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Cold Feet

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So we have really just been playing homeschool since my ds was born. We did a few fun preschool things. I have had a lot of false starts--we get things moving in the fall and then go for months without really accomplishing anything. Now it is time to get serious. DS will be 6 in the fall and I am starting to wonder if I can really do this. Suddenly, I have a very demanding 4 yo and a 7 mos. old. Can I just tell you all that I am scared! It is like I have been practicing for this for years and now it is here. I know I am putting way too much pressure on myself. But, did I say I am scared. So scared I even called the public school today to ask what LA and Math programs they use. Yes, I have planned to homeschool since the birth of my first child and I called the public school.


What happens if I mess up? Ok I am feeling better already. I think I can...I think I can.


Maybe what I am experiencing is excitement and anticipation instead of fear. I will just call it that for now.


Thanks so much for listening.

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You really can't mess up kindergarten. Truly. I mean, I guess it's possible, but as long as your child is read to every day and you're providing a rich and loving environment with opportunities for exploration and learning, you're A-OK. Just because kindergarten is the starting point of public school doesn't mean that your learning and play have to change. Kindergarten is about learning to enjoy learning and establishing some learning routines. Keep "playing" homeschool. You're exactly on the right track.


Play and have fun. A little reading, a little handwriting, a little math. Include the 4 y.o. in as many activities as you can--science experiments, counting songs, drawing and coloring, making play dough and using it, math manipulatives. Read. Then read some more while you're nursing baby. Don't worry about the perfect curriculum right now. If you want to use one, choose one (or more) that looks fun and doable and enjoy it together. Go to the library and read there. Play outside. Read outside. :)


Tell yourself as often as you need to: It's kindergarten. I cannot mess up kindergarten. (It's true. You really can't.)





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I remember that feeling so clearly :grouphug:. Nothing will convince you that you can do it other than time and experience.


Back when dd18 was 6 years old and we were working on 1st grade, I had recently read "Better Late Than Early" by Raymond Moore. IIRC, he said that it was better for children to wait until 8 or 9 to begin formal schooling and that they would catch up quickly to all the kids who had been in school for years.


I clung to that like a life-line, I told myself that even if I couldn't do it, there would not be irreversible damage for several more years. :tongue_smilie:


Of course by the time she was 9 she was reading everything and exploring new stuff all the time and I realized it would be okay. Now she is heading off to college (wow).


Your post really reminded me of those early scary years. (feeling nostalgic)


I hope you have as wonderful a time as I have had.

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Trust me you can do it. Just read lots of good books ( Sonlight has a great list), do some handwriting, math and all will be just fine.

Include your 4yr old in as much as you can ( buy him/her some Kumon workbooks to work along side with your child). Have fun. Roll some dough, use shaving cream to trace out numbers, legos or cars to count, Leap pad videos for beginning to read. Really kindergarden is a very simple grade you really can't mess it up at all. It sounds like you've been doing it all along. Just continue with what you've been doing.

Just pick a day and start. Even if you pull out a math workbook (or whatever) and sit and do just a little bit each day. Start with one subject at a time. If its easier to get going after you put the baby down for a nap then start then.

I do remember feeling the same way when I first started. I wondered if I could do it. I even still have days like that. But really I can and my children are doing just fine. You CAN do it!

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It's almost impossible to mess up kindy. For that matter, messing up first grade would be pretty hard too. He should learn basic addition and subtraction, shoe tying (although I don't stress this one), reading and develop and interest in history and science. Everything else is gravy.

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I knew you all would understand. Thanks for the encouragement. I have been so easy going about this homeschooling thing. I am surprised that I am having so many insecurities.


Everywhere we go people are asking us about Kindergarten. My poor son has no idea what they are talking about. I guess just everyone assumes this time of year that a five year old would be picking out his lunchbox and sleep mat. I can't blame them, but it sure makes me nervous. Now I feel like I am reporting to everyone--the whole community. I know it will be great. I just have to get over the anxiety.


Laurel T.

