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Does everyone complete ALL of the Apologia science course (specifically Chemistry)?

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Hi, Everyone!


My 16 yo dd is soon returning from a 3 week missions trip to Guatemala redface.gif), BUT she still has Modules 14 - 16 to complete in her Apologia Chemistry course. I've always had my children complete ALL of their coursework, but I'd love to be able to consider "skipping" a module (or two) if it would still give her a solid Chemistry course. She is doing well, but she leans heavily toward a literature/composition student and plans to major in these areas (not a science area).


Have any of you skipped any of these Modules? If so, did you regret it at all?


Thanks SO much!


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Hi, Everyone!


My 16 yo dd is soon returning from a 3 week missions trip to Guatemala redface.gif), BUT she still has Modules 14 - 16 to complete in her Apologia Chemistry course. I've always had my children complete ALL of their coursework, but I'd love to be able to consider "skipping" a module (or two) if it would still give her a solid Chemistry course. She is doing well, but she leans heavily toward a literature/composition student and plans to major in these areas (not a science area).


Have any of you skipped any of these Modules? If so, did you regret it at all?


Thanks SO much!



Most textbooks include more than a school teacher will have time to teach; it is supposed that the teacher will pick and choose what he will use. Apologia is written, from what I understand, for homeschoolers in such a way that the basics were included and the "extra" was not. In other worlds, if you want to do the basics of Chemistry, you should do all of Apologia. The 3/4 rule does not apply here as it might with BJU or other classroom texts.


That doesn't mean you don't have the option to cut back...but I thought you'd like to know.



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I've had my dc do the entire text of the Apologia books until dd's Advanced Chemistry this year. I let her stop at the end of module 12. She has worked really hard on the material she's completed, but I felt I had to let the rest go for the benefit of her other, more needed/important, subjects. Her college major is PE.

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Most textbooks include more than a school teacher will have time to teach; it is supposed that the teacher will pick and choose what he will use. Apologia is written, from what I understand, for homeschoolers in such a way that the basics were included and the "extra" was not. In other worlds, if you want to do the basics of Chemistry, you should do all of Apologia. The 3/4 rule does not apply here as it might with BJU or other classroom texts.


That doesn't mean you don't have the option to cut back...but I thought you'd like to know.





We complete the entire text.


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To me... what's at the end of the book is just as important as what's at the beginning. We complete them all - even if some of it is done after school is officially over (for the state). If I recall correctly, the modules at the end of Chem are some of the easier ones, BUT I might not be recalling correctly...

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For Apologia or most books specifically made for homeschoolers, we complete it all unless there is something that I substitute for part. (I cut out a chapter on young earth ideas in one of the texts and added in more information about botany). A textbook meant to be used in a classroom usually has more chapters than can reasonably completed in a 180 day school year. However, there is nothing that says you need to test on those last chapters or complete them the same school year. We are often finishing up another course when late August comes around, depending on our previous year's schedule, illnesses, moves, etc.

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