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Limiting computer time

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Do you limit computer time during the summer? My dd got a laptop for her 8th grade graduation. It is mostly for schoolwork but she can go online and play games on it too. I have no problem with that. The problem is that she wants to be on it all the time. Of course she has to do chores, etc. first but after that I'm not sure how much I should be limiting it. Her brother keeps on begging her to go outside with him but she doesn't want to. I know that part of it is the fact that she is very tired from her insomnia but I also know that she wants to spend time on the computer. The first few weeks I gave her more lenience because she just got it but now I'm thinking about limiting the time she is on it. She is 14. Part of the problem is that her older sister also has a laptop but since she is almost 17 I don't think I should limit it as much. Her older sister is a lot busier with school activities and friends so I don't mind as much.

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Do you limit computer time during the summer? My dd got a laptop for her 8th grade graduation. It is mostly for schoolwork but she can go online and play games on it too. I have no problem with that. The problem is that she wants to be on it all the time. Of course she has to do chores, etc. first but after that I'm not sure how much I should be limiting it. Her brother keeps on begging her to go outside with him but she doesn't want to. I know that part of it is the fact that she is very tired from her insomnia but I also know that she wants to spend time on the computer. The first few weeks I gave her more lenience because she just got it but now I'm thinking about limiting the time she is on it. She is 14. Part of the problem is that her older sister also has a laptop but since she is almost 17 I don't think I should limit it as much. Her older sister is a lot busier with school activities and friends so I don't mind as much.

My two are younger but they get 1 hr a day of computer and it is broken up into 30 minute seg. I set the timer and am pretty strict with it.

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I DO believe younger children should have, if they don't do it themselves, limits on screen time. Had my kids tended towards overusing (by my standards) screens at 7 or 10 or whatever, I most certainly would have limited it. My mother allowed an hour per day and that seemed plenty reasonable to me.


But I think disciplining (guiding/teaching) also includes children, esp teens, learning SELF-discipline.


Generally, I think that about your daughter's age you should stop limiting it (or at least have the limits pretty broad). Children shouldn't be over-controlled and it's a lot safer for them to experiment with lazing and playing and such while at home. So many teens are clueless on self-control because parents control them til they leave home.


The problem, as I see it, is that your teen isn't choosing to do other things. Maybe instead of limiting the computer time, you can set parameters on other things that the day should include. You and she can do that together rather than you controlling that also :) As long as she holds up her end of the bargain.....

Edited by 2J5M9K
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I do think, though, that it's reasonable for her to unwind for a while. She has had quite a year, IIRC!


But I would definitely limit the specific screen activities--roleplaying games, blogging, facebook, etc. can end up pretty badly for a teen, and I would have very strict rules about those.

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I wish my mom would limit my screen time. The dishes need to come out of the dishwasher, the wet laundry needs to be hung out to dry, the playroom needs to be tidied, the livingroom and dining rooms need to be vacuumed....but my intention for the evening is to sit here on this board for 2 hours and then go to bed.


Egads. Limit your daughter's time. It's soooo hard to self-limit it. Give her a break by forcing her to get off the computer! I need someone to do that for me.

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I wish my mom would limit my screen time. The dishes need to come out of the dishwasher, the wet laundry needs to be hung out to dry, the playroom needs to be tidied, the livingroom and dining rooms need to be vacuumed....but my intention for the evening is to sit here on this board for 2 hours and then go to bed.


Egads. Limit your daughter's time. It's soooo hard to self-limit it. Give her a break by forcing her to get off the computer! I need someone to do that for me.



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If she is getting her chores done on time, I would not limit her. She will probably get bored and move on. If it starts interfering with her life and becoming too important. ie not wanting to play with friends, not during chores or being willing to stop wheh you need help with something , then I would limit it. Sometimes it is good to let them find their limits themselves.

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in the newest edition (and maybe others too - not sure).


She has a section on computer use and teaching children to use computers, but also warns about how computer use can affect a child's neurological development. It wasn't much - just a snippet and a few resources, but it reminded me that my job isn't just to make sure that my child spend this afternoon or this summer in a way that seems useful to me. My mind is to help my child train his brain.


If you think your daughter is missing out on more than an hour or so of running around outside, reading novels, baking cakes, learning new skills, studying a language, laughing with friends, swimming, etc, then it's a problem. I can tell you, I seriously doubt that hours on the computer, even during the day, is helping her sleep situation.

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I wish my mom would limit my screen time. The dishes need to come out of the dishwasher, the wet laundry needs to be hung out to dry, the playroom needs to be tidied, the livingroom and dining rooms need to be vacuumed....but my intention for the evening is to sit here on this board for 2 hours and then go to bed.


Egads. Limit your daughter's time. It's soooo hard to self-limit it. Give her a break by forcing her to get off the computer! I need someone to do that for me.


:iagree: Ouch! This is way too true here. I have never understood the appeal of the computer outside of paperwork and was forever giving my kids a bad time about being on for extended periods. Then I discovered this board.:blushing: I am fortunate the dc have not asked me to do extra chores for more board time. :lol: As for self-regulation, I wish that worked for my two youngest. It would be easier than keeping track of who has been on for how long. Dd seldom spends that much time with any electronics other than her MP3.

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I wish my mom would limit my screen time. The dishes need to come out of the dishwasher, the wet laundry needs to be hung out to dry, the playroom needs to be tidied, the livingroom and dining rooms need to be vacuumed....but my intention for the evening is to sit here on this board for 2 hours and then go to bed.


Egads. Limit your daughter's time. It's soooo hard to self-limit it. Give her a break by forcing her to get off the computer! I need someone to do that for me.


We sound a lot a like, lol. I need someone to limit my screen time for pete's sake.:lol::lol:

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My two hours are up. I'd stay on longer but DH came wandering into the room looking like a lost puppy asking if I ever plan on coming to bed and my eyes are so dry from reading all these posts that I can't see clearly anymore. And I've read all the threads I'm interested in on the first 4 pages of threads.


I'm soooo tired. I really do wish someone would just unplug this stupid computer, because as soon as I post this, I'm going to check the thread titles one last time to see if something new and interesting has been posted.


Help meeeeeeee!

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