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Okey dokey, you Fat Loss for Idiots folks.. . .

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Educate me!


I "think" I found their website.


Am I right that this costs $$? Sigh, and here I was hoping it was free!


Is it worth it?


I've got - ahem - a LOT of weight to lose. I just started yesterday trying to shock my body and give myself time to get a plan: I'm doing Atkins shakes all day, with a normal protein/veggies dinner at night.


SO - give it to me straight, girls. Worth it, or no?

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Well, I'm only on Day 2 of the 11 day plan, but I would say that Day 1 was a whole lot better than just drinking shakes for me. I like to be able to chew throughout the day! It makes me feel like I'm getting something.


Yes, it costs $39, but I am comparing that to the $12 a week I have and could pay for Weight Watchers. WW is good, I've been somewhat successful on it before, but I needed something different this time to jumpstart the weightloss. I don't see staying on this diet plan throughout my weightloss journey, but I'm hoping it is a good start. I was also able to get my dh to do this with me, so that is helping.

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You dh would not have to pay separately. You just get a name/password and it's good for each time you sign in--it doesn't care if it's you or dh signing in.


It will give you a list of foods to choose from. You choose the foods and then it tells you when to eat each food you chose over the 11 days. Each time you re-choose the food, it sorts it differently--even if you choose all the same foods. That way, each separate time you do the 11 days, you're eating different foods and/or combinations.


So your dh and you can choose different foods and get different menus. Or you can just follow the same menu to keep food prep easier. (but my dh and I didn't want the same foods, so we chose different ones and got 2 different menus.)


I'm on day 6. I've lost 4.5 pounds. But I don't know if I'll keep it off or not. I do plan on being very, very sensible about my eating once I'm done these 11 days and continue to lose weight, albeit slower than the 11 day diet seems to do.


My dh just started today.

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