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How late does your pre-teen/teen sleep?

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How late do your kids sleep in the morning?


This is new territory for me. My daughter will be 13 in November and things are changing. I'm not used to this!


She is nearly as tall as me (I accused her of standing on her tippy toes, she wasnt!), her body is changing, she is more mature (yeah!), she is more forgetful (I swear the lamp was working 2 days ago. Really? There is no lightbulb in it!!).


Its now 9:46 am and she is still asleep. She has never slept this late in her life.


Should I be getting used to this?

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Yes, get used to it.


My sons can sleep until 2 p.m., if I let them. They have always been night owls, though, which explains this to some extent. When they were infants, they woke up in the morning around 11 a.m.


When DD sleeps late, she gets up around 9 a.m. She has always been a morning person.

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My kids can get up whenever they want though their responsibilities pretty much leave out sleeping too long. I'm more interested in them sleeping rather than "early to rise" though *I* believe in the philosophy (which I've taken to an extreme): early in the hour, early in the day, early in the week, early in the month, early in the season, early in the year....

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My 13yo dd gets up every day between 10am and 11am. I think one of the beauties of homeschooling is that teenage girls (especially) get the sleep they need. She has a lot going on in her world and when she needs to be up at 7am - she is, without any problem. My 15yo dd gets up at 7am every weekday since she goes to high school, but will sleep past noon on the weekends. I figure, they"ll have to get up early most every day as adults. Why make them start now? :001_smile:

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Those of you with teen daughters getting up at 10am....what time did they go to bed the night before? My daughter just turned 13 this summer, and while her bedtime hasn't changed, she is getting up about 2 hours later than she did a year ago. I want to let her sleep if she needs it, but it's definitely cramping out style because it's not the normal routine we've been using for years! My daughter's bed time is 8:30, but it really more like 9pm by the time she actually gets settled and stops the up and down trips, lol. I know that's probably wayyyy early for most people, but we're morning people, always have been. Normally the kids are all up by 6am.....but for several months now teen has been more like 8am. In fact, last night lights out was 9:15, it's 8:30 and she's just come out, awakre, but groggy. That's going to be a problem soon when we start into our routine of field trips, co-ops and other activities that typically have us leaving the house by now. I can't imagine trying to send her to bed even an hour earlier...it won't be dark outside!



How do you balance their need for more sleep with the rest of the family's need to get things done? For that matter, several of the morning activities are for her, so it's not just a matter of letting her sleep and taking the youngers to their activities.

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Those of you with teen daughters getting up at 10am....what time did they go to bed the night before? My daughter just turned 13 this summer, and while her bedtime hasn't changed, she is getting up about 2 hours later than she did a year ago. I want to let her sleep if she needs it, but it's definitely cramping out style because it's not the normal routine we've been using for years! My daughter's bed time is 8:30, but it really more like 9pm by the time she actually gets settled and stops the up and down trips, lol. I know that's probably wayyyy early for most people, but we're morning people, always have been. Normally the kids are all up by 6am.....but for several months now teen has been more like 8am. In fact, last night lights out was 9:15, it's 8:30 and she's just come out, awakre, but groggy. That's going to be a problem soon when we start into our routine of field trips, co-ops and other activities that typically have us leaving the house by now. I can't imagine trying to send her to bed even an hour earlier...it won't be dark outside!



How do you balance their need for more sleep with the rest of the family's need to get things done? For that matter, several of the morning activities are for her, so it's not just a matter of letting her sleep and taking the youngers to their activities.



Well, I can tell you, we're not morning people - at all. The kids go to bed around 11pm. I'm up with ds(8) at around 9am and we start academics at around 10:30. By the time dd gets up, I'm just about done with ds and we can start - usually around noon, but we tend to make use of any free time during the day. I actually prefer late afternoon academics with dd. Our homeschool group classes and trips are mainly in the afternoon and other things like dance, cub scouts, basketball, etc are in the late afternoon/evenings. So, the kids' sleeping late does not get in the way of any of our regular plans. Like I said, if something does come up that's early, they have no problem getting up and ready fast - on their own.

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My oldest went to ps for 6th and 7th grades. She had to get up at 7am for two whole years. She quickly readjusted to her more normal waking time of 10am when she left ps.


This summer she started taking classes at the cc. She had to get up at 8am in order to be ready in time. That actually transferred over to the weekend as well. Now she has to get up by 6:15am two days/week. That has translated to a normal wake-up time of 8-9am. She goes to bed at 10pm when she has to get up at 6:15 the next day, but she goes to bed around 1am and gets up around 8 or 9am on the other days.


