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Idol, so what did you think last night?

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David A. tried to pick something more upbeat, since Simon was all over his case for being too depressing. I think his strength is in the ballads, so he'll have to figure out how to make it work.


Overall...I think this is a strong group. Brooke & Chekezie are the 2 that come to mind that I really liked. Brooke just knows what she can sing. Chekezie is either REALLY good and extremely entertaining or REALLY bad and boring.


I'm ready for Amanda O to leave. The judges love her and I just don't.

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made me want :banghead:

I was really looking forward to it, because I really like the Lennon-McCartney songbook.

The guy that went second was good

I liked the rocker guy

note neither made enough of am impression for me to remember their names.

Michael Johns had been my favorite going into the night, I didn't like his version of Across the Universe. OK so I have watched the Across the Universe movie 3 times in the past two weeks and really really like the way it is done in the movie so this probably clouded my judgement.

I thought the Let It Be was good.

The country version of 8 Day a Week made me leave the room:leaving:

Oh and the David that went last, well I did feel a little sorry for him, but I think he set himself up for failure.

Oh and this the new smilies are fun!!!

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I think Jason is adorable and I always adore his folksy style. I picture him singing in a coffee bar somewhere.

I thought Brooke was incredible.

I did not like Carly this week, but mostly because I think "Come Together" is a dreadful song no matter who sings it.

Kristy was not good, not good at all.

Syesha was pretty good, but I did not think she was fabulous.

David Hernandez was dreadful.

I thought Amanda was great.

I would gladly purchase a Michael Johns album.

Chikezie blew me away. He was like a different performer last night, where has he been hiding that talent?

Last night was the first time I actually liked David Cook's performance.

Ramiele was boring.

And finally, I felt so bad for David. But he is just a kid and this stuff is going to happen to even seasoned performers. I hope it does not kill his confidence.

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I think David A's youth and inexperience is catching up with him. He had performed his version of "Imagine" before on a local tv show (I read this somewhere)... so he was well rehearsed (and that basic arrangement has been recorded by someone else before... I forget her name... so it wasn't his own brilliant version). Now that he's gone through his best rehearsed pieces, his weaknesses are starting to show.


I liked Brooke and Carly. Chekezie did a great job! All in all, I didn't think it was that great of a night, but maybe that's because I'm not a huge Beatles fan and didn't like most the songs. The one exception is the song "In my life" (or is that even the title? I can't remember!)... I love that song and the girl butchered it, I thought.

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I think Jason is adorable and I always adore his folksy style. I picture him singing in a coffee bar somewhere.

I thought Brooke was incredible.

I did not like Carly this week, but mostly because I think "Come Together" is a dreadful song no matter who sings it.

Kristy was not good, not good at all.

Syesha was pretty good, but I did not think she was fabulous.

David Hernandez was dreadful.

I thought Amanda was great.

I would gladly purchase a Michael Johns album.

Chikezie blew me away. He was like a different performer last night, where has he been hiding that talent?

Last night was the first time I actually liked David Cook's performance.

Ramiele was boring.

And finally, I felt so bad for David. But he is just a kid and this stuff is going to happen to even seasoned performers. I hope it does not kill his confidence.


:iagree: ( I just wanted to play with the new smilies!!)


I agree with you, except for Amanda. I agreed with Simon on that one - most of her words were so slurred, I couldn't understand her. But she hasn't been one of my favorites. I really like Jason and Brooke.

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I just love David Cook. He's got an amazing throaty rock voice.


I think Michael (Johns?) sounds just like Bocelli and should definitely pick one of his songs or maybe a Josh Grobin song. He'd blow the judges out of the water if he did that.


I think Amanda sounds just like Melissa Ethridge. Hated her the first week but she's grown on me.


Christy Lee has got to go (and probably will tonight)


Carly is good, but an Irish girl here on a visa shouldn't win "American" idol.


Jason is so-so.


David A. is just so young...he looks like he's 12. But boy what a talent.


Brooke White is adorable and has a nice folksy style.


I don't typically vote, but if I did, it would be for Cook or Michael.


There, I've finally chimed in and with just a few minutes to spare before the next singer gets voted off.

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I still love little David A. There is no way he will get voted off. He has a huge fan base with the young voters (and a few my age.) He just obviously let his nerves get ahold of him last night. Hopefully he will learn from that and do better next week.


I wanted to let Kristy in on a little secret.....there is actually a drum beat in that song and it would help if she stayed with it. She was really bad, and I think she will go, but I did feel sorry for her because the judges told her to sing everything country.


This is the first season where there is no-one in the top 12 that I just can't stand. I definitely have favorites, but I like them all. I don't love Amanda's musical taste or style, but I think she sings it pretty well.


Nothing gave me goosebumps last night.

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I like David A., too.


Syesha is annoying. Her and her false humility. I see right through it sister!:rant:


I love David cook. I just want to put him in my pocket, he is so cute!


Kristy was awful and I agree with Kellie about Carly. I really don't like that song so it made it difficult for me to get into her performance.

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