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Saudi Travel Blog

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I was determined to take pictures on our annual trek and I'm sure I annoyed my dh and just about every one of my in-laws making them stop while I snapped a photo, lol, but I was finally able to get the better pictures put together into a travel blog.. if anyone is interested...



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I love the idea of adding maps

Me too, it's built in to the website. My only beef with it is that you have to use their pre-determined map pins, and there were places we traveled through that didn't have a pin. So, for example, although we followed the coast road to the Saudi border then across, there was no way to indicate that on the map you had to go with their pins. So it kind of looks like we flew. I thought it was odd they had some city names on their map but no pin for that city.


Oh well, for my first time trying it out it was ok. I don't know that I'm chatty enough to have a regular blog, though.

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Thank you so much for sharing. I love the pictures and your words of Jeddah. I miss that place so much. The Cornishe looks the same except for a few more interesting structures. Is the "Thumb" still there? I could almost smell the Souk, esp. the fish Souk but yum. There was a special nut and coffee stall at the entrance to the old Souk that I always got my Turkish cashews at, the best in the world. The bread, I miss the bread. When I arrived in 75 they were still using the old, old airport and our water was brought by donkey cart. When I left King Abdul Aziz International Airport was in full swing. I used to ride my horse out by KAIA at Wadi Abu Habaline (sp). My parents later relocated to Riyadh after the American Embassy moved, but Jeddah will always be my hometown. Did you have a chance to get up to Tiaf? One of my favorite memories when entering that city is sight of the gold dome on the summer palace; pure beauty. Thanks for the memories.

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Did you have a chance to get up to Tiaf?
Going and coming we avoid actually going into Ta'if by taking the Sayl road. One year by accident we ended up on the Hada road, had no clue what we were doing, and suddenly we were at the top of this enormous mountain and the road started winding slowly down.. baboons, super-scary bridge to cross, etc. It was in the papers this summer that they have just re-opened that road after a renovation.. I wanted to try it, but it will have to be on our way to Jeddah (not from Jeddah, as our car is usually heavily laden with goodies to take home).


Couple years back some relations from the Saudi part of my in-laws invited dh and I to visit them at their vacation spot in Ta'if on our way home. Beautiful and the weather was *fabulous*. They had a house on top of one of the hills, large screened in porch, it was great.


They still have the thumb-thing, also the huge bicycle.. the cube with cars sticking out... I can't remember which of the remaining are the oldest.. they had a plane roundabout which no longer has a plane, I think they're changing the whole intersection there...


I started visiting when I got married, about 15 yrs back, but sounds like you got there shortly before my dh did -- I think his dad started working at KAA Univ Hospital around 1976-77? He talks a lot about how much things have changed over the years.

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That bridge and road up to Ta'if (:)) used to be very, very scary. I actually used to own a baboon from one of those tribes of there. His mother was hit by a car when he was an infant and by means of a vet I ended up with him. His name was Bender (I know not very original). Of course this was back when the old Al-molk-a tar (sp) on Medina rd (I think) had a tiger and a lion at the entrance, before it burned down. I'm sure your husband would remember.


The bicycle was nice but the cube with the cars was one of my all time favorites. :D


Your posts now have my mouth watering for shawarmas, broast w/garlic sauce, kupsa, goat..... I've been trying to remember the name of one of my favorite dishes. It was a type of omelet with philo dough, meat, spinach and green onions and you squeezed lemons all over it. It was baked in a big outdoor oven and moved around with a huge pizza type shovel. It was one of my favorite dishes and I can't for the life of me remember the name. Do you know? Do you have the recipe?

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It was a type of omelet with philo dough, meat, spinach and green onions and you squeezed lemons all over it.
Is it Mutabbaq? The same guys making the omlette parathas in my pics make mutabbaq at night. It sounds the same, except they didn't give any lemon and they cooked it on the same huge iron pan, not in an oven. Here's a recipe I found online, see if it looks right to you:



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Oh...we lived in Jeddah for a short time...never got to Makkah (we are Christians) or Riyadh...but my dh thought in Taif...Jeddah was interesting...


Sometimes I miss the sand dunes and the sky overcrowded with the stars, while in dessert...


Thanks for sharing.

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For anyone who's interested, I added a few more pictures to the blog entry on Makkah:




I didn't take my camera inside the Haram (the masjid where the Ka'ba is) because it's kinda heavy and they unfortunately have problems there with pickpockets, but my dh took pictures with his cell phone that he just sent to me to include.

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Thanks so much for posting this. I really enjoyed looking at your photos. I shared the anecdote about Starbucks with my ds. I recently read a book about a woman doctor working in Saudi Arabia. She describes her hajj experience. It was very cool to see your photos of the Ka'ba!



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