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school supplies fund raiser solicitation...grrrrrrr

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Yesterday afternoon, two grade school kids came to my door selling *something* (I didn't even find out what) as a fund raiser for school supplies for their public school. I was very kind and told them that I couldn't contribute and that we had to buy school supplies ourselves. They were cheerful enough and went along their merry way.


Why does this bother me so much?!?! I know why, but does it bother anyone else that public schools are making their students go door to door begging for money for school supplies???? AACK!

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Our local ps bases part of its budget on fundraisers. If the fundraisers don't bring in enough then there aren't some of the extras. I know budgets are different from place to place, but here, the state cut funding last year, the county had to cut funding and the local ps is getting much less than it was in the past. They try to make it up with fundraisers.


Yes, it can be irritating when anyone you've already helped needs more help, but there's not much more they can do (here anyway).


O/Tish, this is one of the problems I have with big social programs going through the government. The closest town raised the money and built their local schools out of their own pocket. The citizens there give gladly to help the school, and a big part of it is pride that it is THEIR school, another part is that they aren't being forced to contribute to start with. When charity becomes enforced, it loses all spirit.

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Yes, that would have bothered me! As the pp said, what about our taxes? Public schools need to learn to live within their budget just like the rest of us - unless, of course, they are willing for my students to come knocking on their doors to solicit funds for supplies. How do you think that would go over?


Teachers shouldn't have to purchase them, kids shouldn't have to purchase them. Not with the taxes I pay.

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It does bother me. Personally, I don't mind helping out, but I wish they would just ask for $$$ instead of trying to sell me magazines I don't need or wrapping paper. If they need $$$ for the school, it should be going to the school -- not to some middle-man.

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Yesterday I got "attacked" for lack of a better word, at the ball park bringing my boys to practice. There were kids selling chocolate bars EVERWHERE! My 3yo can't have them, and one kid specifically handed one to the little guy and told him to tell his mamma to buy it for him. To say I was ticked off is putting it mildly. I asked the boy where his parents were and of course they dropped him off and left the park. I asked what school he attended so I could call and complain about the sales tactics but was ignored.


On Tuesday I was asked by all but four kids at TKD practice. Two of those are homeschooled also, so the other two will probably catch us tonight. I just can't buy from all, and I won't buy from one and leave the others hanging.


Does selling useless fundraising junk give institiutional school children some life skill that my kids are missing? If so I'll have mine peddling things up and down our street soon for our private school! :rolleyes:

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Does selling useless fundraising junk give institiutional school children some life skill that my kids are missing? If so I'll have mine peddling things up and down our street soon for our private school! :rolleyes:



That was MY question a few years ago ::sigh:: and it was explained to me by a dear friend (who is a public school principal married to a former public school teacher) that they want the kids to have the perception of "working" for a donation, as opposed to walking around and soliciting handouts. It makes sense, I guess, but at the same time - I share the opinion that I'd rather just give a few bucks here and there if asked.


If a kid is walking my neighborhood (and I live 20 steps from one elementary school, and less than quarter mile from another elementary school and the middle school) I will purchase his or her wares. The cheapest one, but I shell out for effort - regardless of my personal politics as to where taxes are going and how little funds the schools really see from these ridiculous corporate fundraisers. I do the same for scouts and pretty much whomever is putting forth effort. If I'm asked while out and about, I play it by ear. I know that there are MANY fundraising opportunities throughout the year LOL so sometimes I'll buy from Child A now, and then from Child B later in the year. It depends on how the kid asks, and his or her effort.

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but the thing that got me was last year when I was asked to buy cookie dough to help the school make budget, I asked the mom if she was going to help me in the fall "to make budget". She knows I homeschool. Her answer was "what like buy some pencils or something?" Lets see, I buy all my own books, how about one of those???

