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Natural anti-depressant for a child?

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Cod liver and B12s are supposed to help. Exercise (bike riding, lawn mowing, shoveling etc), and lots of protein as well. I think some kids forget to eat. Or they eat too many carbs and sugars. Well, I do that too. lol


I notice one of mine does much better when I've pushed the daily bike ride. Two of mine love it, the one who tends towards cranky, not so much. Figures. A little push out the door does help. Feels much better later.

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Omega 3's, melatonin -- if sleep is an issue contributing to the negativity (one must first have good serotonin levels to make enough melatonin to sleep well), protein, lots of water, exercise that wears her out. I'd start with that, then think about finding an NT or willing pediatrician to explore amino acid levels and maybe then recommend cognitive behavioral therapy with some fantastic therapy person -- it can make all the difference in the world and the younger it's started the better the results. Also, calcium/magnesium and vit D contribute to good brain function and muscle recovery -- the whole neuro (or "nerve") connection thing, throughout our bodies.


HTH, hugs to you. Have you seen The Mood Cure? Or any of Dr. Amen's books? Lots of sensible info that can be applied directly. Sorry to not have been more help with dosing info. Hugs again.

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Thanks guys. Jake and I are going to the ND for really important things right now, I am wanting temporary measures. I will get her in to see her soon. I just don't have the money or energy to have her in the program as well. She does therapy too.


Exercise is needed but I can't seem to get any for her because I don't have the energy. :(

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How old is this dd? If she's a teen, read about GABA. If she's in puberty (or just prior, or in a growth spurt), look into zinc and magnesium. A B complex vitamin (with plenty of B6 and B12) can help.


Essential Fatty Acids (cod liver oil and "fish oils," evening primrose oil, flax oil) can help. A healthy diet with few preservatives but lots of veggies/fruits can help. Food intolerances can look like depression/irritability, so pay attention to which foods make her more grumpy, and eliminate those.


Exercise can help; melatonin is a good thing to consider, too, as MamaBear mentioned.



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Thank you. We tried Gaba. It seemed to help at first, but then she said that it made her feel sick. Melatonin is no longer needed. Her sleep cycle is doing fine. I have tried various omega 3 oils and she says that they all hurt her stomach. That is why I am on to cacao now.


Yes, her diet is definitely playing a role. She is seven years old.


I was mainly wondering if anyone had treated depression in a child on their own naturally with success.

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Two things that haven't been mentioned that helped both DS11 and me enormously are 5-HTP (a precursor of serotonin), digestive enzymes, and vitamin D3. We take 100 mg of 5-HTP (first thing in the morning before eating), 3000-4000 units of Vit D3, usually with lunch, and Enzymedica's Digest Gold enzymes with every meal.


If you're interested in exploring enzymes, Enzymes for Autism and Other Neurological Conditions is a fantastic book, and not just for kids with autism or SPD ~ the author cured her severe migraines with enzymes and she addresses other problems like candida, chronic fatigue, long-term viral infections, and many other conditions.



I've also had good luck with St Johns Wort in the past when I was depressed, but it does make you sensitive to sunlight.



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Two things that haven't been mentioned that helped both DS11 and me enormously are 5-HTP (a precursor of serotonin), digestive enzymes, and vitamin D3. We take 100 mg of 5-HTP (first thing in the morning before eating), 3000-4000 units of Vit D3, usually with lunch, and Enzymedica's Digest Gold enzymes with every meal.


If you're interested in exploring enzymes, Enzymes for Autism and Other Neurological Conditions is a fantastic book, and not just for kids with autism or SPD ~ the author cured her severe migraines with enzymes and she addresses other problems like candida, chronic fatigue, long-term viral infections, and many other conditions.



I've also had good luck with St Johns Wort in the past when I was depressed, but it does make you sensitive to sunlight.



Actually I am on enzymes. They are huge pills though, I'd have to get something else for her. I had her on D3 for a while, but we had forgotten about it since she stopped taking fish oil. I'll be sure to give it to her again. I am on 10,000 IU daily. Thanks for the additional suggestions.
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We have cut way down on sugar and I noticed (duh, bad DH!) Hawaiian punch made her much worse.

Food colors can also be very reactive along with preservatives. If you notice a reaction with something like Hawaiian punch I would question the food coloring it and other products being a major. It is for my ds.

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I have had great success with Bach flower drops (any bigger health food store would have them). I had severe panic attacks after my mother died and it did wonders for me without having to get the paxil. My kids have used them as well. They have a quiz by the display usually for deciding which ones are best.

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_Depression Free Naturally_ has the absolute best, most thorough information for treating, naturally, depression, bipolar, blood sugar issues, schizophrenia, anxiety (incl OCD) and many many other issues.


I take


vitamin D (1000 IU per 25 lbs body weight....http://www.vitamindcouncil.org)

fish oil about 3g epa/1.5g dha...it varies depending on how I'm doing

b6 AND p5p (coenzymated form of b6)

niacinamide (for irritability)

zinc 45 mg per day


L-5 methyl tetrahydrofolate (a form of folic acid)

500-1000 mg magnesium per day

sufficient calcium

inositol (1.5 *tsp* of the powder 3x per day if anxious)

GABA (sublingual, as needed, if anxious)





Buy the book, but don't buy supplements from the company. You can buy anything you need from iherb.com....except the L5methyltetrahydrofolate and p5p (solgar brand).... luckyvitamin.com has that one:)


My 10 yo dd has been on and off of many of the above since around age six......esp helpful for her: high doses of zinc (30 mg/day) and b6 - both forms (for pyroluria)...lots of fish oil....inositol, 1000 IU/25 lbs body weight d3, magnesium.


For me, it really is the difference between normal/functional/happy/well and truly off the deep end (with nearly psychotic levels of anxiety). With my supplements, I'm good. Without? It's ugly.


Don't underestimate the importance of D.....for both mental health and physical health. It's going to be one of your best self care/preventative steps against the flu. Start now.



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