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{{sigh}} Do you ever feel like youa re not smart enough


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to teach your own child??


I am struggling with this now. I see so many wonderful programs out there, and my 11 yo is quite advanced for her age, in the LA area. But I really do not think I can give her, or teach her what she needs .


For example, CW Aesop and forward. HUH??? I don't think I can teach that. I also looked at Classical Composition. Another HUH???


Do you know I cannot even DO Mind Benders A1????


I have seen people use the Art of Argument. This is something "I" seriously lack myself. Actually, I was never taught this in school, and I never would have thought of it myself until I have been reading here.


I think I can give my child so much more, and I now she would pick it up, but I am not an abstract thinker. I am more of a ...hmmm.....Dick and Jane type person??? Does that make sense?? Easy. Laid out. Perfectly clear. But I WANT MORE for my own child.


But HOW can I do this? How can I teach her if I don't understand the directions? Or pronounce the vocabulary? Etc....??


Anyone know what I mean? I think I am rambling and I hope I made some sense?????

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I have already admitted that I dropped CW due to the learning curve. I have yet to even take home any of the Critical Thinking Co. books for the same reason.


I know I am a reasonably smart person. I did well in school and very well in college. Where did that go? ;)


We all have different gifts and talents. I can teach English grammar, literature and history all the way up without a TM, but I am scared stiff of math above algebra. I am buying the DVDs for Latin and logic. And I am pretty sure I am doing a co-op for upper level science. No homeschooler has to be an island! Go all out with what you are good at and give that to your child whole-heartedly. Then look for opportunities to either learn with your child or outsource the rest.



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Thanks for the :grouphug: and I am SO glad I am not alone in this. I wish we had more opportunities out here so I could have my child take some kind of co-op for areas I am weak in. The only thing I am really good at, is Spelling, Anatomy, and Medical Terminology(for some reason medical terminology always stuck with me)


I guess I see what many are doing with their 11 yo, and I seethe with jealousy as I would love to be able to do some of those things. But I just know I wouldn't understand it enough to teach it.


Oh, and I had a year of College as well. Guess that didn't do me any good...:eek:


We are starting school in three weeks, and I feel like I have a shelf full of stuff and do not even know where to start.:001_huh:

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to teach your own child??


I am struggling with this now. I see so many wonderful programs out there, and my 11 yo is quite advanced for her age, in the LA area. But I really do not think I can give her, or teach her what she needs .


For example, CW Aesop and forward. HUH??? I don't think I can teach that. I also looked at Classical Composition. Another HUH???


Do you know I cannot even DO Mind Benders A1????


I have seen people use the Art of Argument. This is something "I" seriously lack myself. Actually, I was never taught this in school, and I never would have thought of it myself until I have been reading here.


I think I can give my child so much more, and I now she would pick it up, but I am not an abstract thinker. I am more of a ...hmmm.....Dick and Jane type person??? Does that make sense?? Easy. Laid out. Perfectly clear. But I WANT MORE for my own child.


But HOW can I do this? How can I teach her if I don't understand the directions? Or pronounce the vocabulary? Etc....??


Anyone know what I mean? I think I am rambling and I hope I made some sense?????


My kids definitely progress beyond my level of competence. My 13 yos is way ahead of me in math! My dd is beyond me in French! The list goes on! My oldest left me in the dust his jr yr.


I rely heavily on solution manuals for upper math courses.......I look at how the problem was solved and then explain it them!!


I use literary guides for analyzing lit b/c I know I miss a lot of the allusions and subtle meanings.


We are using audio heavy French programs so I don't have to be able to speak it. I found a local French individual who is willing to help in case of differences between answer keys and student answers.


I feel confident teaching writing, but if I didn't I would probably use an online course.


It is doable but it is a lot of work and commitment to keep up with everything so I know how to answer and discuss.

