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need some advice about waitng on a kitten should I wait for this one?

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I am very upset. I have waited about 9 months now for a kitten. The cat has 2 kittens Tuesday, and ate them last night. She ate what was to be my kittens. I know the breeder can try another pair, but having to wait does not appeal to me. I hate to be so impatient, but it should not take so long for a kitten. The lady seemed upset that I told her that maybe we should look somewhere else. We were already making the plans to travel to get the kittens, and picking out names. I am so confused, and don't know what to do now. I haven't told the kids yet, I just don't know how, it will break their heart. Usually cats mate and want to mate more frequent, but she said hers were not in the mood. I know I seem to be talking in circles, but these two baby kitties are now gone, and that is upsetting. Then we want a kitten, and the other breeder is so picky she wants her cats to be, well half grown. I feel if I am paying good money I want a kitten, not a half grown cat, not to mention she will not even let you come visit them. One reason I liked the breeder was because I could see the kitten if I wanted, and I could get it at 8 weeks not 16. I now speak to her frequently and like her. What would you do? Would you look at the shelter knowing you wanted a different kitten? Or would you wait just a little longer? How much longer? Or should I look elsewhere?

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You can always look for other breeders. Other than that, I guess you don't have a lot of options. We like our barn cats, but I understand you wanting a particular breed. If you're so set on that breed that you've waited 9 months, you might not be happy if you just get any cat. Have you thought about getting a kitten close by, then getting the special kitty when it's available? 2 cats are more fun than 1.

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Guest Katia

I have a Turkish Angora. She is all white and I got her at the Humane Society when she was just 1 year old. The family that bought her originally found out their dd was severely allergic to cats, so they surrendered her to the humane society, where we found her and adopted her.


Check your Humane Society. They are usually really good about looking for the type of kitten you want if they don't have it there already.


We love our Turkish Angora!

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Have you already paid for the kitten? If so, good luck getting your money back. :(


If not, I'll tell you how we got our particular-breed cat: We went to a cat show. A large one. We walked around in the back area where the cat people were getting their cats ready for the shows, and we let several people (who had cats of our breed) know that we were interested in buying a kitten. Suddenly, we had new best friends, and several kittens to choose from right then and there! We left that afternoon with our new kitten.


If you haven't already paid the breeder, go on line and find out when and where the nearest big cat show is.


I'm sorry. This must be awful for your kids.

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Check out www.petfinder.org

There are tons of turks there. Don't discount distance adoptions - there are crazy animal rescue folks (like me!) who volunteer to help with transport. Cats are small enough to fly too without a huge expense & pilots N paws is a charity which transports rescues http://www.pilotsnpaws.org/ After adoption fees & transport you'd probably still have $ left over compared to buying from a breeder - you could donate the excess to the rescue to assist them in their work ;)


Also make contact with cat rescues in your area. These people can help get you started



I hope you'll consider saving the life of a shelter/rescue animal. MILLIONS of cats are euthenized every year in shelters. There are tons of great cats there. If you have your heart set on a certain temperament (playful, affectionate, laid back, calm, zany, independent... whatever you prefer) they can match you up. If there's a specific look you like - "white & fluffy" or "sleek and shorthaired".... whatever you like, odds are they have it. They might not have the 'breed' because identifying breeds in cats is not as popular as in dogs - many are just tagged as DSH (domestic short hair) or DMH or DLH. But when you look at them & learn their temperament, you'll know what you're looking at.


Honestly, odds are overwhelming that you can find a cat who will fit into your family and please you. IME, breed characteristics as far temperament are much less set in cats than in dogs. Cat breeders are breeding almost exclusively for looks so you might get a really visually pleasing animal but it might not necessarily have the temperement you're expecting.



[end of guilt trip] ;)


p.s. You know that not all turks are odd-eyed, right? I know someone who thought they all were.....

