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We got it (swine flu)

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Our experience:


When they say rapid onset, they aren't joking! DD had a playdate yesterday morning and was fine. An hour after the friend left (so 12:30), she said she felt sick. I felt her head (which I'd felt in passing not an hour earlier) and she was HOT. I took her temp and it was 102.4. She said her throat hurt and it was a little pink so I honestly thought she had strep.


I called the pediatrician and took her in yesterday at 1:45. They did a strep test (negative), a flu test (negative), and a urinalysis (negative). After looking her over the pediatrician thinks she has swine flu. She said there's a really high false negative rate for the rapid test - especially if you do the test early on...and DD had only been "sick" for an hour when I took her in.


She has had a high fever - 102-104 for 2 days. We've been piggy-backing Motrin and Tylenol to keep it down in the 100-101 range. Her throat hurts. A lot. She doesn't want popsicles, she doesn't want slushes, pudding, nothing. She's got chills in spite of the fever. She says everything hurts "from here to the moon and back." Her biggest complaint other than her throat is her head - she held her head yesterday and just cried because it hurt so much. She also says her tummy hurts and has thrown up 3 times (but I think it's because of the high fever, not the flu because she usually pukes when her fever goes up).


Hopefully she'll be over it soon and the rest of us won't get it...

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Hang in there! :grouphug: My son had similar symptoms in July with the fever, sore throat and really bad headache. He too vomited a few times but I believe it was the fever as well--got to 104. Anyway he was real sick for about 5 days then slowly got better over the next 5 days. Hope she feeling better soon!

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Leslie, Sorry to hear that your sweet baby is sick. We've had something similar go around our house. Sadly, it started with me and at first I thought I was getting a migraine. Turned out to be all the symptoms you just stated. I tell you it was one of the worst headaches I have ever had. The next morning, my 2 yo went through the same thing. Then all the rest of my kidlets were sick. (We have six so it's been fun.) Today the last sick one is laying on the coach watching Sleeping Beauty....I think he's okay now. It's really weird because despite the headache, fever , and chills, the only one who got sick to the stomach was me. The biggest complaint here was the awful headache and fever. Weirdest flu-ish symptoms ever. I hope your little one feels better very soon. Blessings,

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Did any of you have the crazy cough that people are talking about? We had a crazy round of sick here in July and I wasn't sure what to make of it, because we never get sick. Out of NOWHERE my 2 year old came down with a 103 fever that I couldn't get below 100 for 24 plus hours. I had to piggy back motrin and tylenol to keep it down to 101 during that time. He had crazy chills and was miserable. Then he got the runs which lasted for about a week or so. 2 days after my son had the fever, my 3 year old daughter had the same thing happen to her. It happened SO quickly. I never really thought it was swine flu, though, because we didn't have any coughing, just a crazy high fever, the runs, and being run down for about 5 days or so. Hmmm..

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Our experience:


When they say rapid onset, they aren't joking! DD had a playdate yesterday morning and was fine. An hour after the friend left (so 12:30), she said she felt sick. I felt her head (which I'd felt in passing not an hour earlier) and she was HOT. I took her temp and it was 102.4. She said her throat hurt and it was a little pink so I honestly thought she had strep.


I called the pediatrician and took her in yesterday at 1:45. They did a strep test (negative), a flu test (negative), and a urinalysis (negative). After looking her over the pediatrician thinks she has swine flu. She said there's a really high false negative rate for the rapid test - especially if you do the test early on...and DD had only been "sick" for an hour when I took her in.


She has had a high fever - 102-104 for 2 days. We've been piggy-backing Motrin and Tylenol to keep it down in the 100-101 range. Her throat hurts. A lot. She doesn't want popsicles, she doesn't want slushes, pudding, nothing. She's got chills in spite of the fever. She says everything hurts "from here to the moon and back." Her biggest complaint other than her throat is her head - she held her head yesterday and just cried because it hurt so much. She also says her tummy hurts and has thrown up 3 times (but I think it's because of the high fever, not the flu because she usually pukes when her fever goes up).


Hopefully she'll be over it soon and the rest of us won't get it...


You just described pretty near exactly what dd12 went through back in the Spring (we all got sick, but she was the worst) -- eerily so. It was sometime in maybe March for us, so whether or not it was Swine Flu, we don't know. Before the news, but we live in an area with a lot of coming & going people, including a lot to/from mexico, where it seemed to start.


I hope she feels better soon & that the rest of you don't catch it. :grouphug:

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I'm beginning to wonder if we had it in July as well. The first ds who was sick I took to the dr. for the rapid flu test and it was negative. Then everyone else got sick except me. It was high fever w/severe headache and body aches. I can't remember if anyone coughed but it was very bad and it seemed like the flu to me. We got it while at a family reunion and I heard that many others that had attended also got sick and one of my aunts ended up w/pnemonia. Now I'm wondering if it was swine flu????


I administered Oscocillininum (sp?) and Emergen-C like crazy so perhaps that helped them get over it. I can only hope that it was H1N1 and everyone but me is in the clear now.


I hope your dc feels better soon!

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