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SOTW 1 AG - model Nile flood and other ?s


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Hi there,


We're using SOTW and last night, my kids and I were going through the activity guide together for the first time. We were *all* really intrigued by the ancient Egypt project where you build your own Nile and flood it once a week - has anyone tried this? Did it work?


While I'm on the topic - what projects out of the AG did people enjoy?




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We don't use SOTW but we did make a model of the Nile and flood it (mostly) once/week. We loved it!


Here's a tip: when we went to buy the grass seed we had to buy a really big bag that we didn't need. There was a lot of grass seed on the ground around the bags, though. We bought the soil we needed but then asked if we could just sweep up a couple of handfuls of seed. They were happy to oblige.

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While I'm on the topic - what projects out of the AG did people enjoy?



Oh my gosh, which didn't we enjoy? We made a ziggurat that was fun. We did the archeological dig. We did a lot of the easier ones, like make a laurel wreath crown out of construction paper and the game boards that you copy. We enjoyed a Roman lunch one day as a picnic outside. That was fun! We made a volcano and the Pharos lighthouse. We did a lot of things with clay like made Saturnalia gifts of clay animals and clay tablets of cunneiform. We made scrolls and painted our names in Hieroglyphics, and we did cave art paintings. We made the homemade greek stickers which were more like stamps. Those are some that stick out in my mind. I am so looking forward to vol. 2 coming up in the fall!

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Wow, thanks for all the replies everyone - we're really looking forward to SOTW. I'm so glad it exists as a resource, because PS sucked the life out of history for me. My kids, on the other hand, are excited about starting it. (I'm pulling everyone out of school this year to begin HSing).


Case in point: my oldest is so starved for history of any kind that when I took the SOTW books out of the library to review them, she stole them out of my library bag and read them herself. And then asked if we could start projects, maybe Egypt, she could go get the stuff, and she wouldn't even bother me, she'd just do them herself, and....


What is it about schools that just sucks the life out of learning for kids? (You don't have to answer that, actually; this forum clearly defines the antidote.)




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We did ours like that too in our sandbox. The girls each had a paper drawing of it with the quadrants on it, to draw in where they found things. I think starting with that made history their favorite subject from the beginning.


I almost forgot their most recent masterpiece which is our model of a Roman road. They love showing it to everyone that comes in. It did turn out very nicely.

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