children who were medically fragile...those are likely a case by case type decision. Sorry if I offended you in any way.

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