My 13yo used to go to bed by 10pm and get up around 6-6:30am. When she turned 11yo, she suddenly switched to later times. She started staying up until 11pm and getting up around 7:30am. Now she goes to bed around midnight and gets up around 8am. I don't wake her up if she's sleeping late because if she is asleep past 8am, she really needs that extra sleep. The only times she sleeps past 8am are when she is sick or when she was awake for several hours in the middle of the night and couldn't get back to sleep.


My youngest mostly goes to bed around 10:30pm and gets up around 6:30am. Sometimes she goes to bed as early as 9pm, but that's generally when she didn't get a good sleep the night before due to either a sleepover or waking up in the middle of the night. When she does sleep late, I let her sleep until she wakes up naturally.


For the record, I usually go to bed between 12:30 and 1:00am. I get up at 8:30am most days, but I get up at 7:00am on Tu/Th when my 16yo has cc classes.

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We think of it more in terms of a "window of time" dedicated for sleeping.


The early to bed routine helps with the early to rise.


If one sleeps from 1 am to 11 am, that's 10 hours.

If one sleeps from 9 pm to 7 pm ,that's 10 hours too.



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Right now my teen is sleeping until 9 or 9:30 a.m. because he's staying up later. He is taking a class that starts at 8 a.m. It starts in two weeks. He'll just have to get to bed earlier so he can get his 10 hours of sleep.


I had a houseful of boys over this weekend. One that is notorious for not being able to wake early went along with all the boys and went to sleep by 2 a.m. (my request) and then awoke at 7 a.m. It is amazing how early even a teen hell bent on never waking up early will awake when he is self-motivated. LOL

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My 12yo dd does not get up until 11:00 or noon on the weekends. On school mornings, that's just not an option. We are out with activities in the afternoons, so school starts promptly at 8:30. She is by nature a night owl, so she stays up WAY later than I do on the weekends. On week nights, though, I insist on her going to bed at a decent hour.

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Well, I can tell you, we're not morning people - at all. The kids go to bed around 11pm. I'm up with ds(8) at around 9am and we start academics at around 10:30. By the time dd gets up, I'm just about done with ds and we can start - usually around noon, but we tend to make use of any free time during the day. I actually prefer late afternoon academics with dd. Our homeschool group classes and trips are mainly in the afternoon and other things like dance, cub scouts, basketball, etc are in the late afternoon/evenings. So, the kids' sleeping late does not get in the way of any of our regular plans. Like I said, if something does come up that's early, they have no problem getting up and ready fast - on their own.


Thanks! That helps...even if you aren't morning people, if she's going to bed at 11 and up before noon, that's 12+ hours of sleeping. Doesn't matter what time she started or stopped, it's 12 hours. So if my DD is going to bed at 9pm and getting up at 8am, that's only 11 hours, so it sounds like she's not sleeping as much as other teens, so that helps to know she's "normal" for a teen. I've always been one of those annoying people who can get by on 6-7 hours of sleep a night.....the one exception is that the first night after my period starts, I can sleep 10-12 hours before waking on my own (if my schedule allows, otherwise, I wake when needed but drag all day). Been that way my whole life, so it's been worrisome when the teen's sleeping habits changed to sooo many more hours, I couldn't figure out if it's ok. Sounds like it's normal.

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We think of it more in terms of a "window of time" dedicated for sleeping.


The early to bed routine helps with the early to rise.


If one sleeps from 1 am to 11 am, that's 10 hours.

If one sleeps from 9 pm to 7 pm ,that's 10 hours too.




Yep...that's exactly what I was trying to figure out! I know that my kids' bedtime is early by most peoples standards, so it's tough when they just say their kid doesn't get up until noon....to me that's appalling when I'm thinking in terms of a bedtime of 8-9pm, not midnight or after. So it really helps when people say when the kid goes to bed not just what time they get up.


Sounds like my daughter is just a typical teen.....unfortunately she's going to have to figure out how to get those hours of sleep in but still getting up to do her activities....or choose to stop some of the truly "extra" activities.....the school ones aren't an option, lol.

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I'm feeling better reading everyone's responses.


Its still weird, but at least I know she is not alone.


I mentioned it to my mother and she said "Don't you remember I used to wake you by vaccuming". So I guess I went through the same thing too.


We shall see how it plays out during the week. Most mornings she has to be up around 6-6:30 to go ice skating practice.


Should be an interesting year.

Edited by gingersmom
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It is amazing how early even a teen hell bent on never waking up early will awake when he is self-motivated. LOL




For fun times, sure they wake up spontaneously themselvs. ;)

But they can only do that a day or to and it catches up with them, then they are grouchie and inattentive to academics for a couple days. :lol:



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