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Thanks for all that great information. Yes I do know not all Turkish Angoras are odd eye. I have checked petfinder a million times. I have seen some in the past, but didn't pursue because each time the kitten would be so far away. We are really set on a kitten, not a 4 month old cat. The problem is a lot of Turkish Angora breeders want top dollar, like around $800, one was even above $1000. I was so embarassed the first time I heard that, I wanted to craw into a hole and hide. That tacked on to shipping can get unaffordable. I did talk to one breeder, and asked about taking the kitten to my vet to be spayed in order to save some money, and that was not an option for her. It makes me think if you can not trust me to take the cat to the vet, how can you trust me to take care of it. This is the lady who is in charge of the turkish angora rescue. I also asked her about the chip, I don't feel comfortable with the id chip, there is conflicting information about those causing cancer, but that is also required. Another breeder feeds her cats a raw food diet. Switching from raw food, to regular cat food, may not be easy. I am not sure I could grind fresh meat for a cat daily. Once I found an ad on kijiji and that person said they would only sell to the highest bidder, for me to place my bid. My search for a kitten seems to be turning into a nightmare. It is making me not want a kitten anymore. I just found a litter in VA, but am afraid if I call them, they may ask for top dollar, or like to wait until the cat is 6 months old, or something like that. I would not mind going to a show. But then if I took some money with me, and they rejected me because they get $1000 for their kitten when I only had $400 available, I would be crushed. Not that I am attempting to rip someone off, I just don't have that much money to spend.

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I'd bet your kids don't care what kind of cat you have, but it's your dream to have a Turkish Angora. What about putting your dream on hold and getting a local kitten from the pound? In 15-20 years the kids will be grown, the cat will have passed on, and you'll have more money to get the cat of your dreams.

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I'd bet your kids don't care what kind of cat you have, but it's your dream to have a Turkish Angora. What about putting your dream on hold and getting a local kitten from the pound? In 15-20 years the kids will be grown, the cat will have passed on, and you'll have more money to get the cat of your dreams.

It is not just my dream it is thir dream too. My oldest son, who is now grown, went to shelters for about a month looking, and he could not find a kitten he was happy with. he did not go just local, but spent his weekends, driving to shelters. They knew how different our cat was, so I wish they could not tell the difference but they can. Everyone is counting on me to find a kitten, and so far I am striking out. My husband emails me a link to some kittens that were born in July. I tell him they are the same as I saw last night, and are so far away. I tried to call but they changed their phone number. I did email. If they want a fortune like some of the others. I am ready to give up.

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I hope you'll consider saving the life of a shelter/rescue animal.


I keep up with our local shelter. They have told me, and my vet has said the same thing, that there is a very high number of purebread dogs and cats that find their way to the shelters. The animals get purchased from pet shops and breeders, then the owners tire of them or find they aren't what was expected and take them to a shelter.


There are other animal rescues as well. There are rescue groups that are breed specific. I've talked with people who rescue rats, chinchillas, ferrets, turtles and snakes as well. They are also purchased at pet shops and then aren't wanted anymore.

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I have to tell you honestly that as a person who has been involved with rescue & spent time interviewing families wishing to adopt & doing homechecks etc, this is ringing my alarm bells.


I'm hoping I'm just misunderstanding this but the way I'm reading it I'm seeing a lot of expectations of what this cat will be like. I'm still not sure whether it's appearance or temperament that you're looking for but either way, I need to tell you & I hope you'll spend some time thinking about this seriously - if you get a kitten, it's a crapshoot. You don't know exactly what you'll get. Their personalities develop and even their appearance can change a bit.


What would have happened if your son wasn't happy with the kittens from the breeder?


Unrealistic expectations is a big part of why animals end up in shelters and honestly, people looking for another ____ because they have/had one & want one just like it, are doomed to disappointment unless they realize very clearly that it likely will not be just the same.


The more expectations people have, the more I steer them to an older animal because it's much clearer then what it will be like.


