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Feeling down

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Lately, (past several weeks), I've been feeling sad and tired during the day. By around 5, when the stuff I HAVE to do is over, I feel better. We school year round, so I don't think this is a back to school issue.


I'm just tired of the work. I'm tired of washing dishes. I'm tired of programming (my at-home paid work) I'm tired of making my kids do their chores and schoolwork. I'm tired of it all! I really feel like a hamster on a wheel - I run and run (or work and work) but don't get anywhere.


The worst part is that it turns me into a cranky mom - and my boys deserve better than that.


Does anyone know where I'm coming from? Can anyone suggest any ways to improve my attitude?

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I feel like that sometimes. Usually, I need to take a step back and appreciate those dumb things that drive me nuts. That sounds weird. I remind myself that this is my choice. I'm lucky to be in a position to stay home and teach my boys. I change the way I do dishes or clean, etc.

I also make sure I'm exercising or meditating and sleeping enough. Chocolate helps too. :o

Hang in there. I hope this phase passes quickly for you.

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When this happens to me, I try to remember a certain Kenya speaker from our church said. (Our church in Arkansas had an orphanage in Kenya they worked with, through Kenya Relief.)


She shared that when they visited, she was amazed at the whole laundry process. At that time, they had to walk miles to get water. (Thanks to a multi-church project, they now have running water 3 times a week and are so thankful for that!) Then, they heated it and did it by hand outside, a full day project that required a lot of strength and patience. But, they did it together and sang songs and did it joyfully. She said that when she felt grumpy while doing her laundry, she though of how easy she truly had it to do laundry and tried to be more joyful.


Also, I try to get my children to help more.

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Lately, (past several weeks), I've been feeling sad and tired during the day. By around 5, when the stuff I HAVE to do is over, I feel better. We school year round, so I don't think this is a back to school issue.


I'm just tired of the work. I'm tired of washing dishes. I'm tired of programming (my at-home paid work) I'm tired of making my kids do their chores and schoolwork. I'm tired of it all! I really feel like a hamster on a wheel - I run and run (or work and work) but don't get anywhere.


The worst part is that it turns me into a cranky mom - and my boys deserve better than that.


Does anyone know where I'm coming from? Can anyone suggest any ways to improve my attitude?


Can you take a break and get away? You sound just plain tired and I've BTDT. Could you be depressed?

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I'm just tired of the work. I'm tired of washing dishes. I'm tired of programming (my at-home paid work) I'm tired of making my kids do their chores and schoolwork. I'm tired of it all! I really feel like a hamster on a wheel - I run and run (or work and work) but don't get anywhere.



There is always more laundry and dishes, you never get total satisfaction for a job completed and done.


Another thing that is helpful for me is reading "Never done: A history of housework." You truly would be never done in the "good old days." While I love the thought of quilting bees and all those fun sounding things, a listing of all the chores and the steps to do each and how many hours had to be spent on each helps make me more thankful.

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I hear ya. I get like that too sometimes. I have 2 special needs kids on top of a Latin/Carribean husband. The workload I bear can be exhausting most days. There's nothing that can be done about the drudgery of the daily chores, but I find whistling while I work helps a bit. I got myself a walkman and I play cd's over my headphones when I'm doing the dishes or laundry etc. I LOVE music so it helps the chores go much better and plus I get to unplug and tune out the kids for that period of time when their dad is home and he can get the juice or give computer help etc. I see that you like cello, maybe get some of Bach's cello suites on CD and plug in while you are doing the drudge work and I'll bet that will help. :) Here's a :grouphug: for you though. I know how you feel. :grouphug:

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Thanks for the support. I suspected I'd get both understanding and suggestions here. I think I'll add five gratitudes to my morning routine. I know I'm very fortunate to be able to work from home and to have my boys at home for school. That knowledge just gets lost in the daily grind.


Today I am thankful for:

two healthy boys

a solid roof (actually, a new roof, after hurricane Ike) that keeps today's rain out

a symphony rehearsal tonight

a dh who is at a job he hates right now so I can be home

the WTM forum where I can find much needed support

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I've been feeling exactly the same way most days. I have absolutely no motivation or desire to do anything school related w/ my kids. It's a good thing there doing the BJU distance learning thing. I have so many living history, science, art and music appreciation books to supplement just sitting on my shelves, because I just have no interest anymore. I'm really hoping this is just seasonal and that a cool fall breeze will snap me out of it.

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