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Kidnap Victim Found

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Clearly there are conflicting stories being reported. It sounds as though he "found religion" and he was on the campus of UC Berkeley to distribute materials when he seemed suspicious and was questioned. So did he surrender or did they just catch him accidentally?


The whole thing is absolutely horrific and I am sick tonight. That girl needs our prayers.


The article I read doesn't really sound like he found religion. It sounds like he was a freak who thought God was talking to him through a box and finally got caught because insanity couldn't be concealed any longer.

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After reading what she has been through over the past 18 years, I can't help but wonder if she would have been better off being used for a day or two and then killed. I mean, seriously, can she EVER be really reunited with her family and everything be Norman Rockwell-ish? Add to that the guilt she will probably feel over her parents divorce and the heartache her family suffered. I know it sounds harsh, but she's already lived through 18 years of hell, and honestly, this will not end it, magically, like the press is making it out.


I can't get my head around this. I'm sure if you said this to her, to her mother, to her father, to her children, they'd all look at you like you had two heads.


A life doesn't have to be Norman Rockwell-ish to be worth living and many, many people all over the world live lives as horrible that I'm quite sure still value their own lives.

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I think I understand what cin was meaning. When I think about how I might feel if I had been in that situation, well, maybe I would feel like it would be better if it had ended sooner rather than living through the abuse for 18 years. I can't be sure I would feel that way but I do know that there are things worse than death.

I might agree... if she had eventually been killed. IOW, if her body was found, then I could see saying better off dead as a child.


That's why I disagree :)

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I think I understand what cin was meaning. When I think about how I might feel if I had been in that situation, well, maybe I would feel like it would be better if it had ended sooner rather than living through the abuse for 18 years. I can't be sure I would feel that way but I do know that there are things worse than death.


I get what she was saying too. Especially for us, adults with kids, the idea is 'how/why would anyone want to live through that' and then on top of all of it, have not one but at least two kids with that man and for him to do who knows what to.


The idea is who would ever want to live that way, much less put your own children through it.

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I can't get my head around this. I'm sure if you said this to her, to her mother, to her father, to her children, they'd all look at you like you had two heads.


A life doesn't have to be Norman Rockwell-ish to be worth living and many, many people all over the world live lives as horrible that I'm quite sure still value their own lives.



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He served about 10 years of a 50-year federal sentence for kidnapping, and less than a year for a concurrent Nevada sentence of five years to life in prison for sexual assault. He was paroled in 1988, said Nevada Department of Corrections spokeswoman Suzanne Pardee



This is what sickens me. If he had done his time without being paroled she never would have been kidnapped.


Why do we let these monsters out early?

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This is what sickens me. If he had done his time without being paroled she never would have been kidnapped.


Why do we let these monsters out early?


I don't know, we know they can never be "fixed". It will be a lifetime struggle for them, that puts innocent children in harms way.


We should just send them all to Creepy Island, where they can molest each other.

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I'm very happy for Jaycee and her family, but the whole story is just so sad.


The fella must have untreated mental illness of some kind, but he also reportedly fried his brain with LSD years ago. What a shame that he's pretending to be a believer. One thing is certain; he's a VERY mixed up man.


The real heroines of the story are the women cops who got suspicious and followed through with action.



The perp's brother's comments:



LE is checking the yard for evidence of other victims... either bodies of other children of Jaycee or other women.


As to why she got to be 29 before going to the law... Stockholm Syndrome.



Neighbors called law enforcement at least twice. LE is admitting they messed up. The perp had made his backyard look much smaller than it actually was.... 1/2 acre instead of 2 acres. He had a tall fence and made it look like it was a short backyard when it really stretched on further.


Photos of backyard




His wife actually grabbed Jaycee during the kidnapping. She also must be the one who gave her food during the time the perp was in jail.


As far as who will pay for the counseling, etc.... CA has a victim's fund that the perps pay into? They may need more $$ than is in that fund, though. I pray Jaycee's mom is a strong person and can help guide them through this. And I pray for her step-father, who most people thought had murdered her.


With God's help, recovery is possible. Here's a story by a gal who experienced something similar:



More info here:




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There are plenty of adults who were not abused as children, who still have issues relating to their parents. So I can only imagine what impact someting like being kidnapped and held hostage for years would have. She was only 11. The two children living in the backyard with her were HER children that HE fathered. That is what the article said. So not only did he kidnap her, but she gave birth to two children with him.


It is very normal for someone to identify with their kidnapper. It's mere survival. She probably felt she had no choice. The article did say that she felt guilty about having developed an attachment to him. I feel horrible for this girl and now the children.


This is a horrible, horrible example of how messed up the system can be. To think that he was a registered sex offender who had been reported numerous times by the neighbors for having kids in the yard and no one did a thing about it. SAD


This reminds me of the sad story of Steven Staynor . I will never forget watching the made for tv movie "I know my first name is Steven". I watched it as a child and still to this day remember it. Unfortunately, Steven's life never could get back on track after he returned to his family and he ended up dying in a motorcycle accident. Really tragic.

Edited by iluvmy4blessings
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This is getting broader in the search. I have actually seen more info via British press than US press. They have 4 other missing girls (ages 4-13) that disappeared in a similar manner to Jaycee (hope I spelled it right). They are using shovels, chainsaws and lots of manpower to dig up this yard & the one next door. I think they are even looking through BOTH houses. Seems the Pervert was a caretaker of the other house until the past few years.


Everyone of these girls went missing right after he was released extrememly EARLY :glare:from prison. I am sick of hearing of early release of very violent or perverted criminals... he didn't just steal a bottle of booze or $50 bucks! Each girl also lived in a 20-40 mile radius of this guy and disappeared in very similar ways (broad daylight).


They are also investigating the murders of 10 prostitutes with similarities & in the vicinity too. (all this from Sun paper out of Britain).


I sure hope they don' t have pity on him OR the wife! This is just evil stuff.

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This is getting broader in the search. I have actually seen more info via British press than US press. They have 4 other missing girls (ages 4-13) that disappeared in a similar manner to Jaycee (hope I spelled it right). They are using shovels, chainsaws and lots of manpower to dig up this yard & the one next door. I think they are even looking through BOTH houses. Seems the Pervert was a caretaker of the other house until the past few years.


Everyone of these girls went missing right after he was released extrememly EARLY :glare:from prison. I am sick of hearing of early release of very violent or perverted criminals... he didn't just steal a bottle of booze or $50 bucks! Each girl also lived in a 20-40 mile radius of this guy and disappeared in very similar ways (broad daylight).


They are also investigating the murders of 10 prostitutes with similarities & in the vicinity too. (all this from Sun paper out of Britain).


I sure hope they don' t have pity on him OR the wife! This is just evil stuff.


It is truly unbelievable how much he has been able to get away with in his lifetime. Steven Stayner's abuser had also been arrested previous to kidnapping him.


I don't think anyone is going to feel any pity for them. Hopefully this will help to get laws changed, it's ridiculous how frequently these people are given freedom to repeat their heinous crimes.

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