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Today Was Our First Official Day!!!!!

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Hi everyone!


So today was our first day and it went really well. I had the older kids do their Time4Learning lessons (they did LA, S.S and Math) and also their CLE placement tests which we will finish tomorrow and Wed.


I had my 5 and 3 year old so some workout book pages that worked on letters and math. They also watched a couple of LeapFrog educational DVDs. When it was quiet I worked with my 5 year old on 100 Lessons to Read, he is such a smart little thing!


Tonight at bedtime is when I plan to read the Sonlight reading for the day.


I just have to say though, what do they actually teach in PS??? My goodness, my older kids were struggling with place value for math so badly. Even with the level 100 placement that they were using for CLE, they were having a hard time with and thats considered first grade. They are going into 3rd and 4th grade.


As some of you may remember, my hubby, who was kinda not sure about homeschooling is ALREADY impressed!!! Hey that was easy LOL.

We talked about the what ifs with family member comments and he said, "Let their work speak." They both are struggling with double digit subtraction problems. Math being my favorite subject am just not okay with that. I am going to get them moving forward and am so excited about it knowing it will be hard with a baby on the way in 32 days! I will just take 2-3 weeks laying low, having them at least do math and LA plus reading. I may have the older kids read to the little kids. Stock up on educational DVDs they all can watch. Any suggestions on those??


Sorry about rambling :)



mommy to almost 5!

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I'm glad it went so well!! :)


We started back today as well.......but our day was only supposed to be a 1/2 day and a couple of the kids still aren't finished at almost 8pm. We had several outside of the house commitments today and I thought they'd finish before we left, but they didn't. THey just got home. Ooops!!!


Oh well, we have been through this enough times I am just telling them to get over it. LOL!!! :lol: They'll be done in about 30 more minutes.

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Yay!!! How exciting for you and your family.


As for educational DVD's--how about Liberty's Kids and Grammar Rock? There are also fun CD's like Geography Songs and Skip Counting. Also, if you are looking for audio resources, how about Librivox? Just remember, don't stress about getting things done. Stick to making sure LA and Math gets accomplished, and really, the rest is extra right now if you can get to it!


Best wishes!

Edited by Violet
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We are starting our second week too and it wasn't as big of a deal as I expected (relatives gave us apocalyptic scenarios about homeschooling).


I was also thinking of Time4Learning for extra games and stuff on the computer. How is it?


We did nature notebooking and that was a HUGE hit (even with the boy). Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle was also fun.


I also have a baby, so I'm getting most of the teaching in during naps. We even did some classwork over the weekend.

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