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My dd isn't feeling well and I'm no sure what to make of her symptoms. Help!

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She's 12 yrs old. She's complaining of a headache, nausea, shaking feeling, thirsty, chest feeling heavy...almost difficult to breath sometimes, and very fatigued. She doesn't really look "sick". She's not wheezing or anything. I made her go outside today hoping that a little fresh air and would make her feel better. It didn't.


She started feeling bad around Tuesday evening. She's off and on had tummy problems since she was really little. Lately she seems to be having tummy pains once a month or so... as though her body is preparing itself for "womanhood".


I just don't know what to do for her. She's been taking Tylenol for the headache. I've given her peppermint to help with the nausea. I've let her rest.


I feel like maybe I should've called the doctor today. Can this wait till Monday? She's not running a fever or anything. I'm just not sure what it could be. Any ideas?


What would you do? :confused:

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This is how I feel EVERY summer in the Las Vegas heat when I am not keeping up with my water intake. I pretty much have to lose all soda, coffee, juices--pretty much everything during the summer (we don't drink alcohol either) just to make sure I stay hydrated properly. Otherwise, all of those sorts of things will start happening to me. But, when I lived in a more humid climate, this was never a problem--just Las Vegas!


Good luck!

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She's 12 yrs old. She's complaining of a headache, nausea, shaking feeling, thirsty, chest feeling heavy...almost difficult to breath sometimes, and very fatigued. She doesn't really look "sick". She's not wheezing or anything. I made her go outside today hoping that a little fresh air and would make her feel better. It didn't.


She started feeling bad around Tuesday evening. She's off and on had tummy problems since she was really little. Lately she seems to be having tummy pains once a month or so... as though her body is preparing itself for "womanhood".


I just don't know what to do for her. She's been taking Tylenol for the headache. I've given her peppermint to help with the nausea. I've let her rest.


I feel like maybe I should've called the doctor today. Can this wait till Monday? She's not running a fever or anything. I'm just not sure what it could be. Any ideas?


What would you do? :confused:


It could be allergies/intolerances. This is how my lactose intolerance presented itself when I was only slightly older than your dd. I would feel sick for days then get a bit better then sick again. This went on for six months before anyone correctly diagnosed me.

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I would take her in to see a doc this weekend, even tonight if she is getting worse. I do tend to overreact though, so maybe I am not the person to answer this.


When I read the first symptoms I thought the flu, but without a fever I don't really know. I have no medical background other than what being a mom has given me, sorry.

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I am no doctor. It sounds like she might be very dehydrated, though. I have been dehydrated to the point of vomiting before. You get nauseous, shaky, a headache. The symptoms you describe and her stomach hurting once a month may (or may not) be related, I don't know. Regarding dehydration, if you have Gatorade, have her drink a 2 tsp about every 15-20 minutes for several hours til she starts feeling better. Intermix giving her Gatorade with some water. Her electrolytes may be off from getting dehydrated. We do this with Pedialyte, too, when the kids get a stomach bug to prevent dehydration.


I hope she feels better soon!

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my husband who is a PA in a pediatrician's office said you should go to the ER if she is having chest heaviness and fatigue to rule out heart problems. Is she slight of build? He says it could be a number of things: thyroid problems, cardiac, mono, pneumonia, anemia. Does she have a sore throat, is her lymph nodes swollen, including the nodes on the back of her head, does she have a rash, does she look pale?


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my husband who is a PA in a pediatrician's office said you should go to the ER if she is having chest heaviness and fatigue to rule out heart problems. Is she slight of build? He says it could be a number of things: thyroid problems, cardiac, mono, pneumonia, anemia. Does she have a sore throat, is her lymph nodes swollen, including the nodes on the back of her head, does she have a rash, does she look pale?



She's very tall and very thin. She's usually very active.


No sore throat or swollen nodes that I can feel. No rash that I can see.


She's going to bed. I told her if she starts to feel worse to let me know. I may be taking her in tomorrow if there is no change. I've tried to push the fluids today thinking maybe she is getting a bit dehydrated.

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Is she urinating frequently? The thirstiness would have me very concerned about diabetes. Those are all signs of diabetic ketoacidosis, or very high blood sugar. If it were my kid, I would take her to the ER right now.

Edited by Perry
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Is she urinating frequently? The thirstiness would have me very concerned about diabetes. Those are all signs of diabetic ketoacidosis, or very high blood sugar. If it were my kid, I would take her to the ER right now.


I know a young woman who gradually contracted Type 1 diabetes, and this is what her symptoms were like when it finally really hit. She was hospitalized for several days and put on insulin.

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Is she urinating frequently? The thirstiness would have me very concerned about diabetes. Those are all signs of diabetic ketoacidosis, or very high blood sugar. If it were my kid, I would take her to the ER right now.


That was my first thought.

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*Sigh of relief*


Almost anytime someone complains of a headache I ask them if they have been drinking enough... I have like dehydration-phobia. I got dehydrated really easily when I was younger so I always assume it is easy for everyone else to become dehydrated.


Good thing about it though - is that it is usually an easy fix!


I'm glad you figured it all out and that she is doing better! :grouphug:

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