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What's your favorite topic on the general board?

What's your favorite topic on the general board?  

  1. 1. What's your favorite topic on the general board?

    • Homeschooling. After all, it IS a homeschool board
    • Reading lists, suggestions, what's on your nightstand entries
    • Movie, TV, or celebrity talk
    • Advice columns, Dear Abby, Go Ask Alice-type threads
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    • Politics, religion, Christmas, halloween, and/or any other controversial topic
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    • My favorite posters
    • I don't care what the topic is. I'll read anything. (Other)

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What do you gravitate toward when you first see the long list of topic titles?


Darn it! I wish I could edit one of those choices. Instead of "My favorite posters" I should've written "Anything written by my favorite posters" or "I stalk my favorite posters." ;)

Edited by Apiphobic
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I'm up for just about anything, depending on my mood. Not so much the controversies, but I do check them out from time to time.

It's one of my sweet pleasures in life, the General Board. My kids (and my husband) are always amazed at the questions I can ask and get answers to here!

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and vote for the politics, religion, etc threads.


My IRL circles are somewhat small; I have learned so much about politics, religion, and especially how religious folk can come across to non-religious folk -- I think, and hope, that it has made me more thoughtful and considerate in how I express my views. It for sure has opened my eyes in many ways.


Because I don't read or watch the news, those threads are sometimes the first "heads up" that I get on important issues that are coming up. Then, I can get the "gist" of the issue from reading various opinions here, and move on to research for myself. In that way, the board is kind of my radar.


I never studied logic or debate in highschool, so I learn a lot from the back-and-forth of well-reasoned, well-educated, and well-spoken opinions. The poorly reasoned, ignorant, and vitriolic responses just inject a little adrenaline into an otherwise boring day. ;)

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I have to say that I have been very concerned at how black/white/politicized/anti- government the board is. It's giving me pause about ordering more curricula from here. When I have mentioned TWTM to more liberal friends, they say they believe it is a religious website. Little I say about the books sway them.


One moment of reading here has them thinking it's anti -science, anti- any public education (mostly college), anti -government etc. They have diificulty trusting the curric because of the General Board.


My friends have laughed and asked if I was turning evangelical. I don't think it's funny, as they are missing some good stuff. Yet, OK, sometimes I think they might have something, as the political stuff here is really over-the-top with rhetoric, red herrings, and ideology.

Edited by LibraryLover
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I have to say that I have been very concerned at how black/white/politicized/anti- government the board is. It's giving me pause about ordering more curricula from here. When I have mentioned TWTM to more liberal friends, they say they believe it is a religious website. Little I say about the books sway them.


One moment of reading here has them thinking it's anti -science, anti- any public education (mostly college), anti -government etc. They have diificulty trusting the curric because of the General Board.


My friends have laughed and asked if I was turning evangelical. I don't think it's funny, as they are missing some good stuff. Yet, OK, sometimes I think they might have something, as the political stuff here is really over-the-top with rhetoric, red herrings, and ideology.


Eh, the fundamental Christians say the WTM curricula is too liberal and too secular. Some of my BJU and Abeka using friends have asked if I'm turning pagan. It's all relative, KWIM?


I wouldn't let the conversations on the General Board influence my decision about the curricula. If you hang out on the high school board, you'll get a totally different vibe, especially as far as being pro-college. You may end up finding things about the curricula you don't care for, don't get me wrong -- I just don't think you're going to find the things you object to on the discussion board in the curriculum. I know some people who would disagree with me ;) , but that's my opinion based on at least six years both with the materials and the boards.

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Eh, the fundamental Christians say the WTM curricula is too liberal and too secular. Some of my BJU and Abeka using friends have asked if I'm turning pagan. It's all relative, KWIM?


I wouldn't let the conversations on the General Board influence my decision about the curricula. If you hang out on the high school board, you'll get a totally different vibe, especially as far as being pro-college. You may end up finding things about the curricula you don't care for, don't get me wrong -- I just don't think you're going to find the things you object to on the discussion board in the curriculum. I know some people who would disagree with me ;) , but that's my opinion based on at least six years both with the materials and the boards.



It's not my opinion (although lately I've had concerns), just one I hear constantly from hsers.


The Amazon reviews are off--putting, for one, and then the postings here are highly political. It's not that easy, especially for new hsers, to get a clear picture of what this particular program is trying to share. I think there are some good resources in TWTM, but it gets lost politics.

Edited by LibraryLover
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