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Have any of you had a stomach virus recently that sounds like this?


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Four of us have pain, cramps under the rib cage, some pain in the stomach area that goes through the back. It feels like a knife going through the stomach to the back, not all the time, but it's definitely noticeable. No appetite, no vomiting or diarrhea. no fever. If you've had this, how long did it last? What did you do for the pain?





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Bumping back up.


I started getting stomach pains and general feeling of "blah" last night, after DS went to bed.

DS woke up this morning and promptly declared that his stomach hurts. He laid on the floor until 1 this afternoon, which is highly unusual for him. He is now up, watching TV, but still hasn't eaten anything today.


Hoping it is a short-lived bug! We have a field trip on Thursday that I do not want to miss!

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I've had this off and on for over a week now. I've had some diarrhea with it, but mostly just the pain...feels like cramps but up higher. No fever, no vomiting (thank God). 4 of my dc had some 24 hr. stomach bug a few weeks ago, some with just pain and some with vomiting. Hope you feel better soon! I don't take anything for the pain.

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Four of us have pain, cramps under the rib cage, some pain in the stomach area that goes through the back.QUOTE]


I had this but I was hungry and only hurt when I ate. I missed 3 days of food and dragged myself weakly to work on the 4th, and had soup for lunch. Then I felt better. I'm one of the nutty people who do feel better if I drag myself to work.

I had constipation and gas retention. I felt much better after that started moving.

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Weird! I'm laying on the couch suffering with this right now. My mom has had it for about a week, on and off. I've talked with 2 others with similar symptoms. I'm also finding I'm completely wiped out. Just soooooo tired. The stomach stuff is odd. I was walking across the kitchen and doubled over at the pain shooting from under my ribs to my back.


So far, dh and dc are showing no symptoms. I hope that continues.


Feel better, everyone :grouphug:.



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NO WAY!! I've had this same kind of thing since Saturday night. I thought it was the pizza I ate Saturday, but it hasn't ended. I have had some diarrhea and HORRIBLE indigestion and pain in my stomach. No fever and no vomiting though. I've been living on bread for 3 days. This stinks!! I hope we all get better soon!

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said he was having stomach cramps. There is definitely something going around. It's just so weird though!


I've been eating mash potatoes and bagels. I made everybody else some chicken and rice soup. We've also been "eating" crushed ice.


After I posted this, I asked dh to pick up some Peppermint Altoids and Chamomile tea at the store. Those have given us some relief from the pain and the girls and I just drank some Chamomile tea. So far those things have helped us tonight. I'm off to bed and sure hope I wake up feeling better tomorrow. One of my dds has had it since Friday!


Hope this "tidbit" helps ya'll like it has helped us tonight and that everybody feels better tomorrow.






P.S. One of my dds has had joint pain with hers and a low grade fever.

Edited by MJN
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