The other option is going with a very, very reputable breeder, who is doing health screenings, genetic testing, and keeping very careful breeding lines with clearly defined breeding goals, including temperament. Those ARE expensive. I would expect a $1000 and up from a truly reputable breeder who is a member of a national breed club, does testing, insists on spay/neuter contracts and will take back any animal who can't be kept by their new home so these animals never end up in a shelter/rescue.


Microchips can migrate & there's a small risk of sarcoma BUT lost cats statistically do not make it home and end up dying in shelters. All reputable breeders and rescues will chip the cat with their information so that if ever the animal ends up in a shelter, they will be contacted.


Switching food is not that hard when they're kittens. Though some breeders will prefer to place their kittens in homes which will continue to feed raw & will actually put it in the contract..... Feeding raw to cats is easy once they're started on it but unless you prepare it yourself, it can be more expensive. The commercially prepared raw diets run about 15% more than the premium diets in the specialty shops (Wellness, Instinct, Evo etc) Home prepared raw usually ends up costing about as much as mid-range brands.


Best wishes,


It is not just my dream it is thir dream too. My oldest son, who is now grown, went to shelters for about a month looking, and he could not find a kitten he was happy with. he did not go just local, but spent his weekends, driving to shelters. They knew how different our cat was, so I wish they could not tell the difference but they can. Everyone is counting on me to find a kitten, and so far I am striking out. My husband emails me a link to some kittens that were born in July. I tell him they are the same as I saw last night, and are so far away. I tried to call but they changed their phone number. I did email. If they want a fortune like some of the others. I am ready to give up.
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I have to admit I am offended that our desire for a cat is sending off alarm bells. First we have never taken our animals to a shelter because we decided we didn't want them anymore, or ever got rid of any pet. People look for specific types of pets all the time. To be turned away from a shelter to looking for a specific breed, color and such because someone should take the first cat they see. I didn't marry the first man I saw, I was picky. There has to be chemistry. It is the same with pets, there has to be chemistry there. And that deserves harsh judgement?? Not all people go looking for hound dogs, but the one who is will get judged because he don't take home a poodle?

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Not at all. I understand wanting a certain type or breed. One of my dogs is an English Setter & I spent almost 2 yrs waiting for an English Setter to come into rescue in my geographic area because they're very rare here. I could have had a different breed of dog much earlier but I did want an ES and was in no particular hurry. I was fostering dogs for a rescue in the meantime so my female had lots of company.


I do understand wanting a certain 'something'. But you have to be willing to give things up too - esp when one is being picky. Because they're so darned rare here, I pretty much had to go with the one that popped up. I couldn't pick & choose. If I was in SW USA and had hundreds to choose from in the shelters & rescues there, I'm not sure that he's the one I would have chosen, but he's mine now & he's perfect because I'm willing to make it be perfect, kwim? I learned as much as I could about him by email, drove down and brought him up.


My female I got from a shelter but I didn't just grab the first dog I saw. Like I say, from the other side of rescue, there's got to be a balance. You've got to have thought it through and know what you're looking for. But being too picky can be a sign that the dog will end up coming back into rescue a few months down the road. I'm glad to hear that you can't envision that happening. With the milliions of animals in shelters, most people unfortunately don't have as high an ethical standard as you do.


With cats (I have one now & we volunteer at a shelter as cat visitors) I honestly could pick a cat which is beautiful and adored by our family and meets our idea of a 'perfect cat' within a day or so. Maybe it's just the situation in our shelters - most are "no kill shelters" so within a couple hours driving distance there are thousands of cats to choose from, including kittens. Perhaps the situation in your area is different.


Good luck with your search.

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Well, the breeder emailed me back, with her phone number. they use the same food as we do! The price is $800-$1000! How do I convince her to sell cheaper? I have been too embarassed to ask people to lower their price. With the economy, you would think some would be willing to bend a little bit.