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My experience is that (at your child's age) one year of home schooling is worth at least 3 years of public school.


In public school, my son repeated Kindergarten and did one year of 1st grade. He learned nothing. He couldn't really read, write, or do any math to speak of.


In two years of homeschooling, he is doing at least junior high or high school work in reading, algebra, science, history, Ancient Greek, logic, philosophy. In writing, he is somewhere above his age level, but not as advanced as in the others.


You can mess up for several years and still do fine. I believe that is why unschooling is possible. Unschooling almost CAN'T be worse than public schooling because public schooling is almost like not schooling at all.


Make a plan and work your plan. You'll do fine.

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I knew you all would understand. Thanks for the encouragement. I have been so easy going about this homeschooling thing. I am surprised that I am having so many insecurities.


Everywhere we go people are asking us about Kindergarten. My poor son has no idea what they are talking about. I guess just everyone assumes this time of year that a five year old would be picking out his lunchbox and sleep mat. I can't blame them, but it sure makes me nervous. Now I feel like I am reporting to everyone--the whole community. I know it will be great. I just have to get over the anxiety.


Laurel T.


It is a big deal for kids in many cultures to start school. In the US, that seems to mean lunch boxes, school supplies, maybe school clothes shopping. I can still picture my Emergency lunchbox and the ruled paper notebook with a lion on the front that I had for first grade.


Some of these traditions don't make much sense for homeschoolers. But there's nothing that says you can't go to the school supply sales and pick out new items for him to put into a special pouch or box.


When we were in Germany, we did a Schultuete (school cone) for the first day of school every year. Our homeschool group is planning a big not back to school pool party for the day that the local school starts back up (our family used to go to the zoo each first day of the year). Another tradition I read about was to do a breakfast out on the first day of school to talk about goals for the year. For Sonlight users, there is a lot of talk about Box Day, when all the goodies for the next year arrive.


The nice thing about these family traditions is that it gives you something cool to observe, rather than missing out on this marking time and growth part. Your son can proudly say that when he is starting kindergarten, he'll get to use his new pencils and papers instead of just having a puzzled look.

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Make a plan, but make it feel like you're "still practicing," if that makes any sense. Please try not to be stressed with your little ones, because, as many posters have said, you WON'T mess up kindergarten! You don't have to do what the p.s. does - just being with you and siblings will be a rich education in itself.


I am still practicing, and I've got a 5th and 10th grader next year. It's weird and delightful how somewhere along the way the practice became the real thing. I can't identify where or when, but we're definitely REAL, and it's a thrill.


I'm not being very articulate, but I just want to encourage you. Don't be scared....enjoy your journey! Your kids are blessed to be with you. :grouphug:

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When we were in Germany, we did a Schultuete (school cone) for the first day of school every year. Our homeschool group is planning a big not back to school pool party for the day that the local school starts back up (our family used to go to the zoo each first day of the year). Another tradition I read about was to do a breakfast out on the first day of school to talk about goals for the year. For Sonlight users, there is a lot of talk about Box Day, when all the goodies for the next year arrive.


The nice thing about these family traditions is that it gives you something cool to observe, rather than missing out on this marking time and growth part. Your son can proudly say that when he is starting kindergarten, he'll get to use his new pencils and papers instead of just having a puzzled look.



You are so right about this. I am going to try to plan a special day for them. I think filling a little box with new supplies might be really fun for us. Maybe let them decorate the box. Thank you for reminding me about the need to create special memories and focus on the relationships.

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I have been so blessed by each of your responses. I am feeling very encouraged. My well laid plans for the ultimate curriculum have not come to pass. At the last minute I have realized that we just cannot (and should not) buy everything that I have had my eyes on for the past five years. It will be a scaled back version of what I have always anticipated. I know in the end this will probably be for the better for all of us.


Thanks for reminding me to have fun and enjoy this very special year with my son. It is just hard to see him growing up while the other little ones are needing my constant attention. I want him to know he is a priority even though I have diapers to change. I just want to hold him and block out the rest of the world for a little while. OK I am getting very sappy about this. It is just kindergarten.