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More :grouphug: I've had the same fears, and they still come to surface often. A while back I was kicking myself for trying to help my son with Math and he had to keep correcting me because I was explaining it wrong :confused: Then, we moved over to Teaching Textbooks and it has been a lifesaver. My point is that this helped me move on. I think we can pull from different resources. Because we homeschool it doesn't mean we have to learn everything inside of our physical home and be the sole teacher for all subjects. My son will be taking a CA History Class at a friends house, WriteShop 1 at a church, and Spanish at a private teachers home. You gotta do what you gotta do. We have so many choices. :D I love homeschooling and this is one of the reasons why.

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I have not read your previous posts, but are you by any chance new to homeschooling?


Your post reminds me of how overwhelmed I felt at the beginning of our adventure into homeschooling. I remember being convinced I would fail my daughter in her education and she was only five :D


Remember that if your feel overwhelmed, only bite off what you can and then learn along with your daughter on the subjects you are fearful of.


It really will become easier, you will find your groove and not so fearful of your own inadequacies.


Are there any local homeschool support groups you could join? If there are, having a mentor for the first year could really take some pressure off you.


Hugs :grouphug:

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You know what, it's okay:grouphug: I'm going to be teaching Latin, doing some intense Grammar, and re-learning lots of history that I forgot or never even learned. IMO, it's not that we're not smart enough. The problem lies in a broken educational system. I have a master's for goodness sakes! I should at least be able to say my states and capitals! But, I had to relearn that last year w/ds.




This is an article by SWB. Many of us (moms) are (re)educating ourselves along with our children. One of the things I've learned about the classical model is that we're teaching our kids HOW to learn. We're giving them tools or that's the goal anyway. If we give them the tools, they can learn anything. If I teach my child well, I will always be playing catch up with him. My job is taking care of my family. His biggest job is learning.


When teaching my child how to learn a subject that I am not familiar with or do not excel at, I'm essentially going to be learning with him. I don't need to hide that from him. I need to prepare myself to teach him but most of all, I need to model a love of learning. If I can pass a love of learning along to my child, I will not fear sending him off to college. He will be successful:)

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Have you ever read the book Home Sweet Homeschool by Sue Maakestad? I highly recommend it!! (I found it at my library.) She homeschooled all her kids (8- I think), and I don't think she even had a high school diploma at the time. All her kids went on to have great careers in engineering, computer science type stuff!! (It's been awhile since I read it, so I'm not positive about the details.) The book is basically a "You can do it!!!" book loaded with encouragement! If you need a cheerleader, she's your girl! :001_smile:

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I have not read your previous posts, but are you by any chance new to homeschooling?


Your post reminds me of how overwhelmed I felt at the beginning of our adventure into homeschooling. I remember being convinced I would fail my daughter in her education and she was only five :D


Remember that if your feel overwhelmed, only bite off what you can and then learn along with your daughter on the subjects you are fearful of.


It really will become easier, you will find your groove and not so fearful of your own inadequacies.


Are there any local homeschool support groups you could join? If there are, having a mentor for the first year could really take some pressure off you.


Hugs :grouphug:



No, and I am sure that surprises many. This is my 6th year now. Prior to this, we have been very, very relaxed in our homeschool. DD is asking to ramp things up now.


She is reading Shakespeare(can read it, but hard to understand it), is finishing up Huck Finn, wants to learn Latin, as she says as well " I heard that if you learn Latin I can understand Shakespeare" AAAHHHHHH.


She wants to be on a debate team. There is none. So someone here brought up Art of Argument. I don't know, can I teach it??


Forget math. I still don't get fractions myself....LOL. We use BJU and I can still teach it myself pretty well, but we will switch to BJU DVD in upper levels.(We used BJU DVD's for my son in high school and I really liked it).


LOGIC????????? I never even heard of Logic, unless someone asked me "Does this sound LOGICAL to you???"


Okay, so I think " I better get the Mind Benders out"..............LOL. OMG, I looked at and tried to read The Fallacy Detective. OH MY. I am afraid to admit it. But I didn't get it.{{{sigh}}}}


I am not quite sure how to relay this, but I want my daughter to be able to have an intelligent conversation as she is an adult. Basically in a nutshell, "sound educated"(better then me...LOL)

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You know what, it's okay:grouphug: I'm going to be teaching Latin, doing some intense Grammar, and re-learning lots of history that I forgot or never even learned. IMO, it's not that we're not smart enough. The problem lies in a broken educational system. I have a master's for goodness sakes! I should at least be able to say my states and capitals! But, I had to relearn that last year w/ds.




