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Can you please briefly outline your 6 yr old BOY's day for me?

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A normal summer day:


7am Wake up before everyone and watch TV

8:30 Play on computer

9am Breakfast and do morning chores (make bed, pjs away, feed dog, etc.)

10am Swimming lesson

11am Play outside

12pm Lunch

12:30 Lessons

3pm Piano lesson or soccer

4:30 TV

5:30 Outside

6pm Dinner

7pm Practice piano

8pm Bed


There's a lot more screen time in there then I am happy with but the child has never been one to entertain himself and will only spend time playing if he has friends with him. We're starting over just the last month to have some boys in the neighborhood to play with and that's been great!

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up at 7 and have quiet wake up time

7:30 bible/hymns

8: breakfast

8:30 history with family

9:30 phonics/spelling/grammar

10:30 free play (toys, limited computer)

11:30 clean up

12 lunch

12:30 math

1:15 science with fam

2: spanish on computer

2:30play with friends

6:oo dinner

7:15 evening chores, shower

8: quiet time in bed or family tv show

8:30 lights out.


At 7, it's mostly the same, with piano added in and higher expectations of independent work.


non school days begin with all chores completed then he can play all he wants and come in for meals.

Edited by johnandtinagilbert
forgot non-school day!
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Wake at 7:00. Goof off until breakfast--around 8:00

8:00 eat breakfast while watching Playhouse Disney.

9:00 Goof off with brother while mom does some chores

Sometime before lunch I might have them help me with chores, or I might read a book to them, or I might have the 6 yo play war with me (using 2 cards so he has to add the numbers together.)

12:00 Lunch while watching a DVD

1:00 run errands if we need to go out anywhere. If not, more playing and goofing off and tidying up. The boys (6 and 4) like to draw, play legos, wrestle, etc.

Some days we plan to do something outside, like play in a creek or go swimming.

Back by 4:30 for me to cook dinner while boys play and goof off.

5:30 Dad's home--eat dinner--tidy livingroom (which always becomes a mess while I cook dinner.)

Until bedtime: Dad usually reads them a book, wrestles with them, or just hangs out with them. Sometimes a walk after dinner.

7:30 get ready for bed.

8:00 go to bed.


When it's not school time, there's just a lot of playing, goofing off, and helping me tidy.


During school time our days are very very structured, but since we're not in the middle of school right now, I'm not going to write it all out because I've blocked it...just too much structure. I'm reveling in the break from structure right now. School days include a LOT of learning. But I keep it fun, too.

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Non school day:


Wake up 7:30 ish

He gets dressed right away (usually because he has peed in his bed and is wet :glare:)

comes to wake me up and ask for breakfast.

After breakfast he plays with his sister. (umm, right now they have just cut the long, dried stem of the garlic, cut it into pieces and are pretending to smoke! ugh! eeew! Dd just said, "I'm putting my smoker in my pocket book heeheehaha!" ... yeah, I'll be right back.



Ok.. put a stop to that and I'm back. :glare:



Usually plays for about 1/2 hour then he wants to ride his bike.

Rides bike for 45 min.

Asks to go to neighbor's house to play. If no one is home, he plays outside with his sister until lunch time.

12:00 eat lunch

12:20 leave for lake for swim lessons

Stay at lake, playground until 4pm.

Jumps out of car and asks if ok to go to neighbor's.

If still not home, begs to watch PMK (popular mechanics for kids) or Bill Nye. watches for about an hour.


clean up for dinner


I read to them for an hour or two.

go to bed at 8:30. He listens to an audiobook in his room for about 45 minutes. Right now he is listening to Box Car Kids.


School Day:


wake, dress, breakfast 7:30-8:30


start with phonics 10-15 minutes

Copy work for about 10 minutes

Takes a break.. usually skids on wood floors or plays with cars

read science book or history book 20-25 minutes

math about 20 minutes

break. plays with sister


plays rest of afternoon outside (usually riding bikes or with neighbor kids)

rest of day is same as non-school day.


I need to add chores for him. He doesn't do any at all right now.


Things he plays:

babies with his sister

rocks. He collects them, sorts them, smashes them.

Tape. He will tape ANYTHING. Tapes chairs together, blankets, paper, etc.