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Well, I will say this : at this very moment my sophomore is out with another football player "selling" a card that is a very common concept around here. The card is good for 2 for 1 meals and pizzas at several local restaurants and a few other things, haircut discounts, gym initiation fees, etc. It's a wallet card with the school team logo on it - like a booster club thing. They are really soliciting donations so their team can get some new practice equipment and tackle dummies. I always buy the card, even though mine have been out of public school for 6 years. (ds15 returned this year) It's a good deal for the buyer, good advertisement for the business and the team gets what they need. It is OPTIONAL and many people say no. However, the team (or whatever group it happens to be) doesn't get their stuff without making the money.

I will say this also : it annoys me how much money it "costs" to educate one child at public school. Here, in MT it is very low compared nationally and our schools do a good job generally, I feel.

But then let me ask you this : How would you like it if you opened the paper and saw that the school was asking for more tax money AND the football team just got a bunch of equipment on the school district's dime?

I guess you might argue that the money raised by the football team should go to pay for books, but I bet there would be no money raised. Make sense? If the kids want to earn some money with an optional fundraiser for their pet project, I say great.

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Stephanie... I am sick of it! You are not alone. Our sales taxes went up this year (in the heat of plants closing in town) on the alter of "for the schools".... our property taxes have increased in the past couple of years & that money (or part) goes to the schools.


The kids were merry b/c they were clueless.... they are just having fun learning about sales! Atleast there is some education in it. Scout popcorn sales have been a great teaching tool to my son!


No, you are NOT alone!

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I think the point is, it's not a free ride. If the kids want all the stuff the schools hand out then they have to help the school raise the funds.


Well I see it differently. I am already the one footing the bill through my taxes and now they want more of my hard earned money because they can't manage theirs properly.

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Well I see it differently. I am already the one footing the bill through my taxes and now they want more of my hard earned money because they can't manage theirs properly.

Or, because they're forced to put funding into certain areas and other important areas are lacking. They aren't trying for a free ride, they're working for the extra funds.

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I think the point is, it's not a free ride. If the kids want all the stuff the schools hand out then they have to help the school raise the funds.


I think that would be fine, if that were the point. I think the point is more to put a CHILD in the face of the community because it is harder to turn down a child. It is a gimmick.

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The whole idea of the school needing help with school supplies bothers me. Where is my help? No one is buying my supplies.


On the other hand, I'm a sucker when it comes to kids. If an adult comes to my door I tend to ignore them. If I do answer the door I'm quick to say "not interested". But if a kid comes to my door I buy whatever they're selling. I can't tell them no.

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When I was a child my parents used to just get crazy when the school expected us to sell garbage to raise money.


My Dad always said "If the choir needs new robes or the cheerleaders need new uniforms, just tell me and I will gladly donate".


He and my mom didn't like their children being used as door to door salesman. They also thought it was unsafe.


The school also always made a big to-do over the kid that sold the most stuff. This bothered my mom. We could never be the kid that sold the most stuff because Mom was a SAHM and Dad worked at a small private company. Other parents would take the forms into work and sell the garbage to all their co workers.


I didn't like it because I was shy and I didn't want to go knocking on doors and speaking to people!


My parents are a bit strange about a great many things, but on this subject I agree with them. Kids should not be used for door to door sales of useless garbage to raise money for the school. And as others said, the school gets tax money. I am forced to run my homeschool within my budget, the public schools should do the same.

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When I was a child my parents used to just get crazy when the school expected us to sell garbage to raise money.


My Dad always said "If the choir needs new robes or the cheerleaders need new uniforms, just tell me and I will gladly donate".


He and my mom didn't like their children being used as door to door salesman. They also thought it was unsafe.


The school also always made a big to-do over the kid that sold the most stuff. This bothered my mom. We could never be the kid that sold the most stuff because Mom was a SAHM and Dad worked at a small private company. Other parents would take the forms into work and sell the garbage to all their co workers.


I didn't like it because I was shy and I didn't want to go knocking on doors and speaking to people!


Kids should not be used for door to door sales of useless garbage to raise money for the school. And as others said, the school gets tax money. I am forced to run my homeschool within my budget, the public schools should do the same.


You put into words eloquently what I just ranted. Thanks!

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