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You guys living in Australia have such interesting animals

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We just got back from the zoo where I saw a Tawny Frogmouth. I've never heard of such a creature. It looked like an indignant lump with feathers. I am assuming since it was pearched in a tree it flies, but it didn't appear very aerodynamic.

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We just got back from the zoo where I saw a Tawny Frogmouth. I've never heard of such a creature. It looked like and indignant lump with feathers. I am assuming since it was pearched in a tree it flies, but it didn't appear very aerodynamic.


That is a real animal??? Looks photoshopped to me, I never would a guessed it. Off to quiz my Aussie buddy on this.

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My neighbor just had a friend from Australia visit the States for a month - she had never traveled to the US. I asked her if her friend enjoyed herself. Yes she did - but her favorite thing were the squirrels. She had never seen a squirrel before and thought they were fascinating little creatures!


So, I guess we may have some interesting animals here, too!

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My neighbor just had a friend from Australia visit the States for a month - she had never traveled to the US. I asked her if her friend enjoyed herself. Yes she did - but her favorite thing were the squirrels. She had never seen a squirrel before and thought they were fascinating little creatures!


So, I guess we may have some interesting animals here, too!


My MIL loves squirrels, too. :001_smile:

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I've seen the Tawny Frogmouth fly at a native animal zoo not far from us, it's actually VERY aerodynamic. I wonder if I have photos, I did get some good shots of some of the birds.


My neighbor just had a friend from Australia visit the States for a month - she had never traveled to the US. I asked her if her friend enjoyed herself. Yes she did - but her favorite thing were the squirrels. She had never seen a squirrel before and thought they were fascinating little creatures!


So, I guess we may have some interesting animals here, too!




Squirrels (are they the same thing?)

And other things too.

It seems to me that nature journalling would be more fun in a country where you have a sporting chance of spotting an actual live animal.


We go out and see ants and rabbits, the koalas are concentrated in certain areas and usually at the top of a very tall tree and kangaroos are fairly common but moving fast generally when I see them. I've never even clapped eyes on a snake (thankfully LOL)

I do love the birdlife here though, gorgeous parrots!!

Edited by keptwoman
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I've never even clapped eyes on a snake


Oh, well, any time you feel a need to remedy the situation feel free to come and visit us. Really... I love Western Australia but I object to having to teach my kids to stamp whenever they walk by the lake that is a few hundred metres from our house (fortunately down a steep hill) in order to alert the tiger snakes to their presence. Poisonous, you ask? Oh yes, deadly. I ask you, is this normal? Fortunately my boys so. Me, I still get the heebeejeebies :scared::willy_nilly::ack2:

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I love tawny frogmouths.

We have squirrels wild at Perth zoo. I think some escaped one day many years ago and they have lived there ever since.


I have just been for a walk down to the Swan River here, which is like a lake. I live 50 metres from a huge nature area, a bird sanctuary, about 6kms from the centre of the city. There are dolphins regularly. There is a pair of osprey that nest nearby. At this time of year, the black swans seem to congregate en masse- at least 50 at a time. And we have birds from as far away as Siberia come and breed here. I was just marvelling that I live with all the conveniences of a city yet there is so much beauty and protected natureland and wildlife.

I have never seen a snake near here, but plenty over the years. Actually, we have a pet Stimson Python who is just so gorgeous.

I know there is lots of beauty and wilderness in the U.S. too.

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I don't know if it's photoshopped, but the beak looks a little weird. Maybe that's the way they look in daylight, lol. I've only ever seen them at dusk when the shadows would be different. Better looking then, I think. Maybe that's why they come out at dusk, lol.


Yeah! I saw squirrels in Europe, but the white swans were even more cool :)



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Poisonous, you ask? Oh yes, deadly. I ask you, is this normal? Fortunately my boys so. Me, I still get the heebeejeebies :scared::willy_nilly::ack2:


Aren't taipans native to Australia?


Very funny about the squirrels. When we moved here from California, my dds were intrigued with the squirrels. The ones we had where we lived in CA were brown ground squirrels. My girls got to OK and were amazed squirrels climbed trees and were grey with bushy tails.

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Yes, I do believe taipans are native to Australia. Fortunately, they live wayyyyyyy inland which means I may never need to see one. I once read that Australia is home to the world's 10 most venomous snakes. Can't tell you what a pleasure that was...


My kids still get excited when they see squirrels at the zoo. :)

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Squirrels (are they the same thing?)


It seems to me that nature journalling would be more fun in a country where you have a sporting chance of spotting an actual live animal.

Chipmunks are ground-dwellers with thin scraggly tails, and stripes down their backs. Squirrels are tree-dwellers with bushy tails (see illustrations in your Beatrix Potter books) and mostly one color coats. Queen's Park in Toronto has the very rare black squirrel -- lots of 'em.


And yes, you're right, we do see a lot of animals anytime we look closely. I hadn't thought about it as being unusual. Thanks for the peek into another continent's perspective.

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And yes, you're right, we do see a lot of animals anytime we look closely. I hadn't thought about it as being unusual. Thanks for the peek into another continent's perspective.


I think it's that way about of a lot of things. When we moved to Ok I was amazed at all the beautiful redbud trees. Went back to visit my family in NC, where I grew up, and they were all over the place. Their blooms weren't quite as spectacular because people didn't use them as landscape trees, as they do here, but they are all over the woods in NC. I just never noticed them.


As for chipmunks and squirrels; chipmunks are cute and squirrels are a nuisance. But I think rabbits are cute and they are not loved in Australia, or at least they weren't. And I hate that deer are becoming a pest.

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Rabbits are most definitely a pest. They destroy a lot of productive land, and habitat for other animals.

Possums are here in what I feel to be pest proportions, but they are natives and protected. You aren't even allowed to rehome then very far if they are causing chaos in your garden.... and they do!! Coming from New Zealand, I'm used to shooting them and having to put up with their poo all over our driveway and paths here does not amuse me! They also like to hiss at you when you go outside at night. Bah humbug LOL

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