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Books read wall chart ideas needed

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I love the bookshelf idea in that link!


I did a train once that went all around the room. A friend of mine did a tree and each book was a leaf on the tree. When I was teaching, some of the other ideas I saw were

-paperdolls holding hands going around the room.

-a flower garden with each petal the name of a book

-puzzle like pieces where the name of the book and author were with an illustration by a child about the book

- a large basket with fruits and veggies as the book titles. each month a new basket was added in a new color to represent that month.

-quilt blocks (real or paper) with colors representing genre (biographies were blue, etc)

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We did a bookworm one year to track our read alouds. I didn't have a template, but I used a kitchen glass to trace circle on brightly colored scrapbook paper. We decorated the first circle to look like a bug head. It was easy and cute.

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We did a bookworm one year to track our read alouds. I didn't have a template, but I used a kitchen glass to trace circle on brightly colored scrapbook paper. We decorated the first circle to look like a bug head. It was easy and cute.


Each child in the class had his/her own caterpillar made of circles stapled to the board. We added a circle each time we read a book, and it was fun to see how long our caterpillars became. I still remember this over 40 years later (I was a second-grader in 1967)!

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If you're not crafty, you can find several options at a teacher supply store in their bulletin board section. I got a 4 foot high tree or like this one and we wrote the name of the book on a leaf, bug, or apple and added that to the tree for every book my son or daughter read.


For another child, I got a http://www.teachersparadise.com/c/bookworm-bulletin-board-display-set-p-7605.html bulletin board set. Basically just a head and a bunch of circle segments that you write the name of the book on. I could cut out my own circles as suggested here, but the store one just looked so much nicer.


Being totally not crafty (!) and wanting it to look nice, I used the precut leaves, apples, bugs, etc. from the teacher supply store. (apples)



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The caterpillar or 'book worm' was a favorite here too. Both of my kids did this in elementary school. Another teacher did petals on flowers. Another did a night sky filled with stars on the ceiling of the classroom.



Anything you can break down into parts....




Kites in a sky with tails

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I really don't want to reinvent the wheel. I want to create some sort of wall chart that we add to for all the books the kids read throughout the school year- a castle or caterpillar or something else. Has anyone done this and any suggestions? Any templates out there?


We used caterpillars. I had a circle cutter so we cut a lot of colored paper into circles.......each of the kids drew a face and glued antenna on one circle....that "head" started in their bedroom and each time they read a book, they'd write the title, author and draw 1 to 5 smile faces (rating) and the circle would go onto the caterpillar. For books that we read together the head was in the hallway. It was very colorful and a lot of fun to see how quickly he grew. The original plan was to take it down each year and start over, but that never happened.....but after several years there wasn't much room left in the hall or their rooms to put more circles, lol. We finally took down all the circles and the kids chose their favorite books and we put a caterpillar circle around the very top of their bedroom wall and two of the kids have a trail going across their ceiling as well (because they had more favorites than would fit around the wall). It's a wonderfully colorful and fun way to remember our love of books. Even the eldest (she'll be a teen this week!) loves her colorful circles and doesn't want to remove it.


We used that poster putty stuff to put them on the wall so that there wouldn't be any damage to the paint. They do occasionally fall down but a hard press and they're back up again.

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