Swing Set

Rides Bike

skids and slides in sock feet. This keeps him entertained for a long while.

moon sand/play dough

art work: water paints, crayons. cuts paper alot.

watches Dirty Jobs, PMK, Bill Nye, Magic School Bus.

Snacks constantly.

Sometimes will play lego... a few times/month

Loves making witch brew with dirt, spices, sticks and anything nasty he can find.

plays in sandbox



And if there is a puddle around, he jumps in it. collects water from it, makes mud.

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For a summer day he's up around 7:30 or 8, makes bed, gets dressed

Either eats breakfast immediately or plays for a short while and then eats.

Plays basically all day, all sorts of toys/imaginative play, mostly with his sister, 9, but sometimes alone, stopping for meals

We have a pool so they swim if it's nice and I'm able to watch them

Errands, library visits are sprinkled throughout

He has one chore to do per day, chosen in the am and done by 5

We don't have any activities besides VBS this summer

We see friends maybe once a week, usually at our house due to pool

Bed by 8, can read til 8:30ish


During the school year he is up by 7ish, makes bed, gets dressed

Eats breakfast and plays til school starts, which last year was 8:30 (we're changing it to 8 this year)

School til lunch, maybe a little after

Afternoon is filled w/play and a few extracurricular activities

Dinner and bed by 7:30; can read til 8

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School Day:


7:30 Wake up, play or read before breakfast

8:00 Breakfast, clean-up, dress, brush teeth

8:30 Write and/or draw in his journal

9:00 Lessons

12:00 Lunch, clean-up, play outside

1:00 Quiet time

2:00 Chores, play outside

3:00 Errands, extracurricular activities, play outside

6:00 Supper, clean-up

7:00 Bath, brush teeth, story, etc.

8:00 Bed


Our non-school days are Saturday and Sunday. Mornings are more relaxed. We go to church on Sunday morning but the rest of the weekend is unscheduled.

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Okay, I'm feeling a little better! Seems others mostly just let them play on non-school days too. Our school days look similar to most.


My ds6 isn't a fluent reader yet, and that's all his older sister did at this age. And I've never been around any young boys. So it helps to see what others are doing-thanks!


Keep 'em comin'!


(Jumping in Puddles-that's funny-my dc call them "smokers" too!)

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This is his first year HSing, so I'm not sure what that will look like yet. As for what he does in the summer, up until the end of this past week he was:

Getting up



Going to his brother's baseball games

Going to his own gymnastics practice

Eating lunch

Playing outside, or going to the lake or going to a friends house, or whatever, lol...


Being read to or reading a simple reader to me

More playing


Watch tv

Play outside




Add in there bothering his siblings through out the day and you have a good picture of what he does, lol!

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7:00am wake up

8:00am - breakfast (gulps down)

8:15 - plays outside

10:30 - watches favorite show on PBS

11:00 - reading/chores

12:00 - lunch

Afternoon - rest time, plays inside (when it's too hot to go outdoors)

Bedtime - 8:00 (in bed at this time)

He gets 1/2 hr. of computer time a day, and then generally plays with legoes, water, lincoln logs, dirt.


All the time - bugs me and his younger brother and sister. This is my difficult child - extremely insecure, ultra-competetive and always wanting what he doesn't have or what anyone else has, whether he really wants it or not.

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Our days start and end later than most so that DS gets to see his daddy (who works AND goes to school full-time).


School day:

8:00 -- wake up/play

9:30 -- breakfast, usually accompanied by a book to read while he's eating

10:00 -- plays with neighbor kids for an hour while I give their mom an English lesson (he sometimes chooses to bring his grammar and/or penmanship to get a head start on his day)

11:00 -- start school

1:00 -- lunch

1:45ish -- back to school

3:00 -- Wii

4:00 -- he either goes to play in his room, or if he still wants to play on the Wii, it has to be Wii Sports

5:00 -- snack, then back to playing (or reading, which he often prefers)

8:00 -- dinner

9:30 -- brush teeth, shower, and jammies

10:00 -- bed


On non-school days, we either get up early to cross the border and go to the library, or his day looks the same except all school has been replaced by playing and reading. He's a bookworm.

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