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This is scary, but...

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I have a new website up and I need to work out some glitches. Would a few of you take a look?


Here's the link - www.ShadowArmies.com


This WON'T work on Internet Explorer -or rather, it will come up all tweaked. My IT guy (my son) is working on that already.


I'd love feedback on the feel and functionality of the site. Any typos, mistakes, broken links, etc. Can you figure out how to get to the beginning? Can you figure out how to email me?


Thanks, everyone! Ds has been working sooooo hard to make this work for me.

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Wow, I'm so excited to read this!


Once you click on the buttons on the bottom there is no "home" button. I love "about the author", the only thing I might suggest is breaking that part into a few paragraphs.


Love the picture, it almost appears to move.

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I checked it out. It was pretty good. I would move the "About the Author" to the top left. And maybe say something about how often there will be a new entry or something. I was a bit confused about what exactly the page was for. Are you going to do the whole book that way? Just some more info. So if someone just comes across your page they will still know what is going on.


ETA: I have Internet Explorer

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Well....there's a long-term plan that explains why I'm "giving it away".


1. Because I haven't found a traditional publisher yet and this story is going stale for me. I need to be done with it and move onto the next thing.


2. This is the first book in a series, and I feel hog-tied and unable to continue it until the first book is "out".


3. I believe the publishing dynamic is changing. Yes, we will still have lots of traditionally published books, but people are going to get their reading material in many different ways, including downloads for the Kindle, etc., and audiobooks. Within two weeks I'll be posting "podcast" versions of each chapter and in a month or two I will post downloadable versions of the complete book and the complete audiobook...for a fee.


4. I also believe that as the market gets flooded with self-published authors taking advantage of the Kindle, etc, (Amazon is already making this happen), that there is going to be room for "niche online publishers" like me - people who only put out quality stuff. Customers are going to get used to being able to download stories/novels instantly, but they're going to get sick of all the dreck. Meanwhile, I'll be amassing quality fiction. I'll become a destination.


5. (and maybe most important) I'm a control freak. And right now I am controlling every aspect of my novel. It's a beautiful thing.

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I didn't have time to read it all but I sure will be back to read it what ever is up. I glanced over some of it and it looked really good. I LOVE the Twilight series. Twilight got me reading again after several years and 2 kids. Now I get up at 6 a.m. just so I can read some without the kids interrupting LOL.


Way to go and I use Firefox by the way. Picture is very awesome and makes we want to read it all the more!




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