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Movie "Arranged"

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I watched this last night as an instant watch from netflix and really enjoyed it. I live in a cultural desert and so I enjoy the insight to other beliefs and their walk in it. I thought both actresses were well cast. Just a heads up to an enjoyable movie and please let me know if there are similar types of movies. They have to be light enough so that I can fall asleep when they are over.


Also I was wondering if this movie is reality or if something was portrayed inaccurately because I have no clue.

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I have this movie in my queue but I haven't watched it yet. I'm glad to hear a good review. :)


There's another great movie I can recommend that's available for instant watching. It's an Iranian movie called The Color of Paradise.


For rental I loved Rabbit Proof Fence (Australian), Children of Heaven (Iranian), The Road Home (Chinese) and Mostly Martha (German). I really enjoy watching foreign films and getting a glimpse at another way of life. These are all rated PG or G also. Except for Rabbit Proof Fence these are all in their language of origin with English subtitles. While I thought having to read the subtitles might bug me I found hearing the different languages so enjoyable that I don't mind.

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I enjoyed it, too. I found about it from a review on another board, and altogether it got positive reviews, though apparently some of the characters came across as a bit stereotyped (not the main protagonists, though).

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I'm watching it right now...and let me say that I can so related to the comments these two young women are getting from that one lady...ugh! Some people just. don't. get. it. Those of us that dress a certain way, cover our heads, look for spouses in a certain way, etc. do so because we CHOOSE to. We have our reasons. If the liberation movement was about being okay with people's choices, then why can't they be okay with OUR choices?!

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though apparently some of the characters came across as a bit stereotyped (not the main protagonists, though).

I think Rochel's potential mates most of all, as well as the "Jewish mother" stereotype -- although I thought the Jewish family was more fleshed out and interesting/funny than the Muslim one, even if they were being goofy or whatever, they were more human. Nasira's family was praying and reading the Quran all the time, and not much of anything else, except the one dinnerproposal.


Rochel's family was loveable, even though it had its warts. Clearly her situation drove the plot, and the humor did include poking fun at the potential mates and the older ladies. I just don't think the target audience would laugh at weird potential Arab husbands, since most already think they are bad eggs, a la "Not Without My Daughter," so I'm not sure the humor would go quite so far.

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a la "Not Without My Daughter," so I'm not sure the humor would go quite so far.


Argh! They showed us that in high school. Scared the heck out of me, and made me really angry. That was the one and only reference to Muslims in my high school career, other than knowing some of the students were. Really encourages the Anglo students to develop a balanced view, huh?



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