This is an article by SWB. Many of us (moms) are (re)educating ourselves along with our children. One of the things I've learned about the classical model is that we're teaching our kids HOW to learn. We're giving them tools or that's the goal anyway. If we give them the tools, they can learn anything. If I teach my child well, I will always be playing catch up with him. My job is taking care of my family. His biggest job is learning.


When teaching my child how to learn a subject that I am not familiar with or do not excel at, I'm essentially going to be learning with him. I don't need to hide that from him. I need to prepare myself to teach him but most of all, I need to model a love of learning. If I can pass a love of learning along to my child, I will not fear sending him off to college. He will be successful:)




We do have a very broken educational system. I do not think it was any better(well, maybe a little better) back when I was in school, than what it is today.


I know I am learning alot with my child. I guess I have the same fears as many, that we want them to have and know more then we do.(and a love of learning, something that was squashed for me):willy_nilly:

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No, and I am sure that surprises many. This is my 6th year now. Prior to this, we have been very, very relaxed in our homeschool. DD is asking to ramp things up now.


She is reading Shakespeare(can read it, but hard to understand it), is finishing up Huck Finn, wants to learn Latin, as she says as well " I heard that if you learn Latin I can understand Shakespeare" AAAHHHHHH.



I am not quite sure how to relay this, but I want my daughter to be able to have an intelligent conversation as she is an adult. Basically in a nutshell, "sound educated"(better then me...LOL)


I just wanted to offer the suggestion of Literary Lessons from Lord of the Rings. It is a great lit analysis course and for the middle school crowd, you can do it slowly over 2 yrs and spend weeks on each unit study. The units cover the Iliad, Odyssey, Beowulf, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Shakespeare, etc.

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I just wanted to offer the suggestion of Literary Lessons from Lord of the Rings. It is a great lit analysis course and for the middle school crowd, you can do it slowly over 2 yrs and spend weeks on each unit study. The units cover the Iliad, Odyssey, Beowulf, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Shakespeare, etc.


Really? I am going to check this out:) Thank you!

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:grouphug:I think sometimes what's going on around us makes us overwhelmed, too. Then that makes me feel not smart enough. In planning this year, I had to take into account that we are planning a wedding and adjusting to our oldest son moving to D.C. I have felt so shaky about all the new things going on, that our third son is pretty much dual enrollment and on-line courses only. He has only two classes here.(Chemistry and Auto shop) I feel guilty about that, but know for his future he needs to be accountable to someone else besides me. I need to be in a spot that I can help our daughter with her wedding and pray more for our oldest son. It's actually the first time ever that our littlest is going to be having two group classes. One, a science that I am teaching and the other is an on-line Latin. I never did classes with my older two, maybe I am just more tired now; but both children's schedules are making me feel inadequate.

Edited by CherylG
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to teach your own child??


I am struggling with this now. I see so many wonderful programs out there, and my 11 yo is quite advanced for her age, in the LA area. But I really do not think I can give her, or teach her what she needs .


For example, CW Aesop and forward. HUH??? I don't think I can teach that. I also looked at Classical Composition. Another HUH???


Do you know I cannot even DO Mind Benders A1????


I have seen people use the Art of Argument. This is something "I" seriously lack myself. Actually, I was never taught this in school, and I never would have thought of it myself until I have been reading here.


I think I can give my child so much more, and I now she would pick it up, but I am not an abstract thinker. I am more of a ...hmmm.....Dick and Jane type person??? Does that make sense?? Easy. Laid out. Perfectly clear. But I WANT MORE for my own child.


But HOW can I do this? How can I teach her if I don't understand the directions? Or pronounce the vocabulary? Etc....??


Anyone know what I mean? I think I am rambling and I hope I made some sense?????


