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1 minute fact sheet brain freeze - Saxon 2


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You can time how long it takes instead of trying to see how many problems in a minute (or whatever).

Or surreptitiously time your child.

Or just skip the doubles plus one way and teach those facts in the context of the fact families (as you get to them).

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I understand the thought process behind timing math fact sheets (they want to promote memorization of facts instead of allowing time to mentally count to the solution), but . . . all of my math hatred that I still feel stems from my public school 3rd grade class where the math sheets were timed. I had SUCH anxiety!


Because of my own history with math anxiety, as soon as I could tell my son was getting stressed with timed sheets, I stopped timing them. He relaxed and did just fine.

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I don't time mine, either. My oldest wasn't a fan, and I never resumed the practice with any of the rest. With as many fact sheets as children do in Saxon, their time will speed up naturally as they progress through the program.


:iagree: my thoughts exactly!

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I stopped timing them. He relaxed and did just fine. .



I reverse time.

Set the time for Goal Time Plus 1 minute.

When the timer goes off, pencils down.

Do not finish the sheet.


The beeper becomes a Good Thing...Freedom......


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Not to a perfectionist, let me assure you!


The timer (freedom) method is also a good tool for teaching the paradigm shift.

What is the goal?

Not to finish the paper.

The goal is to gradually, incrementally improve and if you miss some, goodie, we found something to work on (same sheet).

Goals include finding something to work on.

Making sure we are on the correct assignment.


Paradigm shift .



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