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Curriculum you like: Do you sell it or save it in case

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I have struggled with this as well. I have one who has graduated and one who is in 11th. Lately I've been unloading some curriculum, but it won't all go. The dc have actually asked to keep a few things. We will keep any lit anthologies (that goes without saying), a few history texts for reference, all novels, but very few science or math materials. Science will be outdated by then and I'm hoping math will be more user-friendly:D

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It depends on the materials. There are some materials that I have that I will have a very difficult time parting with. I have a huge Landmark and American Heritage Library collection. I can't imagine selling them. Other materials that are just simply adequate, I will definitely get rid of. I am in the process of eliminating a lot of our selections simply b/c I keep adding every yr and I am running out of space. I also know which titles are "keepers" and which I tolerated vs. loved. :)

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my house would collapse - and I have a big house!


I have not one single sentimental bone in my body and cannot imagine keeping something for my kids to use one day. For me, part of the fun of homeschooling is researching and obtaining curriculum. Unless your kids are a short number (less than 5 years) from being in the position to teach their own kids I imagine things will change, get updated, etc.



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I will keep the real books that I've accumulated over the years, but I will probably sell off and/or give away the teacher manuals and textbooks that I have. The homeschool market is exploding and there are much better options for my 5-year old than I ever had with my older boys. The problem is that I don't want to buy everything again, so I'm making as much as I can work for my caboose. However, if it doesn't work for him, I do make a change.


Also, I have all boys. Who's to say that I'll have daughters-in-law that want to homeschool? Of course, I would like to see that happen, but I won't destroy a relationship if she doesn't have the same conviction that I have.

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I only save books that we really loved. A lot of curriculum might be outdated by the time I have grandchildren, and my children may not homeschool their own children. The two categories of books I would tend to save would be history and literature--but they have to be really great books. I would also save nature books because most of those are not textbooks or children's books and I use them regularly anyway.


I have kept the SOTW texts, but not the activity guides. I really regret selling the SOTW I and Julius Caesar's World. My mother-in-law homeschooled my sister-in-law (13 years younger than dh and only 6 older than oldest ds) and saved all of her curriculum for me to use. I found that much of it was not to my taste and I could no longer buy the workbooks to go with it. I had trouble giving away BJU and ABeka materials that were in excellent condition and only outdated by a few years. (And to top it off, MIL expected me to still be able to sell it for a decent price!) We still have a few of the BJU science books and are reading through them. I think they work fine with some other resources added.


Since I am homeschooling my youngest now, we pass things on to Book Samaritan when we are done with them. Hopefully someone else will be able to get a little more use out of them. I haven't had much success selling newer curriculum in good shape. At this point, I'd rather save time and maybe bless someone else by giving it away than try to get a few dollars back.

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I sell all of my youngest's materials because I won't be using them again. I do save my oldest's tried and true curriculum (Veritas, Apologia, WTM, TT, Saxon), even if I don't know if I am going to use it again or not. I buy mostly new curriculum, so my materials are in very good or like new condition. As the youngest passes through each years material, I will continue to sell it. If I have something that I am saving, and a new edition is coming out, I will sell it before the new edition publishes, with plans to repurchase but only if I need too.


Things that I am not real impressed with, I sell.

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