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I volunteered...but how do I back out?

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Last year I volunteered to be a coordinator of the school volunteers for my neighbor. I have my 2 girls in school but my son is homeschooled. I offered to help her since her coordinator just walked away.


Anyways, this year I told them I would continue. Now that they have a new board...I have changed my mind. They are not very organized. They keep asking for things and then changing the way they want it done, they dont give me full answers, they wont respond to my emails, and they dont speak very clearly...(I dont speak spanish...and most speak broken english...and I am having too much trouble understanding...ugh) It is just so sad to know that they are running the PTSA so poorly and I dont want to be associated with that. (Is that terrible?) I plan on working with my girls classes...that way I get in and keep track of their assignments and such...:):)


Ok...So...I already committed...BUT I explained that I was homeschooling and my homeschool came first! I can already see they are going to make me work too many hours...hours I cant spare from my family. I think this year will be nutzo working with people like this...so I changed my mind. I dont want to just abandon them like the last lady did...so how do I word it to let them know I want out? I dont want to cause waves. I think the lady that walked out last year is helping them but Im not sure. She was so mean last year and refused to speak to me at all. I did all my volunteering from home via computer. I just put together schedules, emails and such. I never went into the school. I just didnt have time. Now I just cant deal with the new board.


I am sure this has happened to some of you in other situations...Any suggestions on walking away without burning bridges?

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I'd say that circumstances have changed slightly and I am not able to help out as much as I had originally thought--I need to focus on the needs of my family at this time. And perhaps offer to help out for a few weeks until they find someone new...or offer to help on isolated projects if they fit into your schedule. (Such as setting up tables for an isolated event)...in other words, not a firm commitment, but an offer to help if she needs to call on someone (IF it works for you at the time).


I had to step down from a volunteer position a few years ago when my baby was born...I felt stretched so thin and just didn't have enough time to take care of the priorities, much less something extra. Of course, everybody understood because I had a baby...perfect excuse.


I've also struggled at our school in this way--I want to volunteer and be involved in leading things to improvement...but when I found myself spending so much time on aspects of it that don't matter so much to me, I also had to make a change in the way in which I volunteered. I'm more interested in a role that will directly affect MY children...and make their experience better in the long run...improving the quality of their education. If it doesn't match up to that criteria, then I simply say that I am only able to do those things that match our family's priorities.

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I can already see they are going to make me work too many hours...


How exactly do they "do" this?

How do they "make" you work too many hours?


I word it to let them know I want out?

In as few as words possible.

And be careful not to go to great lengths to explain a simple matter ;)


Thank you for this honor

At the time I thought it was a great idea.

For personal reasons effective immediately I am giving notice I am unable to perform my duties.


And wish them well.


If they badger you with additional questions, just repeat exactly all or part of your statement, over and over again. ;) Smile, pause, let them do the talking.



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How exactly do they "do" this?

How do they "make" you work too many hours?



In as few as words possible.

And be careful not to go to great lengths to explain a simple matter ;)


Thank you for this honor

At the time I thought it was a great idea.

For personal reasons effective immediately I am giving notice I am unable to perform my duties.


And wish them well.


If they badger you with additional questions, just repeat exactly all or part of your statement, over and over again. ;) Smile, pause, let them do the talking.




Do not say why, or it might start a big long argument.


Just say, this is not going to work for me, for personal reasons. If asked why not, say, personal reasons. If asked whether you can do anything further, say, not at this time, but I will keep you in mind. If asked whether they can call later for help, say that you would rather come to them.

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Thank you so much. I love all the suggestions. I am going to think about it and have a talk with them this week. I love the idea of also adding in that I'm more interested in a role that will directly affect MY children"


Ive never been in this position before. I appreciate the support and advice!



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I sent my letter today and let them know I wasnt going to continue to volunteer. You know...they didnt even care. They acted like they already had me replaced. Ughh.


I am so glad to be out. I was so worried about letting them down but they really justified my feelings.


Thanks everyone. You really made this easy!

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