Every. Single. Year. I feel this way. Each year presents new learning challenges for me, to pass on to my kids.


The only thing I can say is that you have to just plunge in and teach yourself the stuff. I was completely overwhelmed by Mind Benders a year and a half ago. The first book. By the second or third problem. I'd never done that stuff before!!! I took those A-level books and forced my way through them, reading the helps for solving, before I finally started getting a clue about how to think through them.


And you have to come here, again and again, and keep asking questions about each thing that comes up. My current thing is logic. I asked questions a couple of weeks ago about the Critical Thinking Books 1 and 2, and then started reading lots of old threads about logic. Oh my. Right now I am overwhelmed with it, but I'm determined to pass it on to my kids, so it's what drives me to figure things out, despite my lack.


Each time I master something (like those MindBenders - truly, now they are fun!!), I gain another little piece of insight on this journey to teaching my kids to think for themselves, and another little bit of determination to press on.


Latin was another mountain for me. I never thought I'd understand Latina Christiana 1. Or 2. Now we're in Henle, and I'm breathing easy because so far, it's review. I know another mountain is coming though, but I now understand what a declension is!!


If you want MORE for your child, then press on. Use these boards - they are a FANTASTIC resource for help in every little question you could possibly come up with.



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I have a few gaps in my own education and I explain to DD that I want to make sure she doesn't have those same gaps, so we learn together. If she's catching on quicker than I am, then I have her teach it to me which solidifies it that much more for her. We have some great discussions that way.


We also talk about our different gifts and talents and she understands I'm not strong in every subject. I love math, she hates it. She loves chemistry, I glaze over. She knows to go to her Dad for some things and to me for others.


How about DVD programs for some of the areas you're less confident?

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Thank you ladies for the :grouphug: and the encouragement. I am one of those people who just over-analyze, and re-think, and doubt everything abouy my child's education!!


I think by the time I get done posting here(which might be NEVER the way I am going at it) every time you see my DANCER screen name come up, someone is going to hit the BLAMO button....:D


I need to :chillpill: :-)

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I have a few gaps in my own education and I explain to DD that I want to make sure she doesn't have those same gaps, so we learn together. If she's catching on quicker than I am, then I have her teach it to me which solidifies it that much more for her. We have some great discussions that way.


We also talk about our different gifts and talents and she understands I'm not strong in every subject. I love math, she hates it. She loves chemistry, I glaze over. She knows to go to her Dad for some things and to me for others.


How about DVD programs for some of the areas you're less confident?


Dad is going to teach electricity this year(YAY) I am doing the Rock Around the Earth and Chemistry which I love to do.


I am getting Lord of the Rings for my 11 yo to read. She is already busting at the seams to read it. I will get a copy at the library and let her try it. If she seems to like it, someone mentioned the LOTR Literary Study.

If I get this, I think I can ditch Spelling Power Level G?



Still on the fence about this Latin Problem. I only have some background in Latin(SOME words only...LOL)


I cannot afford an expensive program. So I was thinking either Latin Prep, or Getting Started with Latin??


I have a headache.



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I used to be a preschool teacher and would joke that I never taught above my level of expertise!

Then I started homeschooling--with a k'er and a 9th grader. Never felt so stupid or learned so much in such a short time!

The way I figure it, we all need each other--so find someone near you who can sit with you and explain what you are trying to teach. Get educated yourself, then pass it on to your child. Use materials with scripts, get dc a tutor or go to a co-op or have dc do an online class. You can still be a homeschooler but outsource what is really difficult. No shame in that.

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Thank you ladies for the :grouphug: and the encouragement. I am one of those people who just over-analyze, and re-think, and doubt everything abouy my child's education!!


I think by the time I get done posting here(which might be NEVER the way I am going at it) every time you see my DANCER screen name come up, someone is going to hit the BLAMO button....:D


I need to :chillpill: :-)

No "BLAMO" to you, friend!!:thumbup:

Edited by CherylG
I love "your" avitar...serves me right for being up this late!
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I already know that when my dd gets older I will have to hire a tutor for math. I've never really been good at math, and I want someone teaching her who understands the material. So either I'll get a tutor or use one of those virtual class things where a teacher comes along with it. Fortunately she's 6 now so I'm good so far.

