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Disturbing situation at the park this afternoon (cruelty to frog)

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After we finished our nature walk through the marshy/wooded area of the park, we ran into some neighborhood kids. For starters, I thought it was odd that they weren't in school given the time of day we were there. The group was an 11yo girl, her 9yo brother, their 3yo sister and three other kids aged 4 - 6 with no supervising adult that I could see.


That wasn't the most disturbing part, though.


The 9yo boy said he had a frog. My girls, of course, wanted to see it. He put it down on the ground and we all gathered in close. I saw that it was attached to some fishing line somehow and asked him if he'd tied it on. He said that it was attached to a hook that was stuck through the frog's eye. I asked him if he'd tried to get it out because that would hurt the frog. He said no. He then *repeatedly* lifted the fishing line so that the poor frog's legs were dangling and couldn't reach the ground. I told him *repeatedly* not to do that because it was hurting the frog. He didn't listen and I hustled my kids out of there.


I should have confiscated that poor frog so that I could try to get the hook out or at least give him a painless death (car exhaust perhaps?). I feel bad that I didn't. :(


This kid and his older sister have played at our house a few times. I did have to ask him to leave the last time he came over because of pushing and grabbing toys. He and his older sister always show up unannounced and and sometimes at inappropriate times (like at 9pm???). I'm starting to wonder what's going on in their home life.


I've met their mom in passing a few times. I don't know her name or how to reach her, but I do kind of wonder about saying something along the lines of "Hey, I met your son during school hours torturing a frog in the park. Is he ok?"


What would you do? :confused:

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Ideally, I would get in his face and free the animal right then and there.


I don't know that I would tell the parents in this situation (not knowing them well, poor supervision of kids overall, etc). A family I knew, yes, I would definitely tell them. It would all come down to my gut feeling on whether the parents were a bit loony or not, ie likely to react like raving lunatics.


If I did tell them, I would mention the frog incident only, and not bring up that it was school hours. The kids around here have days off school at apparent random, and the parents will have enough to be defensive about without adding that into the mix. Tell them when it was, and leave it up to them to connect the dots if the kids were skiving.

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