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I lost my 3yr old yesterday

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We were only searching for her for about 10 minutes, but it was at a campground at 9:20pm. A little girl (8) was playing with her and took her to get some water. I cannot begin to tell you where my mind went and where it stayed for about 6 hours. It could have been so different. I am just thankful that it is only my mind that went there and not my precious baby.



BTW, why is it that these things always seem to happen when you are struggling with them. I mean this past week has been very difficult, b/c she has been very difficult. KWIM? Even at her worst though . . .

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I am sure you were terrified. :( I am so glad you found her and there was nothing wrong. You are right...it could have been very different.


That said, your post title immediately made me think something much different. My heart jumped in my throat for a second.


Last Sunday, in the town where I live (actually less than a mile from my house), two boys that I tutored in public school about 2 years ago were killed in a motorcycle accident. Attending the funerals, feeling the absolute grief and devastation of these mothers whose son's voices they would never hear again has really hit home with me. So many times, I let me kids grind on my nerves. I lose my temper and snap at them sometimes (we all do, I am sure), but now, each time i am about to lose it over their fighting or whinning, I think of those mothers sitting in that funeral home. It doesn't take long to change my mood when those thoughts come. Our kids are here on loan to us - and it is so important to remember that every.single.day. Those boys were out being boys - they were doing something pretty dumb, but they lost their lives in an instant. It can happen so fast.


Hug your baby tight and let this experience remind you that, difficult or not, she is your baby and you could never imagine life without her. *huge hugs*

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Oh my goodness! I bet you just wanted to throw up! And at a campground no less. Those are sometime creepy for me.


She was gone for 6 hours?! Or you were just freaking out for 6 hours after finding her?


It felt like 6 hours. I think it was about 10 mins from the time I noticed her missing. It was after that I was so sick. And yes, I thought I was going to throw up. Funny, while everyone took looking for her very seriously, after [and maybe they were just trying to make me feel better] they were all talking about the other kids that went missing this trip.(all found) I know in the PNW people are more relaxed, but I was hysterical. I wonder what they think now. I mean I cried harder after I knew she was safe and still can't seem to stop crying today. About 6weeks ago I had a nightmare that she was kidnapped and I guess this was just a little too close to that. I don't even want to leave the house today. I have never lost a child like this before. I know, I know it was only 10 mins but wow, it really affected me. :confused:

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It felt like 6 hours. I think it was about 10 mins from the time I noticed her missing. It was after that I was so sick. And yes, I thought I was going to throw up. Funny, while everyone took looking for her very seriously, after [and maybe they were just trying to make me feel better] they were all talking about the other kids that went missing this trip.(all found) I know in the PNW people are more relaxed, but I was hysterical. I wonder what they think now. I mean I cried harder after I knew she was safe and still can't seem to stop crying today. About 6weeks ago I had a nightmare that she was kidnapped and I guess this was just a little too close to that. I don't even want to leave the house today. I have never lost a child like this before. I know, I know it was only 10 mins but wow, it really affected me. :confused:
I can feel you! Boy can I! :grouphug:
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I'm so glad she's okay! I hope you recover your heart soon. I know how scary that can be. I walked through the room to find my now 6yo choking on a marble. My mind was busy for days and days wondering what would have happened if I hadn't walked through the room at just the very moment. I still freak out a bit. Hug her tight!

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