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How much would you pay someone to watch your dog...

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We are going out of the country for a week and are having a neighbor watch our toy fox terrier in her home while we are away. The neighbor will also be stopping by our home to feed our rabbit and outdoor cat. We have never left our pup and usually take her with us on vacation...she travelled with us for 5 weeks last year all over the western US. I have no idea how much it costs to board an animal. Our neighbor will not let us pay her but her college age daughter will be doing most of the work and I feel that we should pay her something.


What do you think this service would be worth?

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We pay 15.00 per night to kennel our dog now. Years ago when someone would come to our house we paid 15.00 for two dogs. They would bring in the paper and get the mail. They would come twice a day.


I would think min 15.00-20.00/day if they are caring for the dog in their home. I would also look for unique gift item for them while on your trip.

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The (homeschooling!) family who keeps our dogs when we're out of town charges $10 per dog per day. Their second son is in charge of the endeavor. (The eldest son raises pastured chickens for butcher) I love that their family encourages an entrepreneurial mindset in their children. [grin]

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Our dog-sitter stays in our house when we are away, so our 4 pups get pretty much round-the-clock care. She charges $25/day, but I usually tip her an extra day or two of pay on top of her normal charge, since I feel that she really goes above and beyond to be a great sitter. She even brings them a package of those yogurt-flavored treats when she comes!


If she were only popping in a couple of times a day to feed them and let them out, I would expect her daily rate to be less (say, around $15/day) and probably wouldn't tip. For one dog, I think $10/day would be just about right!



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What do you think this service would be worth?


One animal would cost you $15-$30 per night at a kennel.


Since she'll be taking care of your dog at her house (not just checking on him in your house), AND going to your house to feed your rabbit and cat, I would jump at the chance to pay her $125 for the week. If the neighbor won't let you pay her dd, perhaps you could give her a gift card, either a Visa-type card, or something else she could use/enjoy.

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I pay a wonderful woman to come into my house three times a day when I'm gone to let my dogs go potty/be fed/get attention etc.


Each visit is $15 -- so $45 a day.


Sounds like a lot, but we also think that it keeps the hoodlums from robbing the place. She showed up just moments after the dogs scared off the teens. The gates were open and swinging. And we live in an upscale neighborhood.


There's something good to be said for someone coming in and checking around each day.


Also -- and I think this is just human nature -- I think when someone is getting paid well for something, they do a better job (not everyone, obviously, but many).



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The going rate for pet sitters around here is $15 per visit for the one animal, more for other animals requiring significant individual attention (e.g. fish wouldn't count).

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We are going out of the country for a week and are having a neighbor watch our toy fox terrier in her home while we are away. The neighbor will also be stopping by our home to feed our rabbit and outdoor cat. We have never left our pup and usually take her with us on vacation...she travelled with us for 5 weeks last year all over the western US. I have no idea how much it costs to board an animal. Our neighbor will not let us pay her but her college age daughter will be doing most of the work and I feel that we should pay her something.


What do you think this service would be worth?


My dc (8 and 6) take care of our neighbor's cat while they are out of town. They feed it (2x/day), clean out litter box, get mail, and water plants. They get $25/each for a week.

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