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I have a few gaps in my own education and I explain to DD that I want to make sure she doesn't have those same gaps, so we learn together. If she's catching on quicker than I am, then I have her teach it to me which solidifies it that much more for her. We have some great discussions that way.


We also talk about our different gifts and talents and she understands I'm not strong in every subject. I love math, she hates it. She loves chemistry, I glaze over. She knows to go to her Dad for some things and to me for others.



This is excellent wisdom. Thank you for posting! :thumbup1:

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How about DVD programs for some of the areas you're less confident?





I felt like you when I started hs'ing our (then) middle schooler for math. We started using MUS because of the DVDs and I had my dd watch with me. Amazing how much stuff I'd forgotten.


I vote for anything with DVD or online support, that way you can learn too! To me, that's part of what makes homeschooling funb:)

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For example, CW Aesop and forward. HUH??? I don't think I can teach that. I also looked at Classical Composition. Another HUH???






Just a note I found that after I quit trying to teach CW and just read out of the core the pages they listed it was much easier to use. No pre-reading processing and then trying to put it into terms dd could understand. Now we learn together and things are running much smoother, despite my not having all the answers.


But I have lots of curriculium I do before my dd: Latin, Grammar, Math. I just do them on a separate piece of paper so they aren't consumed. That is the only way I keep up.



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I have a few gaps in my own education and I explain to DD that I want to make sure she doesn't have those same gaps, so we learn together. If she's catching on quicker than I am, then I have her teach it to me which solidifies it that much more for her. We have some great discussions that way.


We also talk about our different gifts and talents and she understands I'm not strong in every subject. I love math, she hates it. She loves chemistry, I glaze over. She knows to go to her Dad for some things and to me for others.

Another time, amtmcm that we and our dd's sound alike! :001_smile: This is exactly what we do (although my dd doesn't hate math, and I don't love it. We both tolerate it. :tongue_smilie:)! She knows to go to dad for math! She loves chemistry (again, dad, who also loves math and chemistry, is a great source to go to for understanding and encouragement) also, and has asked to do it EVERY YEAR--this coming year being the 3rd year. I've allowed her to go off on tangents with it, and had fun. We're doing Rainbow Science year one this year, so she'll be getting in some physics work also.


I also have told her that I want her to do better, understand things better, be more confident than I was as she progresses in school (I've told that to all my kids, actually), and she gets it. SHE wants to be better too, and have her kids do better than she did, etc.


I feel this way sometimes too! My dd is so intelligent, I WISH I could do more for her! But then I think (KNOW!), at least she's getting a better education than if she was in school. She's grown up with kids that go to the Christian school my kids would've gone to if they weren't being homeschooled, so we see how they're turning out. Besides, I have LOVED having my kids home with me. They grow so fast, I feel blessed to have been able to homeschool them and spend time with them while they are young. I think that, alone, is so good for the kids---being with one person who loves them more than anyone else on earth and wants the best for them is such a wonderful thing for them. It gives them a peace and security and a stronger self-concept than many who go to school and get caught up in peer pressure, bullying, etc. Your dd also really learns stuff, and when she struggles, she isn't passed over, she gets the help she needs!


So, think of all the good you are doing in that sense. Over all, even if you aren't doing all these other things that you're jealous of (I'm there with you!), you ARE making her life way better than it would be otherwise! :001_smile:

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To be honest, I don't worry much about this. I probably should :001_smile:. but, if I started worrying about it, it would take all of the joy out of homeschooling for me. Maybe if I were doing this back in the day when there were practically no choices for home-educators, maybe I would worry more. But, really, there are so many wonderful, easy to use curricula available to us. Sure, it may take lots of our time to wade through it all, but atleast we know we have choices and many excellent options.


My husband is a big comfort to me in this area. He has always said if we teach them to read well and to love to read, we've accomplished most of the task before us.

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