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Saxon or singapore for k and why?


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Can you wonderful ladies and gentlemen help me with ordering the right program for my 4 yr old. I read WTM (1999) edition and she highly recommends Saxon. I looked into it and I love the thought of the manipulatives. But I see a lot of people here using Singapore. Why did you choose Singapore over Saxon and what are the advantages? Thanks in advance.

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I know you asked Singapore people why they chose Singapore, but thought I'd give a plug for Saxon since it's not as popular now that there are a lot of choices.


I start my guys in Saxon 1 when they turn 5. I have the K program, but use it mostly for fun when a preK boy wants to do math like his brothers.


I like Saxon. I like the scripted TMs in the younger years, and the manipulatives. I like the spiral approach. I like that my boys can work fairly independently when they hit 5/4 and beyond. I have them watch the DIVE CD ROMs on the computer for my own peace of mind, but they are able to complete the lessons just from reading the text if needed. I like that math facts are drilled constantly.


I currently have sons in 7/6, 6/5, 3, 1, & K. The older two have had great test scores in math on their standardized tests (the younger boys haven't tested yet). Not that test scores are everything, but they do show that Saxon is working for them. And on an interesting note: when my Dad asked them each (out of earshot from anyone else) what their favorite school subject was, they all said math & science or math & history.

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Caveat- the only math programs we've used are Singapore and Miquon. I've seen Saxon but never used it.


I like the Singapore emphasis on mental math, I like the rhythm of how it moves through topics. I really like that the test scores with Singapore are so good- IF you add in extra practice and drill.

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Can you wonderful ladies and gentlemen help me with ordering the right program for my 4 yr old. I read WTM (1999) edition and she highly recommends Saxon. I looked into it and I love the thought of the manipulatives. But I see a lot of people here using Singapore. Why did you choose Singapore over Saxon and what are the advantages? Thanks in advance.


I would do neither. :D


Right Start has manipulatives and is based on the same concepts as Singapore. I would do Right Start for now then transfer over to Singapore in 1st.


Why that methodology? Because it teaches the child the why of math, work on mental math and problem solving, not just the forms to fill in and do. For example in addition you no longer need t memorize any math facts above 1-10 because you turn any problem you have into a base 10 problem (ignore the dots as I have to put something in there to keep the spacing):


90 + 50=

......./ \





You learn to move the numbers around, which at first takes time, but once you get used to it you can do it very quickly in your head.


Same with subtraction:


15 - 8=






Numbers are a lot more fluid in Singapore. You are always allowed to break a problem down into smaller, more manageable parts. That is a great skill to have and somewhat frowned upon in Saxon.




Edited by siloam
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That's funny. We have always done Saxon. Saxon does teach just what you are doing starting in Saxon 54 at least. It may be sooner, but since we just finished 54 and I have been teaching this method all year, I do know that Saxon does teach it.


By the way 15-8=7, not 13. You would break 8 into 5 and 3, subtract 5 from 15 to get 10 then subtract another 3 to get 7.



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That's funny. We have always done Saxon. Saxon does teach just what you are doing starting in Saxon 54 at least. It may be sooner, but since we just finished 54 and I have been teaching this method all year, I do know that Saxon does teach it.


By the way 15-8=7, not 13. You would break 8 into 5 and 3, subtract 5 from 15 to get 10 then subtract another 3 to get 7.






Thank you! I knew something didn't look right, but it is much too early here for me to catch it. :smilielol5: Where's the coffee?


Glad to hear that Saxon is teaching it now. In this case I think the difference is Singapore uses it as a foundation. Isn't 5/4 4th and 5th grade? In my mind it is good to learn it anytime, but I wouldn't want to wait that long.



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Actually Saxon has been teaching it in 54 a long time. It may even begin earlier but I can't say that for sure. My one in 54 is my youngest (we do 54 in third grade) and I also work with pre-calc and calc around here so my life is a blur.


But Saxon has done this for quite a while. This is the old 54 and it was my sons. He graduated from college a year ago.


I do pull in several techniques in the first few years, but this is definitely in the Saxon 54 books.



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I used Saxon with my first dd, we found it too dry and repetitive. But that's a personal opinion, also I don't feel it really stressed the why and how. It felt like rote learning, not that it's always bad, just more personal preference again.:001_smile:


With my youngest two I am using RightStart and Singapore together for the same reasons that Siloam posted. I wish I had used the same with one of my older daughters because she struggles with the mental math, the why and how.


My middle dc have used Horizons which I do like a lot. It is colorful and has just enough repetition to not be a pain. My only gripe is the lack of real explanation in the TM's sometimes. Right now they are using Singapore and LOF.


Probably more info than you wanted!:D

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Why did you choose Singapore over Saxon and what are the advantages? Thanks in advance.


I went with Singapore over Saxon because my DH used Saxon when he was homeschooled and he HATED it as a program. He looked at Singapore once at a homeschooling convention and loved it. He thought it encourages better problem solving and thinking. That said, DH is very good at math, but he thinks that is in spite of using Saxon, not because of it. I've never seen Saxon up close and personal myself.


Adding here: I just asked DH about this and in his own words he says:


"Singapore teaches you to think mathematically. Saxon catechises you in math. Saxon is good at making kids memorize how to get the right answer."

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I actually like Modern Curriculum Press Math K for Kindergarten. I didn't like Singapore Early Bird.


My favorite math sequence is:

MCP Math K for K

Miquon Math for 1st-3rd

Singapore Math starting with 3A-6B for 3rd-whenever you finish

Kinetic Books Algebra I and/or Jacobs Algebra

Jacobs Geometry

Kinetic Books Algebra II

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