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1st grade handwriting?


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Anyone ever had a dc who wanted to write their letters half as big as the 1st grade handwriting paper? My dd will write very nice, properly proportioned letters between the bottom and the dashed lines. I have her rewrite the letters big to fit the 1st grade lined paper. Should I do this? It seems more of a struggle to have her write big than small. Honestly, her small letters look nicer than the "proper" sized letters.


Why do we have dc write so big when their hands are so small? To write big letters my dd has to move her arm and wrist to write. Aren't you supposed to just move your fingers?


I'm just finding it "unnatural".


What would you do?

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I've taught/teaching 3 of my children to write & NONE of them have liked the K or 1st grade paper. So, we just use the smaller lined paper! I think the issue is to find what is comfortable for them so they can learn to write neatly & correctly. Who cares what grade it is suppose to be for! :tongue_smilie:

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Why do we have them write so big in the first place?


Supposedly, it's better for little kids because their fine motor control isn't as good as older children. My daughter hates the huge lines and she has been much happier now that she is allowed to write her WWE copywork on wide-ruled notebook paper. Sometimes she uses the 3rd grade ruled, but most of the time she would rather use the regular notebook paper.

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hmmm. good idea.. make them use the smaller paper. Mine struggles to make his words big enough and I think its making his handwriting worse. We used the smaller lines once, b/c that was the paper I had on me and wow.. it looked good.


We are making the switch tomorrow.. maybe all kids don't need those big spaces..

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My DD and DS tried writing on the regular lined handwriting paper (with the dashed midline) and they never could get it smoothly, so we use HWT (and therefore their 2 lined paper) and love it. I think it will be an easier transition to notebook paper when the time comes.

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I may be out of the ordinary, but I am allowing my 1st grade ds to write on wide ruled notebook paper this year. He didn't do well with the tablet paper, so I decided to try this. He does fairly well with it, so I figured we'd keep at it. His handwriting actually looks neater on the notebook paper than it ever did on the tablet paper.

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