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I have done my research on this but want to know if anyone here has read anything negative about it. I read about the natural antidepressant thread and saw someone said not to take it unless you've read about it first.


I tried and tried to dig up something negative because I got chest pains from it. But, I get chest pains all the time. I think it was heartburn caused by the 5-HTP, and since a few weeks before mom died I started anti-anxiety meds and that cured my daily chest pains. I had no idea.


Anyway, I'm wondering what others have read. I bought ONLY Doctor's Best because it tested to make sure........ something about it was safe. Can't remember what at the moment.


I saw a local news story which interviewed a local gynecologist whom recommended an herbal concoction for sleep, and it worked FABULOUS on me. I took the herbs for 3 months and then took NOTHING for a year. I've had insomnia issues for 20 years (as do my siblings and my father did) and was shocked at how well the herbs helped. The 5-HTP built my serotonin levels back up which is why there were lasting affects. Stress depleted them again so now i just take half a Unisom and my nerve med.


Anyway, the herbs I took at night were 5-HTP, Valerian with bee balm and passion flower. Worked like a CHARM. I slept well, awoke refreshed (I usually don't) and I had lots of dreams!


I also think the 5-HTP caused some....... disturbing symptoms which had me running to the bathroom at times.....

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All of my children, myself and my mom all take 5htp with no problems. That said, I do have one friend who cannot take any natural supplements, they ALL give her unpleasant stomach issues. So while the majority may not have a problem (and honestly, she's the only one I know of who does), if you see problems with it in your own body, don't take it. I wonder though since it worked for you before why it would cause a problem now... regardless, maybe your body needs valerian root and melatonin instead. Amino acids will also boost your seratonin and dopamine levels while will help with sleep. :)

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The only problem that I am aware of is that you should not take it if you are on an antidepressant, because you might end up with too much serotonin, which can have side effects. My midwives gave me a high dosage of 5-HTP while pregnant, so I feel extra sure that it is safe. I imagine that someone posted to read about the side effects because they don't want to be liable! :D


There are some new studies that have come out about taking unisom and other pills with diphenhydramine that are not looking good for mental functioning. Years ago, I noticed that if I took any of those pills, I woke up feeling unrested and felt very slow mentally. I have no such side effects with 5-HTP or valerian.



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The only problem that I am aware of is that you should not take it if you are on an antidepressant, because you might end up with too much serotonin, which can have side effects. My midwives gave me a high dosage of 5-HTP while pregnant, so I feel extra sure that it is safe. I imagine that someone posted to read about the side effects because they don't want to be liable! :D


There are some new studies that have come out about taking unisom and other pills with diphenhydramine that are not looking good for mental functioning. Years ago, I noticed that if I took any of those pills, I woke up feeling unrested and felt very slow mentally. I have no such side effects with 5-HTP or valerian.




oh, MY! I'm DESPERATE for sleep so I take the Unisom, but I have brain fog and am tired all the time. I read today that if you have high blood pressure you shouldn't take 5-htp, and my bp meds were quadrupled in the past 4 months, so that's a concern for me.


Ultimately I want to increase my serotonin levels again. All this stress I've been under has depleted them, I'm CERTAIN of this. And I want to sleep naturally.




I want all of this happen in two weeks so I'm ready for our new school year.



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