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Female question, slightly TMI

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I'm 45, definitely in perimenopause, so ymmv.

I have found when I don't use my progesterone cream faithfully, my cycles get heavier and closer.

Amazing... what a difference it makes using it from the time I ovulate to the start of my cycle.

I buy mine from a local Herb Shop.

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I sometimes go through times when my periods are heavy and close together. It causes me to become really anemic. I looked and looked for answers and none of them seemed to fit my situation.


Just before we moved I found an article that mentioned it can be caused by a vitamin D deficiency (in a chain-reaction kind of way). Whenever I have problems it is in the winter. I don't like the cold and tend to stay indoors. Plus, I don't drink milk. I haven't had a single problem with my period since we moved to Hawaii. It's been regular, short and light the entire time.


I really think maybe that was my problem. It's anecdotal, I know. I didn't even have my levels tested. But, it's an easy enough solution to try.

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My cycles have been getting closer together and a bit heavier. They were fairly heavy to begin with. It's now about 3 weeks in between, which gives me all of 2 weeks off. :glare: Any thoughts, information?




You don't say how old you are....that will affect my non professional opinion. However, if you are anywhere near your 40s chances are great it is just perimenopause. Cycles just go wack. :tongue_smilie: I didn't have one from September last year until April...hormone check shows I am definitely perimenopausal....


However, it can cause fatigue if you are losing too much blood...and not to frighten you but that was one of the symptoms my mother in her young 30s had just before she was diagnosed with uteran cancer. So I hope you go get checked out.

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does sound like perimenopause. The same thing happened to me early 40s. I started having a 25 day cycle that lasts 5-9 days, but usually 7 days. PMS would start on day 20. Do the math, I do not get too many "free" days.


You should probably visit your doc and make sure it isn't anything like thyroid or fibroid or some such. Also, make sure you are getting anemic. If it is "just" hormones, then you need to READ, READ, and READ some more. Really educate yourself about your options. IF you decide you want to try something to balance the hormones, then you will be educated and can make a wise choice.


By the way, my doc put me on fish oil 3 cycles ago and I have felt so much better. The cycles are still close together and some are heavy, but I feel better.

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I'm under a lot of stress these days, and last month I figured it was that--my period came several days early, and was kind of different--I usually have a day or two of warning, and get tension/headaches, and last month it hit hard and fast, with cramps and backache. It was over quicker than usual, too. And since the week had been particularly stressful, I chalked it up to that.


I'm still under the same stress--we're looking for work and have had no income for months. I'm 35, have always been healthy, but need to lose some weight. No weird losses or gains lately. I haven't noticed any weird grumpiness, and in fact haven't had any pain of any sort yet this cycle, though I am a little tense in the shoulders.


I figure I'll call my OB on Monday; I have my yearly in October but I do want to ask about this now. I think I'll go get some vitamin pills too--I was worried about anemia, and just last night we were discussing Vitamin D deficiency!

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