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My family spent a couple days with Colleen and her family...

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It is so strange to meet someone in real life after 'knowing' them online for years! It seemed as if we really had been friends forever, and our cumulative 8 boys had a fabulous time together. (Photos on my blog.) Colleen's farm and home are gorgeous, and she is just as fabulous in real life as I imagined her to be. :)


If you have the chance to meet up with fellow boardies, I would encourage you to do so. It is so fun to have that feeling of immediate friendship!

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What a great time we had! Not only Heidi and me, but our boys and our men, too. From the instant they arrived, it seemed we were getting together with long-time friends. Heidi is...well, anyone who looks at her blog has a good feel for her: authentic, caring, interesting, and with an eye for all things beautiful. The only thing that came as a slight surprise is that she was more talkative than I expected ~ in contrast to her restrained post count here.;) She has a great sense of humor, too.


Heidi's visit worked out great both in terms of weather and logistics. While her family endured some less-than-ideal weather earlier in their vacation, the skies cleared and the sun appeared for our time together. The second day, my older two boys and I ran a race that ended right at the park where Heidi & her family were camping. So we collectively took in the post-race music, then spent the day on the beach. Lovely!


Colleen doesn't look like what I pictured at all!
I always hear that.:D I know a lot of people picture me as blonde.


Colleen I want to know how you have the time to keep up such a beautiful yard! I have 1/3 of an acre, and believe me no garden work gets done. How do you do it? Your farm is gorgeous, and all the kids are too!
Thanks, Michelle. Yes, taking care of things outside is a lot of work. My older boys help; they cut the grass (or dandelions and clover, as the case may be:tongue_smilie:). They also pitch in with the vegetable garden. And then there are the flower beds...It's time-consuming, no question! Spending so much time on it really isn't my ideal, but at this point in life, I'm home anyway, what with the farm and boys. Later in life maybe I can downsize! Edited by Colleen
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