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experience w/Philosophy for Young Thinkers?


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Okay, mine arrived today and I've taken a preliminary drive through. I purchased Philosophy for Young Thinkers which is the foundation book, The Global Village (6th grade), and the Middle Grades Teacher's Manual.


Global Village looks like it will suit ds (11) well. It offers inquiries on topics such as "The United States Minorities Speak out", "Death By Violence", "Freedom of Expression", "Color Doesn't Count", "The Importance of Truthfulness", and "The Concept of Community".


Students read about a situation, investigate and apply what they learned. In this book, I think my only disappointment will be that it is 20 years old and some of the political situations no longer apply or will need to be adapted.


I let you know more after I finish reading everything. Also, my books look rather used after FedEx got done with them:tongue_smilie:


Triadofchaos, did you get your materials yet?

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I purchased it and will use it this fall for my 7th grader.

I have read it through, highlighted and sticky tabbed the pages pertaining to DS's program. We will be using the ideas on p.194. I also purchased Human Configurations from RFWP and am very pleased with it as well.

Both DS and I are looking forward to learning about philosophy.

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not yet. i should by next week. once i look over the 1st and 2nd grade materials, i'll post my thoughts about it.


in the meantime, we did check a book out of ht elibrary and begin discussing what philosophy is together. it's A Young Person's Guide to Philosophy and it's a DK book.


good to know there are a few pleased folks so far. thanks for sharing!

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It looks like it might be for a slightly younger age set (10 & up).




"Inspire animated discussions of questions that concern kids—and all of us—with this innovative, interactive book. Open your students' minds to the wonders of philosophy. Allow them to grapple with the questions philosophers have discussed since the ancient Greeks. Questions include: "Who are your friends?" "Can computers think?" "Can something logical not make sense?" "Can you think about nothing?" Young minds will find the range of 40 questions to be both entertaining and informative. If you have ever wondered about questions like these, you are well on the way to becoming a philosopher!"

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DH really likes the Philosophy for Kids book (he's a physicist, for whatever it's worth :)). It has short sections that answer a question (e.g. "Can computers think?") by applying the ideas of famous philosophers. I've only had a chance to glance through it, but a lot of the questions caught my eye and I kept thinking how fun it would be to discuss them.

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  • 5 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

To use this program, can you get by with just a student volume for a grade level (eg the Global Village), or do you need the Foundation Volume (that's the one actually called Philosophy for Young Thinkers) and/or the teacher's manual for the grades (there's one manual for every three grades)?


I don't want to spend money on things I don't have to, but I also don't want to miss out on something that's an integral part of the program! Anyone have an idea of which is which?

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  • 3 months later...

I've been looking closely at Drs. Hester and Vincent's Philosophy for Young Thinkers Program, from Royal Fireworks Press. I have been trying to put together a philosophy course. I'd like to go into metaphysics, ethics, logic, and touch on the philosophies of mind, language and religion, briefly. We would cover aesthetics during art history, probably.

I have started a list of books including Philosophy for Kids and The Examined Life, both by David A. White, and like the Story of Philosophy and Philosophy Made Simple (maybe too dry). I am attracted to two texts by Pojman and one by Perry, for in-depth backup information as my son expresses interest. There are also a large number of reference companions to studies of philosophy, in dictionary form, and my mind is rather boggled at the selections and their merits, just like when I try to compare the textbooks.


So, if anybody else is on this quest, or knows any of these books, would you please put in your comments, reviews, and opinions, please?


Many thanks,


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OH my!!!!!!!!!!!! I had no idea RFWP had so many other products! I'm intrigued by the Philosophy series.



Oh yeah!!!


This is why I was pushing so hard to get RFWP into homeschool conferences and not just MCT. There is so much that RFWP offers and MCTLA is just one part. Have you ever seen a full RFWP catalog? It is definitely worth getting a hard copy of the catalog and looking through it. I do, over and over.

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OH my!!!!!!!!!!!! I had no idea RFWP had so many other products! I'm intrigued by the Philosophy series.



Philosophy for Young Thinkers series http://www.rfwp.com/series44.htm

....a wonderful new science series: http://www.rfwp.com/series88.htm

and much more...some suggestions: http://www.rfwp.com/homeschooling-gifted-children.php


Rachel RFWP

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Philosophy Files by Stephen Law and Crimes Against Logic by Jamie Whyte.....


I believe RFWP's resource list is where I first saw Homeschool Diner....my very favorite reference for homeschooling advice and ideas. Look at this great list of entries of just philosophy resources:





I want to see pages and samples on stuff, before I plunk down my money, though. Most RFWP entries seem to have some but the Philosophy for YOung Thinkers does not. I can't find it sold anywhere else (haven't looked a huge bunch yet, in the middle of Beach Week negotiations with my 17 year old, and feel like I am flunking at contract law).....but, I love, love, love seeing table of contents, and a couple of pages or so of a book, first....it really makes a difference to me.


Dragonacademy: did you get to implement the philosophy materials you purchased this past fall? Can you review it if you did, please?


Thanks, LBS

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Dragonacademy: did you get to implement the philosophy materials you purchased this past fall? Can you review it if you did, please?


Thanks, LBS


The sections we finished we enjoyed immensely. Unfortunately, my work schedule didn't allow my the luxury to pursue much more than the basic subjects.


I am hoping to get back to them soon. DS and I just made the decision to school year round, due to my working, and we will begin adding in the fun stuff like philosophy in a couple of weeks.

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we are really enjoying the earliest levels. we've combined them with many of the book units from Teaching Children Philosophy and are really happy with adding philosophy to our program of studies even at a very young age. i think we will continue with Dr. Hester's materials and eventually add the materials i've been perusing in the Prufrock Press catalog as well. i anticipate that philosophy (& RFWP :D ) is going to be a part of our scope and sequence for a long time.

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Triad of Chaos and The Dragon Academy!


My guy is a little old for some of this, wish I'd seen Teaching Children Philosophy website years ago.


Whomever suggested getting a print catalog, thanks, I love real catalogs!


Anybody love Walch Education site, too?



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