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any Rob Bell or Greg Boyd fans out here?

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I love both these guys and they have been so helpful, inspiring, great teachers, yadayadayada........I listen to both of their sermons on podcast, but 2 a week goes fast, LOL. Although Woodland Hills does have a few years archived on their site, so that's nice.


But are there any other similar pastors/books out there that you like? I'm not looking for true emergent resources....I know some ppl call RB one but I don't think he is....I'm looking for more of the outward focused, practical application type of teaching....if that makes any sense. And no posts telling me how awful you think RB is, please :tongue_smilie:

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I just saw Rob Bell last night. He's a very good speaker. I had never heard of him before. I would consider his talk somewhat light and entertaining. I sort of felt like he was talking to a college audience. I felt a bit old for it. We have followed a family ministry for several years and all his points were not new to me. He did not leave me hungry for more. But I can see how he would be very compelling to some. And, I'm not really sure exactly what he is. Is he a Christian inspirational speaker? Why is he on a performing arts tour instead of a church tour? Is he non-profit? I have not heard of the other guy you wrote of. My husband likes to read Voddy Baucham's web site. My husband also really likes the Wild at Heart author, which he will be attending his first Boot Camp out in CO in Nov. Along with authors, Larry Crabb, Allender and Longman.

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Love Rob Bell. His NOOMA videos are great, as well as his books. I think there is a real need for teachers like him to reach the younger and more skeptical, cynical audiences. I've been a Christian for almost 30 years and I always take away a new idea or perspective or bit of Bible info I didn't know before (or had totally forgotten or taken for granted).


EDITED TO ADD: Sorry, I have no similar recommendations to pass your way. Just wanted to add my "Rob Bell Rocks" vote. :)

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I just saw Rob Bell last night. He's a very good speaker. I had never heard of him before. I would consider his talk somewhat light and entertaining. I sort of felt like he was talking to a college audience. I felt a bit old for it. We have followed a family ministry for several years and all his points were not new to me. He did not leave me hungry for more. But I can see how he would be very compelling to some. And, I'm not really sure exactly what he is. Is he a Christian inspirational speaker? Why is he on a performing arts tour instead of a church tour? Is he non-profit? I have not heard of the other guy you wrote of. My husband likes to read Voddy Baucham's web site. My husband also really likes the Wild at Heart author, which he will be attending his first Boot Camp out in CO in Nov. Along with authors, Larry Crabb, Allender and Longman.


Seeing Voddie's name in the same thread as "Yay, Rob Bell!" is strange to me. They couldn't be more different.


And even Bell puts himself in the emergent camp, so I would guess that looking for other emergent resources would yield the results you are looking for.


Not a fan personally. At. All.:glare:

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Seeing Voddie's name in the same thread as "Yay, Rob Bell!" is strange to me. They couldn't be more different.


And even Bell puts himself in the emergent camp, so I would guess that looking for other emergent resources would yield the results you are looking for.


Not a fan personally. At. All.:glare:


Me, either. Nor of the Wild at Heart guy.

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What about Mark Driscoll out of Mars Hill in Seattle? I haven't personally listened to Bell, because I was turned off by some of the controversy in one of his books, but I have friends that like him and they also like Driscoll. And I know that both guys came out of the same camp emerging or emergent...


Anyway, I think Driscoll is great and there are tons of his sermons available on itunes. He has also written a heap of books.

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Seeing Voddie's name in the same thread as "Yay, Rob Bell!" is strange to me. They couldn't be more different.


And even Bell puts himself in the emergent camp, so I would guess that looking for other emergent resources would yield the results you are looking for.


Not a fan personally. At. All.:glare:


I'm very wary of the emergent church and all that goes along with that. I have not sat and read nor listened to Rob Bell much, though, so I can't say much about him personally. I just feel warning signals go off about the emergent church movement. I'm with Tracy in KY. I really like John Piper!!!

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If you like Rob Bell you will probably like Donald Miller as well. I didn't care for either (too much theological navel-gazing for my tastes) but I know Miller's "Blue Like Jazz" is hugely popular among the emergent folk.


I am huge John Piper and John MacArthur fan myself!


I too like MacArthur, but sometimes if I read/listen too much to him, I walk away with more of a legalistic perspective. Does anyone else feel that? I agree with his theology and all.

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