I don't know if cat breeders do this (all of my kitties are just regular cats) but dog breeders will sometimes have different prices for "show quality" and "pet quality" animals. It's not that there's anything wrong with "pet quality." They are still that breed, but they may not 100% fit breed standards to make the "perfect" show animal. "Pet quality" animals are often several hundred dollars less expensive. Maybe if you explain to the breeder that you are just looking for pets, and you're willing to sign a waiver that you will have them spayed/neutered and not show them, the breeder may be willing to let the kittens go for less $$$.


As far as the original breeder, I'd be leery of getting a kitten from that parent mating if she mates those cats again. I've never heard of a cat eating her kittens. I'd be concerned about the mother's temperament. Does she have other cats she can breed?


Edited to add: If you DO want a show cat, it's sometimes possible to work it out with a breeder that you co-own a pet. A friend of mine developed a great relationship with an out-of-state dog breeder. Her dog had puppies, and she and my friend co-own the dog. My friend does all the work with training/showing, and food. I might be mistaken, but I believe they split the vet bills. Check out any breed-specific forums. You may be able to find some sort of a deal, or some breeder who would be willing to work with you.

Edited by jujsky
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I don't know if cat breeders do this (all of my kitties are just regular cats) but dog breeders will sometimes have different prices for "show quality" and "pet quality" animals. It's not that there's anything wrong with "pet quality." They are still that breed, but they may not 100% fit breed standards to make the "perfect" show animal. "Pet quality" animals are often several hundred dollars less expensive. Maybe if you explain to the breeder that you are just looking for pets, and you're willing to sign a waiver that you will have them spayed/neutered and not show them, the breeder may be willing to let the kittens go for less $$$.


As far as the original breeder, I'd be leery of getting a kitten from that parent mating if she mates those cats again. I've never heard of a cat eating her kittens. I'd be concerned about the mother's temperament. Does she have other cats she can breed?

I do make it clear that I am looking for a pet. The lady will not breed that cat again. She has another pair she can breed, but I now have my doubts with her. It took, over 9 months to get the first two kittens. Now for her to beed another pair and wait again. I wonder if her cats have fertility issues, or unknown health issues. A million things have run through my mind about how or why that cat did that. So the new breeder that has the young kittens, I will talk to her this afternoon. I just don't want to have to wait all over again, and something happen to the kitties.
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I just found a litter in VA, but am afraid if I call them, they may ask for top dollar, or like to wait until the cat is 6 months old


The reason they want you to wait until the cat is six months old is because they want to wait and see if the cat is going to be breeding or show quality. If so, they won't sell her. If not, she's for sale. It's not for the cat's benefit.




Breeders can be so difficult.


And so can rescues.


Your experience is not unique. I've heard lots of complaints!

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I was sticker shocked by what we had to pay for our pure bred dog. I was expecting $500 but she wanted $1000. THis did not include the spay. I decided to pay it. I had waited a long time and really did want the specific breed. I couldn't really argue with the price. The breed we were looking for is not commonly found. There are few breeders and each has a waiting list. If they can sell the pet for $1000 they are not going to reduce the price. But if the breeder has a bigger than usual litter and they don't have people waiting then perhaps they would reduce the price. It wouldn't hurt to ask. You might also catch them at a moment when another sale falls through and they would be willing to negotiate. A friend of mine got a bargain this way.


In our case I would have expected a pet quality dog to be less. I asked for pet quality but this dog turned out to be show quality. We have no plans to show her. But she does turn heads at the park.

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This is what I did. I posted a message in some yahoogroups. Putting out the word tat I was looking for a kitten. The last breeder I spoke with wanted $1000 firm. So in my message I also put affordable. Maybe just maybe this will work. I was unaware my husband put an add in craigslist. It is admirable of him. Can someone give me some suggestions of other places to post a mesage? Facebook? twitter? myspace? I haven't used those services before. I was listening to some family members tell me about how they hooked up with famiy they did not know they had through these sites. And now they get to meet these family members at their reunion. These family members are by marriage, so not a reunion I would attend. Someone give me some suggestions on where to post messages.

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