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If you bake your own bread...

If you bake your own bread, do you prefer to use  

  1. 1. If you bake your own bread, do you prefer to use

    • oven
    • bread maker/bread machine
    • other (um, I dunno, do some cook it in the microwave? LOL)

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I've been trying bread recipes mentioned here since Thanksgiving. We've gone through a ton of wheat berries and here is my favorite.




go down to the bottom, there's a little yellow box.


She shows how to watch for enough flour which was KEY in using whole wheat flour - well any flour probably but with whole wheat I could knock someone out with my bread at first, seriously. BRICKS


But now, I get rave reviews and sell out in about 45 mins at our local farmers market.


I use dough enhancer for the vit c crystals and whey powder.


HUGE thing too was using the right size bread pans. I was using big ones and my loaves were not high enough for my liking.

Good luck, nothing like a perfect loaf of bread to make you feel like homemaker extraordinaire!

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I am an "other" - I make dough in the bread machine and then bake it in the oven. :) I actually bought a second cheap bread machine for my DD (8) and we use both to make double or triple batches of bread.


For rolls - you HAVE to try Naomi's Rolls (and the tutorial for shaping is awesome). I use 1/2 wheat and 1/2 white and make the dough in the machine (then pull out, shape, proof and bake). They are p-e-r-f-e-c-t. Her site has tons of great information for using fresh ground wheat in recipes. No - not a sponsor - just really love her site.

Edited by Kayaking Mom
I love bread and can't stop typing...
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So, I like to bake our bread. I don't always do it. I didn't have a mom that baked (or even cooked for that matter, lol), so everything, and I mean EVERYTHING I know about cooking, baking, and any other household duty I have taught myself.


So I have a recipe that my family likes for bread. It uses a combo of whole wheat and white flour. We like the texture and taste, and I've discovered that cutting the loaf with an electric knife can give me the thinner slices my family prefers for sandwiches and toast. I even discovered that I already own the perfect size container for the loaf. Oh, and the recipe makes three loaves, so I did some research and learned how to freeze the dough for later use.


All that to say, it took some time, but I got the whole bread making thing figured out.




I bake it in the oven. And I've done some research on bread machines, and WOW, that would be a whole lot easier! But I don't own one, and there's such a HUGE price range and so many models. But my in-laws always want one big present idea from me for Christmas, so I'm wondering if I should ask them for a bread maker. I've got a few other things I'd like as well (like a nice set of knives, for example), and I just don't know if I'd like the bread maker or not.


So, that leads me to the poll. :001_smile:


Feel free to comment about why you prefer to use the oven or your bread maker, as well as what brands/models of bread makers I should look at or avoid.

I have to preface with I no longer bake but at one time I baked all the bread for my family and had a small bakery in our home to sell to others.

I at one time owned a bread machine. A very good one(don't remember the name though, sorry.) I didn't like it. Not because it didn't make a good loaf of bread but because the bread was baked in an aluminum pan. I not only feel that the possibility of aluminum leaching into the bread is bad for our health but it always gave the bread a different taste.

I tried to find a machine that had a stainless steel pan but never found one regardless of price.

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I had a bread machine, but it didn't always work right. Sometimes I'd wake up to a half mixed but cooked loaf. :glare: I ditched the bread machine and got a Kitchenaid stand mixer. I use that to mix my bread (although doing it by hand isn't much more work) and then I bake it in the oven. :)

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I use my oven because I like the crust it develops versus the much softer crust from a bread machine. I found the recipe below in a magazine yesterday, and can't wait to try it!


Artisan bread in 5 minutes a day


The only change I plan to make is to substitute rye flour for a little of the wheat flour as my family likes the flavor componant rye adds.

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I forgot about buns! I made homemade hot dog buns once, but I made my first batch too big--I either used too much dough for each, or let them rise too long (probably too much dough). They made great sub sandwich buns! My second attempt made great hot dog buns. My hamburger buns were o-k, haven't perfected the size yet. Haven't tried since that first time, but thanks for the reminder. :)



Here is the absolute best hamburger bun recipe I've found:


Beautiful Burger Buns


King Arthur has pictures to help with shaping.


I usually use half whole wheat flour and half white. I also replace part of the white flour with wheat germ and ground flax seed. We just had these with lunch today. Fantastic!

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We use the oven as well. If I'm in a hurry I'll put everything in the bread machine, but I really prefer to make it in my kitchen aid and then in the oven. I love making homemade bread and it is even better when it is made from freshly ground grain!

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I voted oven but I just tried it for the first time today. Before that I have used our bread machine but not regularly. I'm not sure what model it is but I would not recommend it. It stinks after it is used a few times and it is very difficult/almost impossible to clean and get the stink to go away. I'm not sure how my bread turned out yet (it's out of the oven but we haven't tried it yet) but I do know that I much prefer the bread that my BIL makes in the oven to the bread from our breadmaker. And even though it was my first time and I'm also teaching myself all of the household tasks as you are, it was pretty fun!

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