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You really can't mess up kindergarten. Truly. I mean, I guess it's possible, but as long as your child is read to every day and you're providing a rich and loving environment with opportunities for exploration and learning, you're A-OK. Just because kindergarten is the starting point of public school doesn't mean that your learning and play have to change. Kindergarten is about learning to enjoy learning and establishing some learning routines. Keep "playing" homeschool. You're exactly on the right track.


Play and have fun. A little reading, a little handwriting, a little math. Include the 4 y.o. in as many activities as you can--science experiments, counting songs, drawing and coloring, making play dough and using it, math manipulatives. Read. Then read some more while you're nursing baby. Don't worry about the perfect curriculum right now. If you want to use one, choose one (or more) that looks fun and doable and enjoy it together. Go to the library and read there. Play outside. Read outside. :)


Tell yourself as often as you need to: It's kindergarten. I cannot mess up kindergarten. (It's true. You really can't.)








I'm just starting out as well, and when I realized that what DD requires is exactly what we've already been doing, well, it really helped me finally jump in and commit. :001_smile:Its only kindergarten, its only kindergarten, its only kindergarten. :001_smile: We have years to gain confidence before we get to dissecting a pig.



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I actually find that this time of year can be particularly stressful for us as homeschoolers. This is our 3rd official year and our middle is that magical age of 5 when everyone wants to know - are you going to Kindergarten? etc. It's easier this time around, I will say that. When all of the stores are full of back to school displays and everyone asks your kids if they are enjoying their summer break from school (when I just made them do math and grammar that morning so they won't forget everything!) we are still the odd family surrounded by parents who cannot wait to send their kids away again in September. Also, for us in VA anyway, we have to file our paperwork this time of year. I hate the paperwork time of year.


You really cannot mess up K and preK - what a fun time! This coming year is my last year with a preschooler and I'm really looking forward to it. So many fun things to do and so easy to find materials. Field trips are a blast. Also you might want to consider making your first day special, start a new tradition that you can do every year on your first day. Read to them everyday and you cannot go wrong!

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I know where you're at since last year was K for us... you definitely can do this! I wasn't even going to homeschool my children (I was a ps teacher! You just don't do that! :lol:). Anyway, we did and we had fun doing it! Like you, I had a tough time around this time too because all ds and I kept hearing was...


"Are you excited for school?"

"Where are you going to school?"

"Did you get all the items on the list?" (the ps supply list)


Then it became...


"OH! You're going to homeschool?!?!" (said like we had the plague and with a smirk on their face)

I even had one mom say (a supposed friend), "Why are you doing this? He's going to end up at the school next year anyway!" We're not really friends anymore...:tongue_smilie:


Anyway, I'm rambling... all this to say that it's a tough time of year for hs'ers I think for the reasons another poster stated. In the US you are expected to go to school, the media promotes it, stores promote it, etc. It's all around you, and for just starting, it compounds the anxiety. But, as others have said, and I was SO afraid of this too... you really can't mess up K. I had an 18 month old when we began, and some days were crazy, but there's really so little time involved with K, that we did fine. You'll do fine too!


Plus, as I've quickly learned (thankfully), you have the Hive to help you when you're stuck! :D

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we all feel this way at one point or another. I would say..I don't know you..but I have faith that if you WANT to do this..you CAN do this. There is so much in the way of help...groups, cirriculum, etc, that it is a very doable thing. Take it one day at a time and don't get overwhelmed with everything everyone says you need to do.

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Awww, Laurel T. ... :grouphug:.


You are gonna be so great. You already are! It's o.k. to take it one day at a time. Also, you may really be encouraged by reading some books by Raymond Moore. I know that won't really be your "approach" (delayed formal academics) but I think you would enjoy them. I read several of his books over and over during K and 1st grade.


Enjoy your little ones! That is absolutely the most important thing right now.


Praying for you always.

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